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Meet Iran's suicide UAV with 2000km range

Just because someone does not have the capacity to understand how something is done, it does not mean it is absurd. Moreover, we have posted the background information regarding these systems and their long range dozens of time here already, but it would appear expecting people to read is overestimating their capabilities.
Ok if you say so
" Be nice to Iran".
I couldnt have put it any better myself......
Sadly tho,one still gets the impression that even after 40 years the west still hopes that if it can just play for enough time and produce enough pressure then ultimately it will be able to deal with the iran that it wants,rather than the iran that currently is.
I am sorry Indians I thought you guys were the most delusional and brain washed people but these Iranians are another level.

The definition of delusion is: "characterised by or holding idiosyncratic beliefs or impressions that are contradicted by reality or rational argument"

Given I have demonstrated your comments in this thread have no basis on science/reality, it would ironically follow that you meet the criterion for that definition. If it were otherwise, instead of these projections, you would have provided the spectators here with the relevant scientific data, you have had almost 5 days to do so now. Surprising? of course not. You do not understand the very rudiments of aerodynamics.
The definition of delusion is: "characterised by or holding idiosyncratic beliefs or impressions that are contradicted by reality or rational argument"

Given I have demonstrated your comments in this thread have no basis on science/reality, it would ironically follow that you meet the criterion for that definition. If it were otherwise, instead of these projections, you would have provided the spectators here with the relevant scientific data, you have had almost 5 days to do so now. Surprising? of course not. You do not understand the very rudiments of aerodynamics.

You are nothing less then a delusional, and a pathological liar who defies the laws of physics just to please his fellow brain washed Iranians.

Just for clarification.... Iran does not have the capability to design and develop sophisticated weapons and instead has to rely on 1960s-70s American weaponries and Chinese and Russian transfer of technologies.

The drones that you are bragging about are nothing less then propaganda tools which are nothing less then dirty drones in a sense that its basically hobby grade technology with some packed explosives. And there is no way that junk with such small wings and unproven engine technology will propel that thing even 100 km away. Just because your propaganda regime is claiming that they have developed a drone with 2000 km range means no JACK S****! If that was the case then this would have been a hot topic all over world defence community since the only suicided drone in inventory is IAI harpy with 500 km.
You are nothing less then a delusional, and a pathological liar who defies the laws of physics just to please his fellow brain washed Iranians.

Logic 101: The proof for a statement is not the statement itself. This is the most basic form of logical fallacies.

1- You made the claim: "Your claim defies the laws of physics"
2- I ask you for proof of this, i.e science of aerodynamics
3- You reply with repeating your same statement

This is called begging the question. In other words, you have provided zero independent data to support any of your claims.

Just for clarification.... Iran does not have the capability to design and develop sophisticated weapons and instead has to rely on 1960s-70s American weaponries and Chinese and Russian transfer of technologies.

So you're now trying to shift the argument from:

1- It cannot be done
2- Iran cannot do it

At least pick one argument and stick with it, you would face less humiliation that way.

As for Iran cannot produce sophisticated weapons, it's own adversaries are claiming otherwise. Here is an article from the Americans on Iranian UAVs:

Iran is becoming a drone superpower

The drones that you are bragging about are nothing less then propaganda tools which are nothing less then dirty drones in a sense that its basically hobby grade technology with some packed explosives.

So explain how would "propaganda tools" have achieved military success in the real world?


And there is no way that junk with such small wings and unproven engine technology will propel that thing even 100 km away.

And your evidence for this claim is non-existent i.e your own personal laws of aerodynamics. I have debunked your claim using sourced material probably a dozen time already.

Just because your propaganda regime is claiming that they have developed a drone with 2000 km range means no JACK S****! If that was the case then this would have been a hot topic all over world defence community since the only suicided drone in inventory is IAI harpy with 500 km.

I believe this is 12th time you're repeating this debunked claim. The range is not the issue, it is mission requirement that creates differences. If the Israel, Americans wanted, they have such suicide UAVs with ease.

Understand this simple notion:

Just because the Americans/Israel have not decided to produce a dedicated suicide UAV with this range, it does not mean it cannot be done. Turning a UAV into a suicide asset merely means creating a one way system.
The large aspect ratio of the surveillance UAVs have little to do with their range, it is because surveillance nature of those UAVs are better suited with such a thing. Long aspect ratio have lower induced drag and are better suited at high altitude, this is because induced drag is higher at higher altitudes where these surveillance UAVs spend most of their time. This is basic aerodynamics:

There are other benfits of having low vs high aspect ratio. Check below article for more details:

You are talking as if a large aspect ratio is a requirement for UAVs to have longer ranges. This is devoid of aerodynamic sense.

The issue is you apparently know much about physics in general. There is absolutely nothing that states such UAVs require refuelling. Most of these UAVs fly for many hours without any refuelling. Even small UAVs can travel for 2500km if needed, check ScanEagle.

You can ask the Saudis regarding the potency of these systems.
Moreover, the point regarding how it long it takes to get there is moot. If we consider a pre-programmed UAV, these will be used to target static targets. I don't think something like an oil facility will be going anywhere in that time. Regarding the issue of detection, these low flying UAVs are inherently difficult to detect.
The real challenge in range of UAV is communication. The only way to communicate UAVs at long ranges is satellite as secured two way high bandwidth communication can only be done via satellite.

Without two way data link its not a UAV but a missile
The real challenge in range of UAV is communication. The only way to communicate UAVs at long ranges is satellite as secured two way high bandwidth communication can only be done via satellite.

Without two way data link its not a UAV but a missile

Also relay drones, relay stations and OTH/BLOS communications.
Also relay drones, relay stations and OTH/BLOS communications.
Range is always relative. If a relay drone can communicate upto 300 km than i would consider 300 km as max range.

For example with air to air refuelling theoraticaly jf17 has unlimited range. However for quoting range air refuelling cannot be accounted for
The real challenge in range of UAV is communication. The only way to communicate UAVs at long ranges is satellite as secured two way high bandwidth communication can only be done via satellite.

Without two way data link its not a UAV but a missile

We should not get bogged down on semantics. If you want to get technical, then a cruise missile technically is an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). A missile is generally regarded as a system that is a propelled by a jet engine or rocket engine. Now we use these terms as general terms to refer to systems, very rarely are they black and white definitions. This Arash system is a pre-programmed UAV. If someone wants to refer to it as a propeller driven missile but that's not breaking anything logical law but this is not a description you'll widely see.
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The real challenge in range of UAV is communication. The only way to communicate UAVs at long ranges is satellite as secured two way high bandwidth communication can only be done via satellite.

Without two way data link its not a UAV but a missile

Matters very little as long as that hit what it was intended to hit and hit with a bang!
Any idea what Madjeed air-to-air missile is? They said two missiles are planned for Karrar: Azarakhsh and Madjeed!
I am sorry Indians I thought you guys were the most delusional and brain washed people but these Iranians are another level.
wonder why its strange for you that this suicide UAV have such range but the range of Popeye which is increased from 100km to over 1500km in just over 1 year is so natural and acceptable to you .
I taught "yes Sahib, Ok Sahib" mentality is only prevalent in some area in India , didn't knew it also can be found in Pakistan
Just for clarification.... Iran does not have the capability to design and develop sophisticated weapons and instead has to rely on 1960s-70s American weaponries and Chinese and Russian transfer of technologies.
compare 3rd of Khordad Specification with BUK-M2 and then say that
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