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Meet Iran's suicide UAV with 2000km range

Thanks bro, but remember Saudi is using PAC-2 for defending their oil refineries which is not intended for intercept Cruise Missiles and UAVs

The problem is, they did not even detect or try to engage the targets. PAC-2 is claimed to be able to be used against cruise missiles and UAVs:

Screen Shot 2021-01-09 at 20.11.51.png

Here is the scenario, these UAV temporarily wiped out 50% of Abqaiq capacity, and bare in mind these were a small scale attack. The Patriot cost per missile is lets say 1 million per missile (some say more), compared to to the damage caused, it would be cost effective to down the UAVs. However no such thing occurred, meaning they simply would not even detect them. Not a single UAV was downed.

Just imagine what would happen if instead of few dozen UAVs, they had to deal with a few hundred. This is why ingenuity always trumps hardware in the hand of the inept. These people have spent 100's of billions and yet could not protect one of their most important facilities from a dozen or so UAVs. Now they will try to play catch up, but they will get there because their adversary i.e Iran is always many steps ahead in terms of ingenuity.
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A Ballistic/Cruise missile also has oneway trip. A ground launched cruise missile has 2500Km range.

Not sure the point you are trying to make here
A suicide UAV is nothing more than a more maneuverable CM with imaging.

So if a cruise missile can go 2000KM than a suicide UAV can do the same especially considering CMs usually carry 500kg warheads while this suicide UAV will carry much less thus ex
Speaking of accuracy without US GPS:

View attachment 705212

Kindly see the Iranian UAV thread for the first ever Drones with AA missile, long range bomber UAVs, etc.

Kindly remember, who initially invented UCAVs.

You are teaching Pierre Currie what Radium is.
That is hybrid guidance with optical acquisition in final stage. The ones in the pictures don't have optics.
As I said these are modified target drones good for overwhelming air defences. Iran has better cruise missiles which are a different thing.
That is hybrid guidance with optical acquisition in final stage. The ones in the pictures don't have optics.
As I said these are modified target drones good for overwhelming air defences. Iran has better cruise missiles which are a different thing.

These UAVs are pre-programmed like cruise missiles, terminal optic guidance is not necessary. However, other versions also exist. These systems have their own advantages relative to cruise missiles, it's not a mater of which is better. All of these systems have own role to play.
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That is hybrid guidance with optical acquisition in final stage. The ones in the pictures don't have optics.
As I said these are modified target drones good for overwhelming air defences. Iran has better cruise missiles which are a different thing.

Modes of guidance:
- inertia, known to be poor but Iran is very good at it.
- AI, image processing of the aerial data
- Terminal or EVEN non-terminal IR guidance
- etc
Some of these uavs are blurring the lines with cruise missiles, ssm, & sams. Consider if the Arash uav is pre programmed, or a HARM variant then once launched, it would be somewhere in altitude between a cruise missile and ballistic missile.
In a coordinated attack, IRGCASF and Artesh can launch a barrage of cruise missiles, ballistic missiles, and various drones in EW, HARM, possible wild weasel, and overall demolition of a target. Of course I always do wonder how resilient they are in EW in the event of war. Seems the pre programmed roles are the most reliable in terms of resisting EW.
I am pleasantly surprised that artesh has come up with very some very good equipment that can coordinate with IRGC and carry out attacks encompassing almost all altitudes.
Since the 80's Iran has been one of pioneers in UAV technology. During the recent days in a large scale drill, we have seen many new UAVs ranging from helicopter launched UAVs to micro swarm UAVs. One of the most important of these UAVs which has been successfully tested is the "Arash" suicide UAV with a range of over 2000km, with some variants even going up to 4000km. Arash is able to be programmed and work without the use of satellite navigation i.e GPS and is protected against e-warfare. Some variants are equipped with seekers to be used as an anti-radiation system i.e against enemy radars. Other important aspects to this UAV is the application of Radar absorbing coating to reduce RCS.

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What makes such systems extremely deadly is the capability they deliver for their relatively low price as compared with something like a cruise missile. Moreover, these systems can be produced relatively easily in the 1000's. Presumably Iran would be willing to export these to friendly nations, if so, they would be a nightmare for an opposing side.
How it is being done ? Do they have global satellite network that can securely communicate with UAV at distance if 2000 kms ?
Some of these uavs are blurring the lines with cruise missiles, ssm, & sams. Consider if the Arash uav is pre programmed, or a HARM variant then once launched, it would be somewhere in altitude between a cruise missile and ballistic missile.
In a coordinated attack, IRGCASF and Artesh can launch a barrage of cruise missiles, ballistic missiles, and various drones in EW, HARM, possible wild weasel, and overall demolition of a target. Of course I always do wonder how resilient they are in EW in the event of war. Seems the pre programmed roles are the most reliable in terms of resisting EW.
I am pleasantly surprised that artesh has come up with very some very good equipment that can coordinate with IRGC and carry out attacks encompassing almost all altitudes.

Well put. In case of a conflict, these UAVs (thousands of them) will be used simultaneously with SSBMs, cruise missiles etc. Minus China and US, there is no other nation that comes even close to fielding this level of suicide UAVs as Iran. Even by themselves, these systems are a nightmare. Like I talked about earlier, you saw what a dozens UAVs did to the Saudis.
How it is being done ? Do they have global satellite network that can securely communicate with UAV at distance if 2000 kms ?

They're pre-programmed. Some also have optical sensors to use in terminal phase if needed. There are also some version used as anti-radiation UAV. However generally speaking, these very long range ones are pre-programmed like cruise missiles.
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Some of these uavs are blurring the lines with cruise missiles, ssm, & sams. Consider if the Arash uav is pre programmed, or a HARM variant then once launched, it would be somewhere in altitude between a cruise missile and ballistic missile.
In a coordinated attack, IRGCASF and Artesh can launch a barrage of cruise missiles, ballistic missiles, and various drones in EW, HARM, possible wild weasel, and overall demolition of a target. Of course I always do wonder how resilient they are in EW in the event of war. Seems the pre programmed roles are the most reliable in terms of resisting EW.
I am pleasantly surprised that artesh has come up with very some very good equipment that can coordinate with IRGC and carry out attacks encompassing almost all altitudes.

Some of these uavs are blurring the lines with cruise missiles, ssm, & sams. Consider if the Arash uav is pre programmed, or a HARM variant then once launched, it would be somewhere in altitude between a cruise missile and ballistic missile.
In a coordinated attack, IRGCASF and Artesh can launch a barrage of cruise missiles, ballistic missiles, and various drones in EW, HARM, possible wild weasel, and overall demolition of a target. Of course I always do wonder how resilient they are in EW in the event of war. Seems the pre programmed roles are the most reliable in terms of resisting EW.
I am pleasantly surprised that artesh has come up with very some very good equipment that can coordinate with IRGC and carry out attacks encompassing almost all altitudes.

How it is being done ? Do they have global satellite network that can securely communicate with UAV at distance if 2000 kms ?
There is a relay drone whose picture has been seen floating around occasionally pops up. That drone can only operate in friendly skies and has to be EW resistant in the event of a war, like all the other assets. I think the relay drones might have been used when the there was live monitoring of some of the previous IRGC missile strikes in Syria and Iraq.
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Modes of guidance:
- inertia, known to be poor but Iran is very good at it.
- AI, image processing of the aerial data
- Terminal or EVEN non-terminal IR guidance
- etc

Millimeter wave mono pulse radar for terminal guidance in missiles is another method. Not sure if Iran has ever used it, but Russian and Chinese missiles do use it.
The problem is, they did not even detect or try to engage the targets. PAC-2 is claimed to be able to be used against cruise missiles and UAVs:

View attachment 705337

Here is the scenario, these UAV temporarily wiped out 50% of Abqaiq capacity, and bare in mind these were a small scale attack. The Patriot cost per missile is lets say 1 million per missile (some say more), compared to to the damage caused, it would be cost effective to down the UAVs. However no such thing occurred, meaning they simply would not even detect them. Not a single UAV was downed.

Just imagine what would happen if instead of few dozen UAVs, they had to deal with a few hundred. This is why ingenuity always trumps hardware in the hand of the inept. These people have spent 100's of billions and yet could not protect one of their most important facilities from a dozen or so UAVs. Now they will try to play catch up, but they will get there because their adversary i.e Iran is always many steps ahead in terms of ingenuity.
This is PAC-3 specification not PAC-2 specification, PAC-2 AESA has no algorithms to detect UAV/Cruise Missiles
I am still waiting for you to explain why a propeller powered UAV requires "large wings" to travel long distances. It safe to say you do not understand the science behind these topics. What you're seeing in Arash UAV vs something like a predator UAV in terms of wing size is something called Aspect Ratio.

View attachment 705310

Arash has a relatively low aspect ratio and predator UAV have long aspect ratio. Both have their own benefits such as lower induced drag vs parasitic drag. Induced drag is higher at low speed and higher altitude.

A system like Arash will not be flying at higher altitude, certain not during most of its all flight path. Another advantage of using a high aspect ratio is to help create a STOL, however this does not apply to Arash given it utilises assisted launching, i.e it does not require runways.

With regards to the speed, low aspect ratio in Arash are useful given it is relatively slower:

Link to article:

Another factor to note is something called wing loading. This is a component of wing size and weight, Arash suicide UAV similar to cruise missiles have large wing loading, again this has its own benefits. Note in this case, speed is not part of the calculation.

Given the design requirement of Arash, i.e use as a suicide UAV which spends most of its time flying at lower altitude and lower speeds, it is a matter of aerodynamic illiteracy to claim it should use "larger wings". What aspect ratio you use depends on many factors such as mission design, practical needs such as storing UAVs in launch containers i.e compactness, shape of the UAV etc. Thus you cannot refute the range of a system solely by looking at the wing size. To summarise, do yourself a favour and do not talk about matters beyond your understanding.

What is so astonishing is your lack of common sense.

This hobby grade Arash is just garbage in real battle field. unless your drone is powered by a nuclear reactor their is no way on earth such drone with tiny @ss wings and no more then 100 cc powered motor is going any further then 100 km.
If it was that simple then IAI would have extended their Harop to 1000km easily. Unless you want to claim Iran has better drone technology then Israel.
What is so astonishing is your lack of common sense.

This hobby grade Arash is just garbage in real battle field. unless your drone is powered by a nuclear reactor their is no way on earth such drone with tiny @ss wings and no more then 100 cc powered motor is going any further then 100 km.
If it was that simple then IAI would have extended their Harop to 1000km easily. Unless you want to claim Iran has better drone technology then Israel.
Behave our indigenous piston engine UAV Uqab has range of more than 300 km
What is so astonishing is your lack of common sense.

This hobby grade Arash is just garbage in real battle field. unless your drone is powered by a nuclear reactor their is no way on earth such drone with tiny @ss wings and no more then 100 cc powered motor is going any further then 100 km.
If it was that simple then IAI would have extended their Harop to 1000km easily. Unless you want to claim Iran has better drone technology then Israel.
stop acting like an immature, and our one more piston engine UAV has range of 1500 km
SATUMA Jasoos - Wikipedia
so telling Iranian that piston engine UAV can't go beyond 100 Km is just ridiculous and stupid
stop acting like an immature, and our one more piston engine UAV has range of 1500 km
SATUMA Jasoos - Wikipedia
so telling Iranian that piston engine UAV can't go beyond 100 Km is just ridiculous and stupid

little 6 year old girl.... go and read what I wrote....
I said drones with small wings will have low range thats why all drones with long range have LONG wings and not short wings.
next time use your brain.

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