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Meet Iran's suicide UAV with 2000km range

Hey, its mullah approved so it must be true.

You seem overly spiteful. Sorry to disappoint, but Iranian UAVs have showed the capability in practise already multiple times and no-one doubts Iran's prowess in this sector. You can ask your friends in Saudi Arabia to confirm:


And these UAVs involved in above attack were of lower capability and still flew 100's of KMs undetected to perform these attacks with such level of accuracy.

It's safe to say you have little notion of reality and are instead fuelled by covetous resentment. Grow up.
Stop embarrassing yourself. What do wings have to do with range of this UAV? When was the last time you saw a cruise missile? And this suicide UAV travels far slower than a cruise missiles.

What? that doesnt make any sense. Cruise missiles also travel at low levels. Please look at an image of a long range Cruise missiles.

Cruise missile engine with 2000+ km range have enough power to propel 10 of these hobby drones and 1-2 Qaher313.
Also, cruise missiles can achieve low level flight and long range is only because of high speed 800+ plus.

Cruise missile engine with 2000+ km range have enough power to propel 10 of these hobby drones and 1-2 Qaher313.
Also, cruise missiles can achieve low level flight and long range is only because of high speed 800+ plus.

800+? Most cruise missiles are clocked at 400-500kmph max. Many drones have ranges of 2000+km yet fly at 200kmph.
800+? Most cruise missiles are clocked at 400-500kmph max. Many drones have ranges of 2000+km yet fly at 200kmph.

Show me one drone that has a range of 1000+ fly at low level has tiny wings and flys at 200kmph speed.

All long range drones with 200km speed have LOOOOONGGGGGG wings.
You got autism or what? Every post looks a 10 year old arguing about his daddy bigger than the other kid’s daddy.
Hey , I didnt know Zac efforn or whoever the hell thats on ur profile pic was from Lanka. Lanka is irrelevant. So irrelavant that it has no global implications. It has no foreign issues to discuss other than the sale of coconuts. So what do u do around here anyway ?

Even Bangladesh looks like Migty Rome compared to Lanka. Lanka is probably on top of the list of countries with no global influence or relevance. thats why u have no topics to discuss here. You come here and look at wat others are talking about and then u drop on or two of ur unintelligent and Irrational comments.

Talking about dropping comments on people's discussions that has nothing to do with Lanka, look at the guy's reaction on ur profile picture. It looks like he is constipating because of getting too much into other peoples conversations. MInd ur own Affairs MR. Zac Effron or Justin Bieber or whoever u are. Oooops sorry , You Lankans have no affairs or relevance. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA :D:D :P :P :P

Hey , I didnt know Zac efforn or whoever the hell thats on ur profile pic was from Lanka. Lanka is irrelevant. So irrelavant that it has no global implications. It has no foreign issues to discuss other than the sale of coconuts. So what do u do around here anyway ?

Even Bangladesh looks like Migty Rome compared to Lanka. Lanka is probably on top of the list of countries with no global influence or relevance. thats why u have no topics to discuss here. You come here and look at wat others are talking about and then u drop on or two of ur unintelligent and Irrational comments.

Talking about dropping comments on people's discussions that has nothing to do with Lanka, look at the guy's reaction on ur profile picture. It looks like he is constipating because of getting too much into other peoples conversations. MInd ur own Affairs MR. Zac Effron or Justin Bieber or whoever u are. Oooops sorry , You Lankans have no affairs or relevance. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA :D:D :P :P :P
didn't even read this trash of a post from a mentally ill bangladeshi role playing iranian. lol

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Show me one drone that has a range of 1000+ fly at low level has tiny wings and flys at 200kmph speed.

All long range drones with 200km speed have LOOOOONGGGGGG wings.

I am still waiting for you to explain why a propeller powered UAV requires "large wings" to travel long distances. It safe to say you do not understand the science behind these topics. What you're seeing in Arash UAV vs something like a predator UAV in terms of wing size is something called Aspect Ratio.


Arash has a relatively low aspect ratio and predator UAV have long aspect ratio. Both have their own benefits such as lower induced drag vs parasitic drag. Induced drag is higher at low speed and higher altitude.

Induced drag is most significant at low speeds and high altitudes

A system like Arash will not be flying at higher altitude, certain not during most of its all flight path. Another advantage of using a high aspect ratio is to help create a STOL, however this does not apply to Arash given it utilises assisted launching, i.e it does not require runways.

With regards to the speed, low aspect ratio in Arash are useful given it is relatively slower:

Low aspect ratio: the design
  1. more useful internal volume​
  2. can fly slow

Link to article:

Another factor to note is something called wing loading. This is a component of wing size and weight, Arash suicide UAV similar to cruise missiles have large wing loading, again this has its own benefits. Note in this case, speed is not part of the calculation.

Given the design requirement of Arash, i.e use as a suicide UAV which spends most of its time flying at lower altitude and lower speeds, it is a matter of aerodynamic illiteracy to claim it should use "larger wings". What aspect ratio you use depends on many factors such as mission design, practical needs such as storing UAVs in launch containers i.e compactness, shape of the UAV etc. Thus you cannot refute the range of a system solely by looking at the wing size. To summarise, do yourself a favour and do not talk about matters beyond your understanding.
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didn't even read this trash of a post from a mentally ill bangladeshi role playing iranian. lol
Look who's talking? Im roleplaying as Iranian? Do u know who ur roleplaying as? ZAC EFFRON. HAHAHAHAHAHAA :lol::lol::lol:

You are roleplaying as FREAKING Zac Effron on PDF. LMAO. HAHAHAHAHAWe all know u read that post. You dont wanna get crushed any further by me, thats why u said u didnt read it. If u wanna come at me with ur nonsense then i will put an alphabetical beatdown on you so bad, that the Zac Effron on ur profile picture is gunna be replaced by ARIANNA GRANDE. :sniper::sniper::sniper::sniper::sniper:
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It depends on the efficiency of the microjet they use, however given the large ranges we have been hearing from 2000-4000km, these are piston powered systems. Here you're sacrificing speed for range. Also, keep in mind that piston powered systems would be easier and cheaper to produce. These systems can be produced in very large numbers.
Does these UAVs have some kind of radar altimeter or TERCOM like system to avoid radar detection just like anti ship missiles or Cruise Missiles??? and if piston engine one have more range and sacrificing speed over range that most probably these will be intercepted by enemy SAMs/ MANPADS and CIWS
I am still waiting for you to explain why a propeller powered UAV requires "large wings" to travel long distances. It safe to say you do not understand the science behind these topics. What you're seeing in Arash UAV vs something like a predator UAV in terms of wing size is something called Aspect Ratio.

View attachment 705310

Arash has a relatively low aspect ratio and predator UAV have long aspect ratio. Both have their own benefits such as lower inducted drag vs parasitic drag. Inducted drag is higher at low speed and higher altitude.

A system like Arash will not be flying at higher altitude, certain not during most of its all flight path. Another advantage of using a high aspect ratio is to help create a STOL, however this does not apply to Arash given it utilises assisted launching, i.e it does not require runways.

With regards to the speed, low aspect ratio in Arash are useful given it is relatively slower:

Link to article:

Another factor to note is something called wing loading. This is a component of wing size and weight, Arash suicide UAV similar to cruise missiles have large wing loading, again this has its own benefits. Note in this cause, speed is not part of the calculation.

Given the design requirement of Arash, i.e use as a suicide UAV which spends most of its time flying at lower altitude and lower speeds, it is a matter of aerodynamic illiteracy to claim it should use "larger wings". What aspect ratio you use depends on many factors such as mission design, practical needs such as storing UAVs in launch containers i.e compactness, shape of the systems etc. Therefore you cannot determine what the range of a system solely by looking at the wing size. Thus, do yourself a favour and do not talk about matters beyond your understanding.

I was talking to some other Iranian military enthusiasts about the total number of drones Iran has produced thus far, with respect to Karrar and other platforms and according to one individual, he thinks that Iran only has ~100 Karrar drones (of various makes and types) and the suicide/loitering munition drones we see like the Ababil and Kian are also very low in count (for now). Idk what exactly led him to say such things but I can't help to ask what your guy's opinion on the matter is?

Much like total ballistic-missile count, we don't know how many 'drones' Iran has produced and fielded thus far but I personally feel it would have be somewhere near 1000 (for total inventory, all makes and types) or in the 100s at least.

The Kian loitering drone and Ababil loitering drones look very promising though, especially the Kian. Possibly in the future we'll see Iran launch the Kian from larger multiple canister platforms.
Does these UAVs have some kind of radar altimeter or TERCOM like system to avoid radar detection just like anti ship missiles or Cruise Missiles??? and if piston engine one have more range and sacrificing speed over range that most probably these will be intercepted by enemy SAMs/ MANPADS and CIWS

TERCOM is a likely possibility given this UAV can be used to attack its targets at long ranges without the need for satellite navigation. But as alluded to before, there is not just one type of them, there are multiple types with varying seekers etc.

In terms of the speed, bare in mind these systems are inherently difficult to detect. Look at how the Saudi oil fields were targeted with dozens of UAVs and not a single one was shot down. This is not to say they are immune to being detected and shot down, of course not. When you consider just how cheap these systems are then the capability they deliver is incredible. You can produce 1000's of these easily, just imagine how much resources the enemy needs to spend to deal with these. Each of these UAV probably cost at most 50-100k and I am probably overpricing. They enemy needs to spend missile each costing millions to deal with them. Manpads and CIWS are much less likely to be effective given how situational it would be. Iran said it quite clearly it self when an official said a few days ago " Once these UAVs are launched towards the enemy, either they will have to spend million dollar systems to down them (assuming they even detect it) or the target will be hit and the result will be far more expensive".
TERCOM is a likely possibility given this UAV can be used to attack its targets at long ranges without the need for satellite navigation. But as alluded to before, there is not just one type of them, there are multiple types with varying seekers etc.

In terms of the speed, bare in mind these systems are inherently difficult to detect. Look at how the Saudi oil fields were targeted with dozens of UAVs and not a single one was shot down. This is not to say they are immune to being detected and shot down, of course not. When you consider just how cheap these systems are then the capability they deliver is incredible. You can produce 1000's of these easily, just imagine how much resources the enemy needs to spend to deal with these. Each of these UAV probably cost at most 50-100k and I am probably overpricing. They enemy needs to spend missile each costing millions to deal with them. Manpads and CIWS are much less likely to be effective given how situational it would be. Iran said it quite clearly it self when an official said a few days ago " Once these UAVs are launched towards the enemy, either they will have to spend million dollar systems to down them (assuming they even detect it) or the target will be hit and the result will be far more expensive".
Thanks bro, but remember Saudi is using PAC-2 for defending their oil refineries which is not intended for intercept Cruise Missiles and UAVs
I was talking to some other Iranian military enthusiasts about the total number of drones Iran has produced thus far, with respect to Karrar and other platforms and according to one individual, he thinks that Iran only has ~100 Karrar drones (of various makes and types) and the suicide/loitering munition drones we see like the Ababil and Kian are also very low in count (for now). Idk what exactly led him to say such things but I can't help to ask what your guy's opinion on the matter is?

Much like total ballistic-missile count, we don't know how many 'drones' Iran has produced and fielded thus far but I personally feel it would have be somewhere near 1000 (for total inventory, all makes and types) or in the 100s at least.

The Kian loitering drone and Ababil loitering drones look very promising though, especially the Kian. Possibly in the future we'll see Iran launch the Kian from larger multiple canister platforms.

Karrar has been around since 2010, so apparently s/he thinks Iran only made 10 per year (on average). People like that tend to talk without applying logic. It is best not to take them too seriously. The number of systems created would be inline with Iran's needs. Given the large role UAVs appear to be playing in Iran, it is natural conclusion to assume the large number of UAV in their inventory. Just few days ago, an Iranian Sarhang in Artesh stated they would utilise thousands of the suicide type UAVs in a war. And that is just Artesh, nevermind IRGC.

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