It is not wise to cite a revelation from the Holy Quran without adequate grasp of its context in order to handwave a valid obervation. Today, we go through the Holy Quran, come across a revelation of interest and love to quote it when the need arises - we need to acquire an understanding of the exact sequence in which each revelation came to beloved Holy Prophet (PBUH) and under what set-of-circumstances.
That revelation is in regards to jews and christians of Medina who were dishonest people - they backstabbed Muslims after a deal for mutual understanding and cooperation in all respects of life.
Years later, a [foreign] delegation of Christians met Holy Prophet (PBUH) in Medina and expressed their desire to settle down in this region. They were hardened Christians and not willing to embrace Islam. Holy Prophet (PBUH) allowed them to stay in Medina, assured them of protection from harm but requested them to contribute to regional economy by paying tax (i.e. jazzia).
In-fact, Allah Almighty have permitted a Muslim man to marry a Jewish or Christian woman if Muslim women reject him.
Holy Quran is a complex set of revelations. So do not generalize.
Yes, Americans can be a bunch of crooks at times but they can be decent allies too. Recall that American armed forces defended Saudi Arabia from the prospects of Iraqi aggression throughout 1990 until 1991 - not many countries have received similar form of assistance in rough times. Today, Saudi have no trouble in scoring lucrative deals from the US.
IMO, US - Saudi relations have a stabilizing impact - they have a soothing effect on the narrative of clash-of-civilizations.