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Masjid Band Nahi Hongi | Mufti Muneeb ur Rehman and Mufti Taqi Usmani Aggressive Press Conference

I am in a Christian country.

If you want some sort of kingdom of heaven where IK cannot be questioned, please do whatever in your power to establish that kingdom.
oh see how you justify Christianity.....we both know what Christians are there. when it suits you they are chritians when it doesnt they are kaffirs. typical two faced molvi. people like you ugh....shame really.

why don't you look at what your molvis are doing in madrassas to little kids. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/pakistan-islamic-madrassa-schools-sexual-abuse-rape-ap-investigation/

worry about that rather than planting a billion tree and then selling them for money.

It is not.

Mullahs do not go seeking money anyhow. Money comes their way due guilt driven masses who cannot comprehend the injustice of it all.
but they take the money dont they?????? they dont say to the people dont do this...money is money. tarki molvi is a tarki molvi
oh see how you justify Christianity.....we both know what Christians are there. when it suits you they are chritians when it doesnt they are kaffirs. typical two faced molvi. people like you ugh....shame really.

why don't you look at what your molvis are doing in madrassas to little kids. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/pakistan-islamic-madrassa-schools-sexual-abuse-rape-ap-investigation/

worry about that rather than planting a billion tree and then selling them for money.

I am sure you will find my posts on religious matters and bring out the evidence for such.

and i did contribute on the thread saying it is cultural in nature and religious sanctioned.

do you believe it is an article of faith to sexually abuse children to be a mullah?
they are already confused bro....an arabic word would blow a fuse. these people only want to put henna in their beards and endanger muslims. i wish they would learn islam themselves and impart the religion of my beloved prophet pbuh rather than sectarian stuff

My dear brother, this is not fair. These two respected scholars are not your local neighborhood firebrand jahil fighting with mosque down the street of same firqa.

Mufti Taqi Usmani, head of Rue Hilal committee whichh determines moonsightings, the (unofficial) mufti of all Sunnis of Pakistan and Afghanistan, the unabashedly pro-Pakistani, nationalistic, and deeply loyal sheikh who put his life in danger for pur country (and even faced assassination attempt from Iranians.)

He is revered by Muslims all over the globe. He was invited to the UN conference on the global economic depression, where he spoke, and for which he wrote a very logical and earnest plea for rubbishing interest-based economic systems.

He is perhaps the most important Islamic scholar of the world. When he speaks, it means something.

We can disagree with him, but we should not abuse a great man like him.

Allah swt does not take kindly when we abuse those close to Him.

Dear brother, there are better ways than this to deal with this issue.
but they take the money dont they?????? they dont say to the people dont do this...money is money. tarki molvi is a tarki molvi

Who am i to judge them?

if someone brings you a gift, you do not turn them away.

you simply have an idealistic understanding of what religious people should be like. that is not my problem if you seek complete innocence in people.

none out there is Masoom.
Praying in mosque is cultural?
Waisay jin molvis ki press conference par 12 pages ka thread ban Gaya ha unka koi name Tak nhi janta aik ko Chand raat wali press conference sa log jantay Hain.

yes it is true. it is remarkable that unknown people like them cater 12 page discussions in PDF.

not praying in mosque. the child abuse in madressahs and elsewhere is cultural.
Muslims even have the freedom to say prayers by pointing if such situation arise.

if mosques are disinfected, people wear masks and practice social distancing, it can go ahead.

instead of blanket banning stuff, people should be allowed to formulate adapting ideas to counter real life situations.

what a dumb statement....if musjids are disinfected and peoiple wear mask and practice social distanceing.

ok....social distacing = 2m approx. jamat time will you observe this? and ignore what the molvis tell you stand shoulder to shoulder. dont leave a gap shaitan will come....um let s forget that.

now if a man has COVID 19 and goes to the musjid what will disinfectant or a mask do? in one swoop from 1 person, you have hundreds infected.....they go home without knowing and infect their families who in turn infect their friends etc. they symptoms arive a week later by then how many have you infected.

oh wannabe molvi. Allah gave you a brain to use....dont repeat like a parrot. that cement factory did its job. get your ears waxed
I was shocked at Punjab numbers, they rose so rapidly. What is going on?
Increased testing.

There’s an article I read earlier today about how the more important number is the number of tests and not so much the number of infected.

Most countries have a lot more infected than is being reported simply because testing everyone is not possible. It is therefore critical that testing continues to increase in breadth and scope to both capture the true extent of the problem and better deal with it.

As such, expect the number of infected to rise dramatically as testing scales up dramatically. In the long run, it is the rate of increase we need to focus on (taking into account increased testing).
I am sure you will find my posts on religious matters and bring out the evidence for such.

and i did contribute on the thread saying it is cultural in nature and religious sanctioned.

do you believe it is an article of faith to sexually abuse children to be a mullah?
yes molvis do this.....its also happened in the UK molvis have been caught masturbating in masjids whilst teaching the Quran to kids. so please spare me the innocent crap. molvi class is the enemy of the perfect religion of Allah
what a dumb statement....if musjids are disinfected and peoiple wear mask and practice social distanceing.

ok....social distacing = 2m approx. jamat time will you observe this? and ignore what the molvis tell you stand shoulder to shoulder. dont leave a gap shaitan will come....um let s forget that.

now if a man has COVID 19 and goes to the musjid what will disinfectant or a mask do? in one swoop from 1 person, you have hundreds infected.....they go home without knowing and infect their families who in turn infect their friends etc. they symptoms arive a week later by then how many have you infected.

oh wannabe molvi. Allah gave you a brain to use....dont repeat like a parrot. that cement factory did its job. get your ears waxed

i am sure people will listen to the molvi when he says due to exceptional circumstance please stay 2m apart.

secondly you can always impose restrictions that only people praying in mosque should be there and not the kids and others who idle around there to combat any aggravated risks.

mosques can only request those who are healthy to attend.

there are plenty of ways to work around this. extremism however will not help.

Thread aisay bananay hi nhi chahiyan. Mods ko chahiye delete kardain.
Inshallah mods delete hojayenge.
yes molvis do this.....its also happened in the UK molvis have been caught masturbating in masjids whilst teaching the Quran to kids. so please spare me the innocent crap. molvi class is the enemy of the perfect religion of Allah

why are you worried about what is happening in UK?
I am yet to see any logical, scientific argument from you two on why closing down Mosques or limiting the numbers of those allowed inside to pray is not necessary as part of the measures to control the spread of COVID-19.

Attacking those arguing in favor of mosque restrictions/closures instead of posing your own rational counter-arguments suggests an emotional, irrational knee jerk approach to the issue.

I am actually in favor of closing down mosques.

I should have clarified. What this government is doing is not really doing a lockdown but selective lockdown. Like that Sikhs celebration i posted. Like barber shops and construction being opened. Then people on ground actually see how nobody is really following the lockdown and go about their business.

If you're an agnostic then i don't expect you to understand the belief we Muslims have in power of prayers. To the non-religious, it's dumb. Science will save us. But Muslims think otherwise. Prayers will save us and science will be a mean of it. So we give extreme importance to prayers, Islam gives extreme importance to prayers. So when people see the lockdown all this hypocrisy of government in allowing certain groups and activities, they feel they should be allowed to perform more important duty i.e prayers.

What i have a problem with is how Muftis and Mullahs are treated by the government and media. Oh these are dumb and stupid people who don't know how to breathe even. You've people like Behoodaboy invited next to Maulvis on TV so he can really pull their pants down and make a mockery of them.

That's what i have a problem with. At this point, these religious scholars simply feel attacked and rightly so. They are being attacked. Talk to them with respect, if you hate and loathe them, send a delegation of other people who will talk to them.

These Mullahs aren't inviting people to child molestation and rape parties but mosques and prayers. You're going to lose severely if you think you can treat every Maulvi like you did Khadim Rizvi and Fazlu. KR had a filthy mouth and was political and not really liked by that many, so was Fazlu.

To many, it feels like mosques are being targeted and rightly so. In Peshawar, there's no lockdown except on TV. You can do anything except attend mosques? If the government wasn't so indecisive, this wouldn't be an issue.

Either do a lockdown or don't. Coronavirus isn't going to spare construction workers and barber shops because they're poor people and feel sympathy. That's so stupid. If coronavirus feels that way, maybe it would spare mosques too because they're good religious people
That's not true, if they do that then it'd be bad for them too because you can't think you'll be isolated for long. The issue is of the difficulty with viruses in general, for instance, one can have an HIV infection an spread them but not test positive for it for up to 90 days in some cases. This is because the virus attacks the cells and hides in them but bacteria usually are larger and try to attack cells via consumption. Therefore, the guidelines for measuring who's infected or not is a tad bit different and medical professionals are assessing the data according to guidelines released as we learn things. This is a new virus therefore; it's important to have some range here. However, as you can see, we're doing much better than many countries (hopefully they'd do amazingly too Inshallah) but let's weather this storm and listen to the professionals rather than those who're not trained in this. That's what I'd say to you. Go on YT or better yet PDF's member's area (yes, I'm being a capitalist) and let's enjoy. Relax. Stress affects the immune system too. If you're chill, Corvid-19 wouldn't stand a chance. :)
There have been rumours (I don’t believe in rumours especially by the mouths of Pakistanis), that Sindh government is deliberately increasing numbers, artifical, in order to attract funds ?

But since sindh government’s name is here, I always give such things second thought, They are wicked money seeking machines
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