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More than 50 clerics warn govt not to further restrictions on prayer congregations
Kalbe AliUpdated April 14, 2020
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After much delibration and meetings with religious leaders, the government has banned prayer congregations of more than five people as part of measures imposed to curb Covid-19. — AFP/File
Senior clerics of Wafaqul Madaris al Arabia warned the government on Monday not to further the restrictions on congregations in mosques, which have been imposed to contain the spread of the novel coronavirus.

Despite the government's pleas to observe social distancing, more than 53 senior clerics of Rawalpindi and Islamabad, belonging to the Wafaqul Madaris al Arabia, held a meeting in Jamia Darul Uloom Zakria, Tarnol, Islamabad to discuss the matter. The meeting was attended by senior clerics representing various seminaries, banned groups, proscribed persons and political and non-political parties.

The clerics' warning has been issued before the government could come up with a plan to curb the spread of the disease during the holy month of Ramazan.

After much deliberation and meetings with religious leaders, the government has banned prayer congregations of more than five people as part of measures imposed to curb Covid-19.

A video clip released by them today showed clerics belonging to various political and non-political organisations including Jamiat Ulema Islam-Fazl (JUI-F), Aalmi Tanzeem Khatam-i-Nabuwat, seminaries such as Taleem ul Quran Raja Bazar and proscribed persons including a representative of banned group Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat, sitting in close proximity of each other.

Announcing the decision, Pir Azizur Rahman Hazarvi, president of the Jamia Darul Uloom Zakaria, Islamabad and patron of JUI-F Islamabad said: “The senior clerics have noted that all efforts will be made to avoid clash and confrontations with the government and the state institutions.”

The meeting did not acknowledge the official directives of a maximum of five persons inside mosques for the collective prayers as the clerics said that the testing times demanded more time for prayers and announced that apart from the five times prayers, Friday and Taraweeh congregations will continue. The participants agreed to take other precautionary measures, however.

The precautions to be observed include the use of hand sanitisers, removal of rugs and carpets, washing of floors, cleaning of hands with soaps and social distancing.

Pir Azizur Rehman Hazarvi added, “The closure of mosques, shutting down Friday prayers and Taraweeh is unacceptable to the countrymen.”

He insisted that in order to get rid of the virus, it was imperative to seek forgiveness from Allah and increase the populace in mosques.

Furthermore, government leaders should also abide by religious norms and seek forgiveness, the clerics said.

The meeting criticised the authorities for arresting clerics across the country and demanded authorities to quash all cases against them.

The clerics said that they have cooperated with the government since the authorities starting taking measures to curb the coronavirus outbreak in the country, but claimed that the officials' behaviour with the administration of mosques was not in the same coin.

Red Mosque
Meanwhile, Lal Masjid's cleric Maulana Abdul Aziz continues to challenge the authority of Islamabad Capital Territoty (ICT) administration by openly flouting the stipulated precautionary measures.

Every week, Aziz releases footages of huge congregations gathered for Friday prayers, denouncing the restrictions imposed by the government. As a result, the number of mosques organising large Friday congregations is increasing in Islamabad.

A senior official of the ICT administration expressed helplessness over the defiance by Aziz saying that any strict action could create a law and order situation.

On Monday night, police tried to place concrete barriers to block the entrance of Lal Masjid to stop people from going inside.

But they were stopped as female students came out from the mosque and sat on the road and in front of the heavy machinery. The social media team of Lal Masjid floated the incidents as an act of resistance by the female students.

In a related development, Minister for Religious Affairs and Interfaith Harmony Pir Noorul Haq Qadri has announced that the government will contact leaders of various religio-political parties and take them onboard to restrict congregations in mosques for an extended period of time.

After meetings with senior clerics and leaders including Maulana Fazlur Rehman, Allama Sajid Naqvi, Prof Sajid Mir, Allama Nasir Abbas Jafri and Senator Sirajul Haq, the decision will be enforced across the country, Qadri said.

Later, Qadri met Interior Minister Brig retired Ijaz Ahmad Shah to discuss the formulation of a strategy to ensure that preventive measures are observed in the holy month of Ramazan.
couple of dunday and they will both understand. aside from namaz what do they do in the musjid and even namaz 99.999% do not know what they pray. Sad.
They should say chanda factories will not close.
Meanwhile in countries where majority people are Muslims and most follow their government

Indonesia :
Indonesian Mosque Council tells ailing Muslims to pray at home

Jordan :
Twenty-two Muslim worshippers who went to pray in a mosque in the working-class district of Russaifa near Amman, the capital, were arrested for violating a strict ban on public prayers in mosques.

Brunei :
Mosques, suraus closure extended to April 20

Saudi :
Saudi Arabia bans prayers at mosques over coronavirus fears

Egypt :
Egypt closes mosques, churches
Egypt to ban Ramadan gatherings to counter spread of coronavirus

Turkey :
Turkey shutters mosques for Friday prayers and holy night

Malaysia :
Malaysian state closes mosques to stem virus spread
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Prayer can be offered at home,but these respected persons making a grave mistake here.
This step shows Comprehensive lack of Knowledge.
What would be the cost for opening public areas, just wait and see.
These people must be given some title like CORONA SPREADERS...:yahoo::woot::rofl::crazy_pilot::laugh:

Lol Wafaq AL Madaris Arabia. Just look at the name of their organization. Slaves of highest order.
A foreign-funded political party, Government cannot impose restrictions on Islam and Muslims in Pakistan.
You are an idiot trying to stir emotions of people. So easy to call Pak government "foreign funded imposing restrictions" while you live comfortable in UK. Please tell us more about your "bravery" in defying order of UK government below:

The British government ordered all places of worship closed on 23 March as part of its measures aimed at curbing the spread of the coronavirus.
You are an idiot trying to stir emotions of people. So easy to call Pak government "foreign funded imposing restrictions" while you live comfortable in UK. Please tell us more about your "bravery" in defying order of UK government below:

The British government ordered all places of worship closed on 23 March as part of its measures aimed at curbing the spread of the coronavirus.

The UK is not a Muslim country so we follow the law of the land.

Pakistan is run by a foreign-funded Shaikh Chilli Government which is clueless, incompetent, thoughtless, confused and just stupid.

They knew thousands of infected had entered Pakistan from Iran, they had them in their mobile labs and then simply just released all of them untreated into the rest of the 221 million population.

What a brainless, heartless and stupid Government.
I am speechless.

I watched the video and pondered for a good 10 minutes to try and make sense of their mentality and point of view. They live in a totally different world don't they? Its like we try to show them the light and they keep wondering off in the darkness.

His wording was: "We will not tolerate any further targeting of mosques".

Why is he giving out a signal that somehow he owns every mosque in the country? Why does he seem to be concerned over the obligatory prayer of millions while he does not himself obey the obligation to listen to his leader? Does he not have the obligation to play his part in slowing down the spread of a pandemic?

Then there was the other gentleman who said : "There will also be Taraweeh in Ramzan with proper precautions and 'INSHALLAH' there will be no problem"

All the pain that the world is going through, and the Molvi thinks that his "Inshallah will solve all problems?

Why is it so convenient for them to reject every sensible thing that is told to them?

The concerning thing is that the comments in the YouTube video are like:

"Mufti Munib ur Rehman Zindabad"

So I think the state should go forward with the policy of forced closure of mosques and we should get ready for more unfortunate videos of molvis getting beaten up by policemen.

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