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Masjid Band Nahi Hongi | Mufti Muneeb ur Rehman and Mufti Taqi Usmani Aggressive Press Conference

Not necessarily, although I don't know about this particular organization if it has any connection with Arab countries, however using the names Arab, Arabia mean something else in Pakistan than other places.

You will find many businesses, schemes, and places in Pakistan where Arab or Arabia is added in.

It does not mean they are funded by or idolize Arabs.

I asked one Pakistani worker about it, he told me that when they say it, they refer to Prophet Muhammad saws and the Holy Land of Hijaz, it has nothing to do with Arabs at all.

I was quite surprised at this answer.

I respectfully disagree with you. When people have to term anything out of prophet Muhammad(PBUH) love, they use Mecca or Medina, not Arabia.

Anyways it was also an attempt to show that if people here were bashing entire Shia community just for few people who didn't follow the regulations and laws of Pakistan on coronavirus and accused them Iran's puppies, so are we going to start blaming entire Sunni community and accuse them Arab puppies because of some lawless mullas? Just to educate the ones who are prone to fell for propaganda launched to create chaos in Pakistan.


Yet more tableeghi test positive....now who will pay for their treatment and their families suffering continues....the molvis who encouraged them will disappear

They have a solution, blame govt of being some xyz'S puppy...problem solve by diverting the attention and dividing the nation further.
I respectfully disagree with you. When people have to term anything out of prophet Muhammad(PBUH) love, they use Mecca or Medina, not Arabia.

I am sharing my experience from living in Lahore. That is what they think, there are so many places which are named in this way by people who otherwise know very little about Arabs and Arab countries.
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