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Martyrdom of Lt. Gen. Qasem Soleimani (2nd Anniv)

yes Indeed Good Riddance
Good Riddance of terrorrist Centcom in Afghanistan and Iraq and very soon In Syria
We wowed hard revenge and said that missile attack is not our revenge , we said the ultimate revenge would be throwing Uncle Sam and its terrorist CENTCOM out of the region after 40 years of destabilizing the region and inciting wars here .

It seems we are half way delivering our promise , just wait a little and we deliver fully

Protect your own borders that's legit.

Don't go around other countries looking for or causing problems.

Iran tried to play it's usual " hiding behind proxies " tactics " to attack others , same as it does in Lebanon , Syria and Yemen. But the US is a super power , it does not have to play those games.

Instead of chasing proxies , they went straight after the man who sent them , who was caught red handed in Iraq , meeting with his Iraqi proxy , to coordinate yet another attack and got what was coming for him,

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It would have been great if these Jew trolls and Al_saud headchoppers would leave this thread and not contaminate it...In other words F*ckoff this thread and let Iranians commemorate their fallen hero in peace..
It would have been great if these Jew trolls and Al_saud headchoppers would leave this thread and not contaminate it..

I guess you would exclude those Iranians too , if it was up to you :

Time's up. from now on, every American soldire in Iraq is a target for resistance forces.
Don't go around other countries looking for or causing problems.
Says the man from a trouble country that went into:
Lebanon- Sheeba farms, and had to be fought for 18 years to get kicked out of land THAT WASNT YOURS

Syria- Golan- you hold it proudly, and its UN-recognized as Syria, so you couldnt have gotten control of it without "going araound other countries looking for or causing problems".

I love how Israelis think what Israel does isn't hypocrital or wrong, its like the Americanized version of "Israeli exceptionalism"
I hope these peaceful commemoraters face the same fate as Syrian civilians. The only thing Donald Trump did good in his whole life was getting rid of this cockroach. May Allah burn him the in deepest pit of hell. AMEEN
People like martyr Suleimani sacrificed their life so that Zionist/Wahhabi/Salafi/Takfiri terrorists wouldn't get a second chance to kill more civilians. so your grudge is understandable.

Suelimani's soldiers are waiting for any missed terrorist in Syria, so don't miss the chance and apply for your eternal hell ticket. or if you don't dare, you can blow yourself up wherever you are.
Not much honor in sending others others to do your dirty work.
That's right, but unfortunately west imperialists thought creating a fake country for Zionists (Israel) could preserve their interests in middle east.

Though thanks to Iran and it's allies in entire Muslim countries, your expiration date is due. I have heard Zionists are buying lands in South America continent. very good move, though it would have been better if you could leave this planet, as you dream in your movies.
Who is this guy?
Who is this mongrel?

Well, these are pictures posted by a troll well known to Iranian veterans of these type of forums, characterized by some sort of a bizarre, hostile obsession with Iran in particular, and then to a lesser degree with Muslims and Muslim nations in general. The user presented the above as being photographs of himself.

One of their earliest if not first usernames on a now defunct Iranian forum, used to be "Markus S". They claimed to be an Italian citizen residing in Germany and working for an aerospace company. Later stated they moved back to Italy. Also claimed to have visited Iran on a business trip on behalf of the company employing them.

This individual regularly returns under different usernames, oftentimes fallaciously pretending to be of various nationalities. Known handles formerly used on PDF: ValerioAurelius (2017), Tiberius (2018, permanently banned).

Their posting routines and antics are rather homogeneous and uninventive (at least to a seasoned observer). Some of their trademarks:

* Being back after 6 months to between 1 and 2 years with the same tedious nonsense.
* Provocative, arrogant, insulting trolling style against targeted countries and their nationals. Seemingly having inferiority-superiority complex issues.
* Asking for travel advice to the countries they have problems with. Including oftentimes questions about "hygiene" and suggesting that there's a lack thereof in said countries.
* Enjoying to take nationals of these countries for a ride, seeing how their culturally pronounced hospitality causes them to be welcoming to foreigners who express a wish to visit their country, despite the lack of respect they were shown by those same foreigners. At an old Iranian forum, they referred to Iranian users as "stone age idiots" in German language (probably thinking no one else would understand).
* Expressing the view that to them, countries of West Asia and North Africa, and Iran in particular represent "strange, exotic, unusual, far away and culturally extremely alien" places in whose affairs westerners have absolutely no interest in. Case in point, the topic started here by user "Apollon" in which they asked how come Iranians under the Achaemenid Empire though they could annex a place like Greece with such a different culture... Question being why they spend hours engaging nationals of these countries online and attempting to troll them, if they're really so unaffected by them?
* Starting threads with questions as titles, addressing specific nationalities (e.g. "Question to Iranians: should Iran and Israel normalize relations?").
* Talking of some female partner that supposedly accompanies them in their travels, and referring to her as "my girl" (sic).

Concerning their political orientation, they do portray themselves as patriotic / nationalistic, but in fact are fully supportive of the dominant order as well as the ruling regimes in Europe. This is while actual nationalist forces in western Europe (whether participating in the electoral system or not) largely oppose the establishment, since they correctly identify it as globalist and anti-sovereignist in nature.

A telling example of the subject's mindset is when they declared on PDF that they would volunteer to take part in the kind of operations which NATO's covert stay behind network, Gladio came to be known for... which included things such a false flag terrorist bombing at the Bologna railway station in August of 1980, as a result of which 85 civilians were massacred, so that the Red Brigades and by extension the Italian Communist Party could be blamed. In other terms, a supposed nationalist who suggests they wouldn't have a problem bombing their own people. Of course, analysts who have studied the true nature of NATO regimes, will not be surprised at all: this is how the ruling oligarchy, political elites and decision makers in western so-called democracies think and act. This is what they are. And their habits extend to their supporters.


Another significant attribute of this troll is their complete silence on zionist influence upon and zionist hijacking of western regimes. On the contrary, they will at times appear offended at comments directed against the zionist entity. When challenged on the topic, as I recently proceeded to do with that "Apollon" person, they will inconsistently dodge the question and feign indifference towards the conflict in Palestine.

This all supports the hypothesis that we're dealing with a staunch zionist and Isra"el"-firster - albeit a non-avowed one.

So Foinikas, my friend, and with all due respect: this troll, who very probably is not Greek at all, seems to have misled you. By the way, this same user suggestively joked about how European regimes might support pseudo-"jihadi", takfiri terrorists against Iran - I very much doubt that you'd concur with this sort of attitude.

@aryobarzan @sha ah

Who was that Baba Taughee? What did you call him? Some guy I've seen mentioned in the forum a few times. Baba Taghaee? Something?

Babak Taghvaee. That's an unrelated person. A Twitter user who has authored some articles for western aerospace magazines, and published one or several books too if I'm not mistaken. From what I understand, he is the son of some (former?) official or military-related person in Iran, who left the country and is now engaging into activism against the Islamic Republic and siding with the monarchists (and therefore, of course, apologetic towards the US regime's policies), constantly trying to minimize if not outright deny the achievements of Iran's domestic arms industries while reporting non-existent, massive Iranian fighter jets purchases from Russia and China. He is not taken seriously by well-informed enthusiasts of Iranian military affairs, due to the fake news he keeps publishing, most of which are proven wrong after a while.
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It would have been great if these Jew trolls and Al_saud headchoppers would leave this thread and not contaminate it...In other words F*ckoff this thread and let Iranians commemorate their fallen hero in peace..

This is what defines these NATO / zionist patsies: one minute accusing Iran of "working under the table with the zionists", and the very next minute exposing themselves as objective allies of the zionist regime in its attempts to destroy the Muslim nation that is Iran, sometimes even openly advocating alliance with Tel Aviv or cheerleading for Arab regimes which have normalized ties with the apartheid entity or are in the process of doing so.

Second revealing aspect: how they wish calamity upon what they themselves qualify as peaceful citizens in Iran, including children. Sectarianist and/or racist hatred forms an integral part of these people's ideology, as does constant accusatory inversion as well as projection of their own shortcomings upon their adversaries - a defining trait they fully share with their zionist political (and sometimes ethnic) cousins.

- - - - -

Protect your own borders that's legit.

Don't go around other countries looking for or causing problems.

Come to aid your loyal ally, whom you are duty bound towards through a mutual defence pact, that's legit. And applies to Syria.

Iraq for its part is directly bordering Iran.

Iran tried to play it's usual " hiding behind proxies " tactics " to attack others , same as it does in Lebanon , Syria and Yemen. But the US is a super power , it does not have to play those games.

1) Iran did not attack anyone, but assisted her allies, upon request from their legal governments, in defensive efforts against zionist & NATO aggression conducted via terrorist (and usually takfiri) proxy forces.

2) About the US regime: remind us then, how Washington is supposed to have defeated the USSR in Afghanistan? Or how it tried to remove President Al-Assad from Syria, if not proxies? Among dozens of examples across all continents, that is - and I know them all by heart, from Nicaraguan Contras to Angolan UNITA and genocidal Cambodian Khmer Rouge, so I'd advice against pushing me to enumerate them.

who was caught red handed in Iraq ,

Caught red handed? Shahid Soleimani was openly traveling across the region all the time.

meeting with his Iraqi proxy , to coordinate yet another attack and got what was coming for him,

Oh, so Iran does coordinate attacks against US forces, correct? No "secret alliance under the table", indeed. You should tell that to your regime's patsies here, for once.

But in this particular instance you happen to be wrong, because the reason for shahid Soleimani's presence in Baghdad on January 3, 2020, was to participate in Iraqi-hosted talks aimed at decreasing bilateral tensions with the Saudi regime, as confirmed by Iraqi sources.
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Well, these are pictures posted by a troll well known to Iranian veterans of these type of forums, with some sort of a bizarre, hostile obsession with Iran in particular, and then to a lesser degree with Muslims nations in general. The user claimed these are photographs of himself.

One of their earliest if not first usernames on a now defunct Iranian forum was "Markus S". Claimed to be an Italian citizen residing in Germany and working for an aerospace company. Also claimed to have visited Iran on a business trip on behalf of the company employing him.

This individual regularly returns under different usernames, oftentimes fallaciously pretending to be of various nationalities. Known handles formerly used on PDF: ValerioAurelius (2017), Tiberius (2018, permanently banned).

Their posting routines and antics are homogeneous and uninventive. Some of their trademarks:

*Being back after 6 months to between 1 and 2 years with the same tedious nonsense.

* Provocative, arrogant, insulting trolling style against targeted countries and their nationals. Seemingly having inferiority-superiority complex issues.

* Asking nationals for travel advice to the countries targeted. Including oftentimes questions about "hygiene" and suggesting a lack thereof in said countries.

* Enjoying to take nationals of these countries for a ride, seeing how their culturally pronounced hospitality leads them to be welcoming to foreigners expressing a wish to visit their country, despite the lack of respect they were shown by those same foreigners. At a former Iranian forum, called Iranian users "stone age idiots".

* Opening topics with questions in their title, addressing particular nationalities (e.g. "Question to Iranians: should Iran and Israel improve relations?").

* Talking of some female partner that supposedly accompanies them in their travels, and referring to her as "my girl" (sic).

Concerning their political orientation, they do portray themselves as patriotic / nationalistic, but in fact are fully supportive of the dominant order in Europe as well as the ruling regimes. This is while actual nationalist forces in western Europe (whether participating in the electoral system or not) largely oppose the ruling order, since they correctly identify it as globalist and anti-sovereignist in nature.

A telling example of the subject's mindset is when they declared on PDF that they would volunteer to take part in the kind of operations which NATO's covert stay behind network, Gladio was came to be known... which included things such a false flag terrorist attack at the Bologna railway station in August of 1980, which massacred 85 civilians. In other terms, a self-proclaimed "nationalist" who suggests they wouldn't have any issues bombing their own people, . Of course, informed people who have studied the true nature of NATO regimes, will not be surprised: this is how the ruling oligarchy, political elites and decision makers in western so-called democracies think and act. This is what they are.

Another significant trait of this troll is their complete silence on zionist influence on and hijacking of western regimes. On the contrary, they will at times appear offended at comments directed against the zionist entity. When challenged on the issue, as I did recently with that "Apollon" person, they will inconsistently dodge the question and feign indifference towards the conflict in Palestine.

This all supports the hypothesis that we're dealing with a staunch zionist and Isra"el"-firster - albeit a non-avowed one here.

So Foinikas, my friend, and with all due respect, you appear to have been misled by this troll, who is very probably isn't Greek at all. Oh and by the way, this same user suggestively made a joke about European regimes supporting pseudo-"jihadi", takfiri terrorists against Shia Muslim Iran.

@aryobarzan @sha ah

Am rather well informed, don't you think? ;)

Babak Taghvaee. That's an unrelated person. A Twitter user who has authored some articles for western aerospace magazines, and published one or several books too if I'm not mistaken. From what I understand, he is the son of some (former?) official or military-related person in Iran, who left the country and is now engaging into activism against the Islamic Republic and siding with the monarchists (and therefore, of course, apologetic towards the US regime's and NATO's policies). He is not taken seriously by well-informed enthusiasts of Iranian military affairs, due to the fake news he keeps publishing, most of which are proven wrong after a while.

I remember Marcus and his other names. The man hated anything Iran produced. Claimed everything was fake. Might as well have claimed Iran didn’t even really exist.
Though thanks to Iran and it's allies in entire Muslim countries, your expiration date is due.

There we go again with the death threats , charming. Shows what you are all about.

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the reason for shahid Soleimani's presence in Baghdad on January 3, 2020, was

Ohhhhhhh , so he is a shahid now.

And you happen to know that ?

Only God knows a man true destiny.

Do not presume to talk in his name !

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