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Martyrdom of Lt. Gen. Qasem Soleimani (2nd Anniv)

Iran is under the worst economic sanctions ever placed on another country and is still able to hit 1T GDP. So comparing apples to oranges there mate comparing your unemployment rate with that of sanctioned country, you could also compare it to the inhabitants on the moon as well and give yourself a pat on the back.

If Greece was under half of the sanctions Iran was under you guys wouldn’t even be a country anymore.

Greece is literally part of the EU project, open borders and trade. Tons of technology transfers and trade deals to be able to grow your economy and prosper. Yet you literally had to have your entire banking/financial sector bailed out by the rest of Europe because you were incompetent baboons.

So come on, stop talking about Greece man. Literally no one in the world talks about Greece anymore from a relevance standpoint unless they are Americans wanting to visit your glory days.

At least we had glory days. And now nice living standards. 🙂
Highly ironic and offensive, given the fact that the Kufis who founded shiaism were the ones who killed Hussain (RA)...

Nice rewriting of history. No, it was the army of the caliph Yazid Ibn Muawiah which martyred (rather than killed) Imam Hossein (a.s.) and his token loyal companions. What the Kufis did wrong is that they reneged on their word to join the Imam (a.s.) in the battle, due to pressures and threats from the caliphal administration. There's wide consensus on this among historians. And even regular, mainstream Sunnis are well aware of it and wouldn't deny it.

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I’m starting to think you are nothing more than a loser Immigrant who ran to Greece.

More likely this individual here:



The other person being his so-called "girl" (sic) he keeps mentioning left and right.

Iran is under the worst economic sanctions ever placed on another country and is still able to hit 1T GDP. So comparing apples to oranges there mate comparing your unemployment rate with that of sanctioned country, you could also compare it to the inhabitants on the moon as well and give yourself a pat on the back.

If Greece was under half of the sanctions Iran was under you guys wouldn’t even be a country anymore.

Greece is literally part of the EU project, open borders and trade. Tons of technology transfers and trade deals to be able to grow your economy and prosper. Yet you literally had to have your entire banking/financial sector bailed out by the rest of Europe because you were incompetent baboons.

So come on, stop talking about Greece man. Literally no one in the world talks about Greece anymore from a relevance standpoint unless they are Americans wanting to visit your glory days.

That user probably isn't Greek anyway. Just another zionist false flagger trolling the Iranian section, I would wager, and incidentally trying to provoke conflicts between Iranian users and Greeks. This is what these people specialize in, although I must say this particular specimen is definitely sub par in his abilities. I smelled the coffee right after his third or fourth troll post, and identified his writing style parallels to the so-called "Markus S" character shortly afterwards. The latter is even likely to have been behind a fake Japanese (!) identity on one of the defunct Iranian forums. He used to be more creative back in the day. So predictable these types are... and butthurt to the hilt at how Iran is standing up to and successfully slapping their beloved apartheid occupation regime.

Nice to see Iranians gradually wake up to the nature of this subject. Look how this unwelcome element is derailing thread after thread in our section.
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Not much honor in sending others others to do your dirty work.

Iran tried to play it's usual " hiding behind proxies " tactics " to attack others , same as it does in Lebanon , Syria and Lebanon. But the US is a super power , it does not have to play those games.

Instead of chasing proxies , they went straight after the man who sent them , who was caught red handed in Iraq , meeting with his Iraqi proxy , to coordinate yet another attack.

Cant think of a better example of a man who got exactly what was coming for him.

I take it some Iranians here would beg to differ , but most of the countries in the region would say :

Good riddance !

Not much honor in sending others others to do your dirty work.

Iran tried to play it's usual " hiding behind proxies " tactics " to attack others , same as it does in Lebanon , Syria and Lebanon. But the US is a super power , it does not have to play those games.

Ah, interesting. Remind us then, how the US is supposed to have defeated the USSR in Afghanistan? Or how it tried to remove President Al-Assad from Syria, if not through so-called "proxies"? Among dozens of examples across all continents, that is - and I know them all by heart, from Nicaraguan Contras to Angolan UNITA and genocidal Cambodian Khmer Rouge, so I'd advice against pushing me to enumerate them.

I take it some Iranians here would beg to differ , but most of the countries in the region would say :

Good riddance !

Zionists and dictatorial regimes subservient to them control the media. Including in West Asia. But that doesn't mean those who've preserved their critical thinking will tow the line. Thank God.

Martyr Soleimani is not dead, as per the Holy Quran: he is a martyr, and thus alive. That every overt zionist on here will try to blacken his image really says it all. Muslims (no matter whether Sunni or Shia), wake up!

PS: Users who "like" the pro-zionist member's post better not accuse Iran of being "secretly allied" with Tel Aviv,.. else they will expose unbelievable hypocrisy in broad daylight.
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Who cares about Greece anymore. You guys are literally the plague of EU with your high unemployment rates and mismanagement of debt almost capsized the entire Euro experiment years ago. Between Italy and Greece it’s a battle over which one of you guys are lazier. Greece is done for as a power for the rest of eternity.

They are selling their newborns on markets for mere food crumbs down there. Unemployment is the least of these people's worries.

What can I say. There are three greeks in the forum,you are fighting with one of them,you know I disagree with him and with the first chance you talk bad about Greece and mock us for the economic crisis. One of the biggest misconceptions is that Greeks are lazy. People worked 2 and 3 jobs to feed their families. There were researches during the crisis,that debunked this as a false. Our politicians were corrupt and ate a lot of money. Many people saw their example and acted like that too. You talk about Iran and the sanctions,but you forget to mention that Iran has some of the biggest oil reserves on the planet. And that's one of the main reasons you survived.

I'm very disappointed to see you guys mock us with the first chance you get. And to imagine I supported you in all these threads.
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What can I say. There are three greeks in the forum,you are fighting with one of them,you know I disagree with him and with the first chance you talk bad about Greece and mock us for the economic crisis. One of the biggest misconceptions is that Greeks are lazy. People worked 2 and 3 jobs to feed their families. There were researches during the crisis,that debunked this as a false. Our politicians were corrupt and ate a lot of money. Many people saw their example and acted like that too. You talk about Iran and the sanctions,but you forget to mention that Iran has some of the biggest oil reserves on the planet. And that's one of the main reasons you survived.

I'm very disappointed to see you guys mock us with the first chance you get. And to imagine I supported you in all these threads.
Others should do what I did. Just put him in their ignored list and call it a day. He's not worth any attention and he does wh0re for attention almost all the time. The more you think he's worthy of a discussion, the more he will keep on trolling. But then again that's what trolls do.

By the way, sanctions hit our oil exports more than any other sector. We survived because we found other ways to compensate for oil. We are no longer an oil dependent economy fortunately. Possibly the best thing the US has done for Iran in a century.
What can I say. There are three greeks in the forum,you are fighting with one of them,you know I disagree with him and with the first chance you talk bad about Greece and mock us for the economic crisis. One of the biggest misconceptions is that Greeks are lazy. People worked 2 and 3 jobs to feed their families. There were researches during the crisis,that debunked this as a false. Our politicians were corrupt and ate a lot of money. Many people saw their example and acted like that too. You talk about Iran and the sanctions,but you forget to mention that Iran has some of the biggest oil reserves on the planet. And that's one of the main reasons you survived.

I'm very disappointed to see you guys mock us with the first chance you get. And to imagine I supported you in all these threads.

Hey, friend. I didn't suggest Greeks are lazy. And even the one sentence I posted, I hesitated to do so knowing there are honorable Greek members around such as yourself.

As you perhaps might have noticed, this user has hardly done anything but to try and provoke Iranians in this section. So staying entirely silent isn't an option either. But I don't think the user is really Greek anyway, as I explained in my previous post... How many people do you know who call their partner "my girl", other than some "rock musicians" perhaps, or something along those lines? One person who does is a well known, supposedly Italian zionist (and I don't have an issue with random Italians either, but with zionists I do) who has been posting the exact same type of gibberish on Iranian forums for years. I gave them the benefit of the doubt but then at one point realized what they're really here for.

My apologies if you were irked by my comment. I have really nothing against Greeks and Greece. Please do not let this person mislead you.
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Hey , friend. I didn't suggest Greeks are lazy. And even the one sentence I posted, I hesitated to do so knowing there are honorable Greek members around such as yourself. In future, I shall try countering this troll without bringing in Greece, even though they are hiding behind the Greek flag and shamefully speaking in its name.

As you perhaps might have noticed, this user has hardly done anything but to try and provoke Iranians in this section. So staying entirely silent isn't an option either. But I don't think the user is really Greek anyway, as I explained in my previous post... How many people do you know who call their partner "my girl", other than some "rock musicians" perhaps, or something along those lines? I'm almost certain this is a troll account by a well known, supposedly Italian zionist who has been posting the exact same type of gibberish on Iranian forums for years. I gave the user the benefit of the doubt but then at one point realized what they're really here for.

I apologize for having irked you, this wasn't my goal. In future. Please do not get misled by this user.
He does not understand that he is giving a bad image to Greeks when he talks acts like that. He has been fighting with Persians and Chinese ever since he came to the forum. I agree with him on various matters,but I disagree completely on many. Especially that whole freedom of expression to make blasphemous art and not respect the sacred of others. And a lot of other things.

He is young,but she shouldn't go around pushing it too far,pissing people off here just for fun,because he doesn't care. He won't stop!
He does not understand that he is giving a bad image to Greeks when he talks acts like that. He has been fighting with Persians and Chinese ever since he came to the forum. I agree with him on various matters,but I disagree completely on many. Especially that whole freedom of expression to make blasphemous art and not respect the sacred of others. And a lot of other things.

He is young,but she shouldn't go around pushing it too far,pissing people off here just for fun,because he doesn't care. He won't stop!

The subject is most probably not Greek. His posting style is too similar to the former, well-known user I mentioned.

Giving an extremely negative image of Greeks all across the forum. Here the type is antagonizing Pakistanis and Muslims in general:


So, we try our best not to involve Greece in our replies. But from time to time, I'm afraid it might turn out to be inevitable, given the degree to which they are trolling here.


This Greek looking? Doesn't even seem very Italian, actually...
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The subject is most probably not Greek. His posting style is too similar to the former, well-known user I mentioned.

Giving an extremely negative image of Greeks all across the forum. Here the type is antagonizing Pakistanis and Muslims in general:


So, we try our best not to involve Greece in our replies. But from time to time, I'm afraid it might turn out to be inevitable, given the degree to which they are trolling here.

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This Greek looking? Doesn't even seem very Italian, actually...
Who is this guy? Who was that Baba Taughee? What did you call him? Some guy I've seen mentioned in the forum a few times. Baba Taghaee? Something?
Not much honor in sending others others to do your dirty work.

Iran tried to play it's usual " hiding behind proxies " tactics " to attack others , same as it does in Lebanon , Syria and Lebanon. But the US is a super power , it does not have to play those games.

Instead of chasing proxies , they went straight after the man who sent them , who was caught red handed in Iraq , meeting with his Iraqi proxy , to coordinate yet another attack.

Cant think of a better example of a man who got exactly what was coming for him.

I take it some Iranians here would beg to differ , but most of the countries in the region would say :

Good riddance !

yes Indeed Good Riddance
Good Riddance of terrorrist Centcom in Afghanistan and Iraq and very soon In Syria
We wowed hard revenge and said that missile attack is not our revenge , we said the ultimate revenge would be throwing Uncle Sam and its terrorist CENTCOM out of the region after 40 years of destabilizing the region and inciting wars here .

It seems we are half way delivering our promise , just wait a little and we deliver fully
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