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Martyrdom of Lt. Gen. Qasem Soleimani (2nd Anniv)

I do not care about religion...He was and now he will forever be the Hero Sardar of Iran..just like "aryobarzan" is...Both died in the hands of enemy and both died as a result of treason.

Who is aryobarzan? Something like an iranian leonidas?
"Majoosis"? That's an ethno-sectarianist slur and borderline takfiri language.

Oh, and the Sunni soldiers in the SAA, including dozens of pilots - "majoosis" too?

And they call us "sectarianists". I've never seen an Iranian or Shia Muslim on this forum designate a salafist or deobandi by terms such as "nasibi" etc. Not once. The opposite however is quite a regular occurrence. Because Iran and its allies do not follow a sectarianist ideology at all.

As for the civilian toll of the Syrian war: according even to questionable, politically biased, MI-6 linked pro-opposition sources such as the infamous "Syrian Observatory for Human Rights" (SOHR), the number of civilian casualties is about equal to the number of military deaths in that war. With military casualties more or less evenly distributed between the governmental side and the opposition. So even if we consider, like the Syrian opposition does, that "90%" of civilian casualties were caused by the governmental camp - which likely represents an unrealistic, exaggerated estimate knowing the incredible violence and extremism of the opposition, then still the Syrian government and its allies would have had a civilian to military kill ratio of less than 2:1, in reality probably less.

Now consider the fact that most of the fighting happened in densely populated areas, cities in particular, with insurgents deeply entrenched within residential neighborhoods. And also factor in that the Syrian army lacked precision-guided ammunitions. Given these facts, a less than 2:1 civilian / military kill ratio is not out of the ordinary, and does not point to a large scale campaign to deliberately and randomly target and mass murder civilian populations.

Did individual units in the SAA commit war crimes? Surely. And I for one wholeheartedly condemn every single instance of a crime committed by the governmental side, and demand that culprits be court-martialed. But to suggest that the army was ordered to eradicate civilian communities, let based on religious denomination or ethnicity, or that there was a state policy to do so, simply does not square with facts and figures.
Well said man!
Who is aryobarzan? Something like an iranian leonidas?
I am beginning to think SalarHaqq is right about you..are you sure you are Greek..
ARYOBARZAN was the Persian general in defence of Persepolis against Alexander In the battle of "Persian gate" ..Google it if you need to know what happened.
I am beginning to think SalarHaqq is right about you..are you sure you are Greek..
ARYOBARZAN was the Persian general in defence of Persepolis against Alexander In the battle of "Persian gate" ..Google it if you need to know what happened.

The only persian we know regarding that is Darius the king and Xerxes as well as Mardonius. All other were cannon food.

Keep in mind we learn our side and that we won, your side is not teached much about. I dont think you know Alexanders sub commanders like Cassander or Ptolemy either.
The only persian we know regarding that is Darius the king and Xerxes as well as Mardonius. All other were cannon food.

Keep in mind we learn our side and that we won, your side is not teached much about. I dont think you know Alexanders sub commanders like Cassander or Ptolemy either.
Ok..fair enough..but if you are going to visit Persepolis I suggest you read about the battle it will give you a view of what happened.
I am beginning to think SalarHaqq is right about you..are you sure you are Greek..
ARYOBARZAN was the Persian general in defence of Persepolis against Alexander In the battle of "Persian gate" ..Google it if you need to know what happened.
I didn't know it either,but I guessed the greek version of the name correctly: Ariovarzanis.

Names like Darius,Artaxerxes,Artafernis,Mithridates are the ones mostly remembered by Greeks.
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oh please stop this Shia/Sunni argument once in for all, stop it now!

Iran did retaliate but the downing of that civilian airliner kind of messed things up
I didn't know it either,but I guessed the greek version of the name correctly: Ariovarzanis.

Names like Darius,Artaxerxes,Artafernis,Mithridates are the ones mostly remembered by Greeks.

Anyway...here's some nice art I had found online:

View attachment 804526
Highly ironic and offensive, given the fact that the Kufis who founded shiaism were the ones who killed Hussain (RA)...

Hussain (RA) would rather slap this war criminal with blood of innocent children on his hands than give him a hug...
I dont think you know Alexanders sub commanders like Cassander or Ptolemy either.

Even I know about Ptolemy and literally have little knowledge of the Grecco-Persian wars.

Who cares about Greece anymore. You guys are literally the plague of EU with your high unemployment rates and mismanagement of debt almost capsized the entire Euro experiment years ago. Between Italy and Greece it’s a battle over which one of you guys are lazier. Greece is done for as a power for the rest of eternity.

I’m starting to think you are nothing more than a loser Immigrant who ran to Greece. You say such astounding things that it makes me question the average intelligence of a native Greek citizen.

You just reek of a Napoleon Complex and your intense hatred for IRGC is also very peculiar.

It’s like Babak Taghavee is posting as a Greek. I hope members start seeing what I saw right from the start.
Even I know about Ptolemy and literally have little knowledge of the Grecco-Persian wars.

Who cares about Greece anymore. You guys are literally the plague of EU with your high unemployment rates and mismanagement of debt almost capsized the entire Euro experiment years ago. Between Italy and Greece it’s a battle over which one of you guys are lazier. Greece is done for as a power for the rest of eternity.

I’m starting to think you are nothing more than a loser Immigrant who ran to Greece. You say such astounding things that it makes me question the average intelligence of a native Greek citizen.

You just reek of a Napoleon Complex and your intense hatred for IRGC is also very peculiar.

It’s like Babak Taghavee is posting as a Greek. I hope members start seeing what I saw right from the start.

Is unemployment rate higher in Greece or Iran? Asking for a friend. :D

That said swipe the foam away from your mouth and get rational. You dont like Greece? Fine, you couldnt afdord vacation here anyways.

And btw what IRGC? I know GC is short for Nintendo Gamecube but please forgive me that i dont kmow your crypto codes.
Is unemployment rate higher in Greece or Iran? Asking for a friend. :D

Iran is under the worst economic sanctions ever placed on another country and is still able to hit 1T GDP. So comparing apples to oranges there mate comparing your unemployment rate with that of sanctioned country, you could also compare it to the inhabitants on the moon as well and give yourself a pat on the back.

If Greece was under half of the sanctions Iran was under you guys wouldn’t even be a country anymore.

Greece is literally part of the EU project, open borders and trade. Tons of technology transfers and trade deals to be able to grow your economy and prosper. Yet you literally had to have your entire banking/financial sector bailed out by the rest of Europe because you were incompetent baboons.

So come on, stop talking about Greece man. Literally no one in the world talks about Greece anymore from a relevance standpoint unless they are Americans wanting to visit your glory days.

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