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Martyrdom of Lt. Gen. Qasem Soleimani (2nd Anniv)

There we go again with the death threats , charming. Shows what you are all about.

lol, no, actually this one sentence refers to the end of Israel's value for west.

By the way, I don't bother to threaten the Zionists, I merely express the prophecies ;) and facts.
I merely express the prophecies ;) and facts.

Seems that your mullahs choose from the Quran what they like and ignore what they don't.

Here is is one prophecy they like to pretend that does not exist.

I am talking about the prophecy from the Quran ( not some hearsay hadith ) , that says that before the end of days God would forgive his people , end their exile and bring them back to the promised land :

" And We said unto the Children of Israel after him: Dwell in the land (of promise) ; but when the promise of the Hereafter cometh to pass We shall bring you as a crowd gathered out of many nations. "

(Sura 17:104 ) , the holy Quran.

So the people of Israel indeed have returned to the promised land , gathered indeed from nations from all 4 corners of the world, exactly as was prophesized .

Yet to mullahs do all in their power to disrupt God promise.

People of course can believe it or not .

But it seems that the mullahs who claim to be believers find it wise to interfere with God's prophesized plan cause it fits their political agenda.


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The Man whom
85 million people came out for his funeral








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I am talking about the prophecy from the Quran ( not some hearsay hadith ) , that says that before the end of days God would forgive his people , end their exile and bring them back to the promised land :

" And We said unto the Children of Israel after him: Dwell in the land (of promise) ; but when the promise of the Hereafter cometh to pass We shall bring you as a crowd gathered out of many nations. "

(Sura 5:21) , the holy Quran.
True but you most consider the fact that it only supposed to happen after the messiah come not before that.
The sacred head of Imam of Love atop the spear is a secret between God and His lovers,
that this is the cost of union.

Seyed Morteza Aviny


" And We said unto the Children of Israel after him: Dwell in the land (of promise) ; but when the promise of the Hereafter cometh to pass We shall bring you as a crowd gathered out of many nations. "

(Sura 5:21) , the holy Quran.



This is not Surah 5:21. Surah 5:21 is what Moses(as) was telling to his people during the exile. The verse you posted is talking about the gathering of all creation on judgement day.

This verse is number 104 in chapter 17 of the Quran.
This is not Surah 5:21. Surah 5:21 is what Moses(as) was telling to his people during the exile. The verse you posted is talking about the gathering of all creation on judgement day.

This verse is number 104 in chapter 17 of the Quran.

Thanks corrected to ( Sura 17:104 ) ,

And I leave it to people good sense to just read the verse and figure out what does it say and who is being addressed . Seems straight forward to me.

The whole of Middle East is turning into a Persian colony now.

Even Saudis effectively now succumbed because they let their minds to be colonised by an image of mighty "Persian aggressor" many times bigger than Iran's actual military stature.

They went to Yemen for a fear of Iran setting up itself there, and instead ending up inviting it there.

It seriously degraded its relations with UAE for fear of Iranian influence, and got the reverse effect instead there as well.

Israel is now in a complete kamasutra position with its newfangled Arab "allies," that it can't actually move on Iran, because these "allies" are patently unable of showing a united front. They are completely tied by them trying to hold together, and lead this bodgepodge alliance.
Last year during first anniversary new missiles were unveiled.

This year nothing?
Seems that your mullahs choose from the Quran what they like and ignore what they don't.

Here is is one prophecy they like to pretend that does not exist.

I am talking about the prophecy from the Quran ( not some hearsay hadith ) , that says that before the end of days God would forgive his people , end their exile and bring them back to the promised land :

" And We said unto the Children of Israel after him: Dwell in the land (of promise) ; but when the promise of the Hereafter cometh to pass We shall bring you as a crowd gathered out of many nations. "

(Sura 17:104 ) , the holy Quran.

So the people of Israel indeed have returned to the promised land , gathered indeed from nations from all 4 corners of the world, exactly as was prophesized .

Yet to mullahs do all in their power to disrupt God promise.

People of course can believe it or not .

But it seems that the mullahs who claim to be believers find it wise to interfere with God's prophesized plan cause it fits their political agenda.


lol, thanks for believing in Quran!
I wanted to say someone has tricked you on that BS, but on a second thought, it's just your brain cause everyone can see this is not a prophecy but quoting a historic fact, god ordered Israel clan to enter this land and immediately warns them there will be a judgement day (and so responsibility of their actions).

in fact if you read the rest of this sura and Quran you will see that god has described the clan of Israel as a nation who certainly cause corruption two times and seek haughtiness/racism (17/4) and so promises the punishment of loosing their land (17/7). some believe it's a prophecy cause there was no mosque at that era.

Nonetheless, I meant Zacharia prophecies not Muslims'.
lol, thanks for believing in Quran!

Nonetheless, I meant Zacharia prophecies not Muslims'.

The redemption of the Sons of Israel and their return to the promised land is the main theme in the bible , almost all the prophets talked about it.

It is interesting to see that the Quran , that was written many years later , echoes the same story.

I like to read from many sources to figure out the truth and I do not exclude the Quran or any other source.

THIS IS NOT quoting a historic fact bur a prophecy , cause it speaks of the return just before the day of redemption " when the promise of the Hereafter cometh to pass "

If we where talking about the previous exile , that was about 2500 years ago - Babylonian exile , the Jewish people has returned after that - But no world redemption for more than 2500 years - 'wars , ignorance and suffering continued and even got worse , so clearly that was not the last gathering the prophets where talking about !

3 times the Jewish people where exiled from their home land :

First exile was in Egypt

The second was the Babylonian exile

The third and longest exile was the Roman exile that lasted till the end of the 19 century .

Do you know of any other nation that was even once exiled ( not three times ) and have returned to their home ? Cause I can't think of one example like that.

makes even an unbeliever wonder what is the f*ck is going on here.

No one knows if this is the last exile , but if it is, than it means that the end of days are close bye.

Which to me seems like good news. Or is it you wish to wait another 2500 Years ?

Do you not think their is enough suffering in the world ? Is this world not worthy of redemption ?


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The redemption of the Sons of Israel and their return to the promised land is the main theme in the bible , almost all the prophets talked about it.
Zacharia prophecies is the annihilation of Israel by people who use Persian words, and have dress code like Iranian revolutionary guards, etc ;)

Do you know of any other nation that was even once exiled ( not three times ) and have returned to their home ? Cause I can't think of one example like that.
I don't know any nation committing so many crimes like the children of Israel, so many plots and massacres, killing 400 messengers of god, spreading wars, corruption, usury ,etc.

wherever the Israelis have gone, they have repeated the same pattern, that's why all the nations hated the Jews till a few decades ago, till finally a fake story of Holocaust was created to cover the killing and torturing the Palestinians and occupying their land, as your final crime.

Enough of suffering? lol.
you guys don't let the Palestinians have a normal life, you have turned their cities into large prisons, you are destroying their homes and farms everyday and occupy them and yet dare to talk about the end of suffering? yes, there will be such a end cause no tyranny has been able to survive throughout the history.

Zacharia prophecies is the annihilation of Israel by people who use Persian words, and have dress code like Iranian revolutionary guards, etc ;)

You obviously did not read Zacharia prophecies properly , who promises the door is always open to go back to God :

As for Palestinians ,

Did you know why Moses took the sons of Israel through Sinai desert , instead of taking them on the short route on the Mediterranean cost line ?

17 When Pharaoh let the people go, God did not lead them on the road through the Philistine country, though that was shorter. For God said, “If they face war, they might change their minds and return to Egypt.” 18 So God led the people around by the desert road toward the Red Sea.

book of exodus chapter 13

In other words - God new that that land of Israel was occupied but other fierce nations and that the sons of Israel who just got out of slavery still had slave mentality and where not ready to fight them.

One would rightly ask why did he not deliver them somewhere empty ? Why did he choose for them a path that would clearly lead to war ? I think only God has answers to that , you can ask him when redemption comes.

So it is little wonder that after the Last exile we once again had to fight for the land.

As for the Palestinians ,

Do not think for a moment that i base my land right on some Godly promise. I base my right on that both nations are here now , no one is going anywhere , and both nations will just have to learn to live together and share,

Yet the Palestinians refused to do it in 48 and started a war thinking they can win . but lost. They had another chance to get a state in 1993 - yet choose war again.

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