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Martyrdom of Lt. Gen. Qasem Soleimani (2nd Anniv)


Seems not all Iranians approve of this Soleimani person :

Newly unveiled statue of Iran’s Qassem Soleimani torched


A statue erected to honor slain Iranian commander Qassem Soleimani has been torched by unknown assailants hours after it was unveiled, Iranian media reported Thursday.

Soleimani, who headed the Quds Force, the foreign operations arm of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards, was killed on January 3, 2020 in Iraq in a US drone strike at Baghdad airport along with his Iraqi lieutenant and others.

On Wednesday morning, a statue to honor him was unveiled in the southwestern Iranian city of Shahrekord.

But in the evening it was set on fire, ISNA news agency said, calling it a “shameful act by unknown individuals.”

“This treacherous crime was carried out in darkness, just like the other crime committed at night at Baghdad airport,” when Soleimani was killed, senior Muslim cleric Mohammad Ali Nekounam said in a statement carried by ISNA.

Iranian authorities have unveiled several sculptures dedicated to Soleimani since his assassination two years ago, and portraits of the revered commander dot the landscape across Iran.

State broadcaster IRIB condemned the latest attack as an “insulting” act, that comes as Iran marks the second anniversary of Soleimani’s killing, with several events in recent days.

iran is very hard country TBH . i wish we have liberal secular free iran on our borders .
Most Iranians are not that religious. They are a mix of secular and conservative.

Shahid Soleimani enjoys the broadest possible consensus among the Iranian population - and not just among religious citizens. The pictures and films of his funeral ceremony across several Iranian cities speak for themselves. Several million people filled the streets on the occasion, and in effect this was completely unprecedented in human history altogether. Definitely the most widely attended funeral ever, there's no doubt about that. And you could clearly see, for instance, tchador-clad women standing next to loosely veiled ones sporting dyed hair. It takes a person of a very special caliber to be able to unite this many different currents of Iranian society with such consistency and strength.

Soleimani is a hero on three simultaneous levels:

- Hero of Iran and her people above political, cultural, social and economic lines, who prominently entered that nation's history.
- Hero of Islam and of the Islamic Ummah, regardless of geography and sect (beautifully reflected in how Ismail Hanieh of Hamas gave him the title of hero of Al-Quds).
- Hero of all oppressed peoples, of all nations struggling against imperial oppression and exploitation, no matter their religious, national or ethnic affiliations.

Here is the popular President of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro, honoring Qasem Soleimani:

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Shahid Soleiman

Again with the shahid nonsense ?.

This word has become meaningless , when today every bloody terrorists claims to be a " shahid "

Only God knows a man true destiny.

Do not presume to talk in his name !

Oh my name it ain't nothin'
My age it means less
The country I come from
Is called the Midwest
I was taught and brought up there
The laws to abide
And that land that I live in

Has God on its side

Several million people filled the streets on the occasion, and in effect this was completely unprecedented in human history altogether.

Iran is has over 80 million people , so it is rather easy to fill the streets whether it is mullah supporters or opposition. Stop selling nonsense as if all Iranians support the regime :

Protests after the 2009 doomed elections :


In normal and sane countries, the will if the majority is determined by counting the votes of the elections. NOT by some picture where each side claims to have rallied more people.

But the last time the mullahs have allowed something like that was in 2009 , and we all have seen how that has ended . . .

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Again with the shahid nonsense ?. This world has become meaningless when today every bloody terrorists claims to be a " shahid "

Only God knows a man true destiny.

Do not presume to talk in his name !

Oh my name it ain't nothin'
My age it means less
The country I come from
Is called the Midwest
I was taught and brought up there
The laws to abide
And that land that I live in

Has God on its side

We really don't need a random zionist internet user's biased take on any such matters, Islamic jurisprudence as established by our high ranking scholars will be just fine.

Yes, we know how the zionist apartheid regime cannot tolerate martyrdom culture in nations which actually dare to actively oppose its illegal occupation of Palestine... zionists want martyrdom culture or rather, a twisted avatar thereof, solely reserved for the savage takfiri terrorists they create and cultivate across Muslim nations. Staining Islamic precepts is precisely one of the objectives behind NATO's and the zionists' engineering and sponsorship of these groups. Nothing new here.

Iran is has over 80 million people , so it is rather easy to fill the streets whether it is mullah supporters or opposition. Stop selling nonsense as if all Iranians support the regime :

Utter nonsense. The 2009 "Green fitna" demonstrations were literally dwarfed by the unprecedented crowds which packed every major Iranian city at shahid Soleimani's funeral ceremony.

I'm not merely talking about "filling the streets" as in any other mass demonstration, but about something many levels higher. A different type of phenomenon altogether, an event genuinely unprecedented in the history of mankind, a world record no less. And this can easily be verified by the available video material from that day (especially the aerial footage of Tehran's avenues).

It's not "rather easy" to gather masses of this magnitude, which is why it simply never occurred before! Moreover, an opinion poll carried out some years prior to Hajj Qasem's martyrdom singled him out as the most popular person in Iran, enjoying overwhelming (upwards of 90% or so) approval by the Iranian people, which further corroborates the point. So there's no basis to the quoted claims.
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We really don't need

Who is we ?

Cowards always like to hide behind crowds. Speak for yourself no one elected you to speak on their behalf.

on any such matters, Islamic jurisprudence as established by our high ranking scholars will be just fine.

Your so called " scholars " serve the regime of the mullahs , like letting the cat watch the milk.

I do not think God looks kindly at a man involved in so much blood shed .

Anyway i doubt your so called " scholars " got a glimpse into heaven to see who gets in , so their declaration is a meaningless presumption based on a political wishful thinking.

Utter nonsense. The 2009 "Green fitna" demonstrations were literally dwarfed by the unprecedented crowds =

Opposition members risk getting arrested and worse when they venture into the streets . If the mullahs where so sure of themselves they would allow a free election. We all have seen how they cheated the last time they allowed something like that. A thousand pictures would not change that fact.

Who is we ?

Cowards always like to hide behind crowds. Speak for yourself no one elected you to speak on their behalf.

Show me one pious Muslim reader who will take your interpretations over that of Islamic scholars. You simply aren't in a position to frontally oppose scholarly Islamic consensus.

Your so called " scholars " serve the regime of the mullahs , like letting the cat watch the milk.

It applies to scholars independent of the Iranian government too. This is not (simply) a political stance but a religious one.

I do not think God looks kindly at a man involved in so much blood shed .

God allows us to defend ourselves when attacked, and God expects the faithful to resist oppressors. As explained in the Quran.

Anyway i doubt your so called " scholars " got a glimpse into heaven to see who gets in , so their declaration is a meaningless presumption based on a political wishful thinking.

By that logic, we could as well stop using the capacity to think rationally granted to us by God, nor listen to what our hearts tell us in order to try and discern right from wrong, virtue from vice and so on. Of course God will be the ultimate and the only flawless Judge. Including of how sincere we were in our perceptions, considering the facts known to us, and how excusable erroneous subjective predispositions will be, depending on the pureness of individual motivations as well other criteria best known to God.

Opposition members risk getting arrested and worse when they venture into the streets .

Nobody gets arrested as long as they do not threaten national security and refrain from resorting to violence, from damaging property or disrupting the stability of social life. At its peak and before the first significant clashes with law enforcement, practically no oppositionist or dissident feared taking the streets in support of the 2009 "Green movement" fitna. The size of these marches reflects about the maximum of what oppositionists can hope to muster, all things being equal.

If the mullahs where so sure of themselves they would allow a free election. We all have seen how they cheated the last time they allowed something like that. A thousand pictures would not change that fact.

If the Islamic Republic was so unpopular, and if shahid Soleimani was not held dear by almost every Iranian, then this many people would not have turned up for his funeral procession. And as said, Soleimani is considered a hero even by millions of Iranians with lukewarm if not negative views on the establishment. Because they understand that he safeguarded Iran's security and integrity, preventing the organized aggression launched against the Axis of Resistance by the zio-American empire, its vassals and terrorist proxies from reaching Iranian mainland.
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Soleimani was a terrorist, simple as that. I don’t understand people defending him like he is a “hero”, and what more. All he did was to make Muslims fight Muslims. And kill each other. In Syria, In Iran, In Lebanon. And if you are a true Muslim (sorry, I’mnot), what’s good about Muslims killing each other? I thought Islam was a religion of peace. That’s certainly something Soleimani didn’t have in his sick mind.
Killing Soleimani saved a lot of (Muslim) lives in the long run.
Soleimani was a terrorist, simple as that. I don’t understand people defending him like he is a “hero”, and what more. All he did was to make Muslims fight Muslims. And kill each other. In Syria, In Iran, In Lebanon. And if you are a true Muslim (sorry, I’mnot), what’s good about Muslims killing each other? I thought Islam was a religion of peace. That’s certainly something Soleimani didn’t have in his sick mind.
Killing Soleimani saved a lot of (Muslim) lives in the long run.
What he was opposite ... he brought peace back to Syria & Iraq by eliminating isis ... the one behind isis is a terrorist, simple as that.
What he was opposite ... he brought peace back to Syria & Iraq by eliminating isis ... the one behind isis is a terrorist, simple as that.
Isis had to be eliminated, true, they are about the worst terrorist around (same as ISIS-K in Afghanistan. But also far too many civilians were killed. And that’s still happening unfortunately
Soleimani was a terrorist, simple as that.

NATO regimes are the ones resorting to terrorism as a modus operandi. Their Gladio stay behind networks in the 1980's even bombed their own civilians (as in Bologna, Italy) and falsely blamed their communist adversaries.

All he did was to make Muslims fight Muslims. And kill each other. In Syria, In Iran, In Lebanon.

Firstly, shahid Soleimani was not in charge of overall decision making. He was a soldier of Velayat. Secondly, you're making it sound as if any of the conflicts in the region were started by Iran, which could not be farther from the truth.

Indeed, neither in Syria nor in Lebanon was any war initiated by Iran. Iran's role consisted in assisting allies who had come under attack - either as a result of illegal foreign occupation (as in Lebanon, occupied by the zionist regime from 1982 to 2000, and briefly invaded again in 2006), as well as against an armed uprising by violent, NATO- and Isra"el"i-backed terrorist armies with recruits from 90+ countries (as in Syria from 2011 onwards).

In Iran...? There's been no war in Iran. NATO and zionist regimes failed at instigating any such crisis on Iranian soil, despite their relentless attempts to this effect. Thanks, among others, to warriors and strategists such as Qasem Soleimani, who prevented the menace from spilling over into Iran.

And if you are a true Muslim (sorry, I’mnot), what’s good about Muslims killing each other? I thought Islam was a religion of peace. That’s certainly something Soleimani didn’t have in his sick mind.

Islam allows you to defend yourself when attacked. It also requires you to stand up and fight oppression. The biggest oppressors on the planet (zio-American empire and their underlying oligarchies) engineered the destabilization of Iraq (following the illegal occupation of that country by the US regime under George Walker Bush, after a first war in 1991 followed by circa 12 years of sanctions causing the deaths of some 1,5 million Iraqis including one million children) and of Syria, throwing their terrorist proxies at these countries, which had a right to defend themselves, and whose governments officially asked Iran for help.

Iran's been inviting and calling on Muslims to unite behind the common cause for almost 43 years. Organizing conference after conference, issuing declaration after declaration, and actually extending not just political and financial but also military-level support to groups that are ready to engage in principled resistance against foreign occupiers of Islamic (and even non-Islamic) lands. In the case of Palestine for instance, Iran's the only state actor on earth to dare arm the local Resistance. Nobody else has the guts. So I'd say Iran has largely earned her credentials in this regard. Now if in spite of this, some prefer to turn their guns on Iran or her allies, why would anyone expect Iran to turn the other cheek?

However, no matter what, Iran will stay on the path of Resistance and will keep inviting Muslims - nations and governments, to join her in that noble endeavor. Now are you really telling us that you, as a NATO-supporter, are wishing to see Iran's efforts materialize when it comes to uniting Muslims against the zio-American empire...? Come on. We're not this gullible.

Killing Soleimani saved a lot of (Muslim) lives in the long run.

His martyrdom will change nothing about Iran's policy, which purely consists in neutralizing the plots of the enemies of not just Islam and Muslims, but of every sovereign, free and independent nation as well as of every historically rooted, traditional community of faith. In fact, Hajj Qasem's martyrdom made him even more of a threat to the global oppressors. As we can clearly see from the worried reactions of pro-zionist and pro-NATO users on this forum, but also from the censorship policies of so-called "social media" such as Instagram, Facebook or YouTube, which in some cases go as far as outright banning any user who dares to upload a picture of shahid Soleimani while presenting him under a positive light.
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ROFL at Iranians taking the bait of another Hasabara troll account which may be run by 10 paid Jews, all making $ at our expense.


Ruhesh shad brave warrior of Iranian soil. May his martyrdom give birth to thousands like him on the sacred soil of Iran Zamin.

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