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Martyrdom of Lt. Gen. Qasem Soleimani (2nd Anniv)

ROFL at Iranians taking the bait of another Hasabara troll account which may be run by 10 paid Jews, all making $ at our expense.


Ruhesh shad brave warrior of Iranian soil. May his martyrdom give birth to thousands like him on the sacred soil of Iran Zamin.

You are 100% correct. @SalarHaqq ..my friend..few of us know who these Jew trolls are. The latest came out of his hole with two Australian flags..Mods can not do any thing about them..I suggest we create a thread and publish their account names in the Iranian forum and update the list as these rats multiply or change account..I would have done it myself but too busy keeping other threads updated here..we need a volunteer with good sense for tracking rats...what say you..
yes absolutely.

He was the butcher of takfiri terrorists in Syria. and very proud of that fact as well... Hopefully they learned their lesson, If not Iran has many more generals to re-teach them that lesson if need be .
so those who dont bow down to persian cultist leader is takfiri terrorist? Sulemainis action resulted in killing of innocent women and children at the hand of khomeni cultist terrorists!
The individual who set fire to the General's statue arrested.:cheesy:
I am sure he will identify few more of his accomplices and who was the pay master!.

I say give him to the people let them to decide what to do with him!!...but may be not..Iran is a civilised nation and will deal with him according to the law.

iran is very hard country TBH . i wish we have liberal secular free iran on our borders .

Your countrymen are obsessed with anything west to them. How many Iranian, Turkish, Arabs do you find commenting on your country or south Asian threads? But you will find plenty of your spewing the most ill informed stuff on our threads.

so those who dont bow down to persian cultist leader is takfiri terrorist? Sulemainis action resulted in killing of innocent women and children at the hand of khomeni cultist terrorists!

ROFL at "Persian" ... that is illiteracy at its best. Modern-day Iran is an Irano-Turk nation, built by Turkic Qizilbash warriors from North Western Iran i.e. Azerbaijan region. Our religion, culture all came out of that. They were my people..... Persians are just a tiny warrior Indo-European Aryan group like Kurds (medes) who used to own everything and everyone from modern day North India to Egypt ... that too for a Millenium. Yes a tiny group achieved that. When you blabber crap against Iran you are actually talking against Iranic-Turkic ethnicity in general. I know South Asians hold grudge against their former invaders and who changed their genes, religion, language, culture.

Haj Qassem was just another Spahbood .... another Uzun Hasan, Shah Ismail, Nader Shah, Muhammad Khan Qajar ... We have a history ... you would not understand.
You are 100% correct. @SalarHaqq ..my friend..few of us know who these Jew trolls are. The latest came out of his hole with two Australian flags..Mods can not do any thing about them..I suggest we create a thread and publish their account names in the Iranian forum and update the list as these rats multiply or change account..I would have done it myself but too busy keeping other threads updated here..we need a volunteer with good sense for tracking rats...what say you..

Well they make money. These cunning hasabara trolls are in it for the $$ only being the typical Jews that they are. We should ask for some of the share because we take their bait daily and that is how they get lunch money, we are enabling them. One account is being run by 10 cheap Jews ... you get them banned and another disguised account will pop up with same stuff. I find it amusing.

Anyways. This is not our forum. We are just guests here and we should be careful. I miss the IMF days.
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ROFL at "Persian" ... that is illiteracy at its best. Modern-day Iran is an Irano-Turk nation, built by Turkic Qizilbash warriors from North Western Iran i.e. Azerbaijan region. Our religion, culture all came out of that. They were my people..... Persians are just a tiny warrior Indo-European Aryan group like Kurds (medes) who used to own everything and everyone from modern day North India to Egypt ... that too for a Millenium. Yes a tiny group achieved that. When you blabber crap against Iran you are actually talking against Iranic-Turkic ethnicity in general. I know South Asians hold grudge against their former invaders and who changed their genes, religion, language, culture.

Haj Qassem was just another Spahbood .... another Uzun Hasan, Shah Ismail, Nader Shah, Muhammad Khan Qajar ... We have a history ... you would not understand

that is some indian lvl bs! but such bs is expected from cultists! no wonder yindu and khomeni cultists are good friends!
The individual who set fire to the General's statue arrested.:cheesy:
I am sure he will identify few more of his accomplices and who was the pay master!.

I say give him to the people let them to decide what to do with him!!...but may be not..Iran is a civilised nation and will deal with him according to the law.

must be part of a bigger conspiracy against the great persian/Khomeini cultist empire right?
Your countrymen are obsessed with anything west to them. How many Iranian, Turkish, Arabs do you find commenting on your country or south Asian threads? But you will find plenty of your spewing the most ill informed stuff on our threads.
you are on DEFENCE.PK forum itself show who i obsessed to whom :lol:
Soleimani was a terrorist now he’s in hell. He lead the Iranian version of Daesh and he was the Iranian version of Baghdadi!
May Allah SWT severely punish him for his crimes against Sunnis and the Muslim Ummah! Ameen!
Soleimani was a terrorist now he’s in hell. He lead the Iranian version of Daesh and he was the Iranian version of Baghdadi!

May Allah SWT severely punish him for his crimes against Sunnis and the Muslim Ummah! Ameen!

The Islamic Republic of Iran never pursued an antagonistic policy vis a vis Sunni Muslims based on their religious affiliation. The exact opposite is in fact the case, as shown by the following hard facts:

* A Sunni Muslim alim co-authored the Iranian constitution in 1979.

* There are more Sunni mosques per Sunni Muslims in Iran than Shia mosques per Shia Muslims.

* A Sunni Muslim is currently heading the Iranian Navy.

* The Sunni Muslim Brotherhood has a legal chapter in Iran, called Al-Nour Party and based in Kordestan province, which is free to act.

* Jamaat Tabligh is free to act and actually owns one of the largest buildings in Zahedan where it is headquartered.

* Islamic Iran is the only state on earth to dare arm the Palestinian Resistance, made of Sunni Muslims. At a time when Arab regimes are in the process of normalizing their relations with the occupation regime in Tel Aviv. Shahid Soleimani was officially named a martyr of Al-Quds by Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh, who took part in Soleimani's funeral procession in Tehran. Furthermore, Qasem Soleimani is on the record for stating that he will only support Sunni Resistance movements in Palestine, even if some Palestinians decide to convert to Shia Islam.

* Islamic Iran came to the rescue of yet other Sunni Muslims during conflict situations, such as the Sunni Muslims of Bosnia and Herzegovina (no other country extended as much military support to them as the Islamic Republic of Iran, just ask the war veteran forum members from Bosnia), the Sunni Muslims of Afghanistan fighting Soviet occupation, the Sunni Muslims of northern Iraq's Kurdish areas defending against "I"SIS, and so on.

* The Iranian-backed PMU (People's Mobilization Units) of Iraq have an entire brigade composed of Sunni Muslim troops, and all considered shahid Soleimani as a leader.

* Islamic Iran, on the political front, has backed countless Sunni Islamic movements and parties, from Tunisia (where Rashed Ghannoushi, head of the An-Nahda party, was actually a welcome guest in Iran, as well as being an admirer of the great Imam Khomeini) all the way to the Philippines.

* Islamic Iran's ideology has always been resolutely pan-Islamic, calling for brotherhood and cooperation between Sunni and Shia Muslims against the common enemy that is the zio-American empire. As reflected by Imam Khomeini and Imam Khamenei's appeals and directives. As reflected in the regular Islamic Unity conferences organized by Tehran. As reflected in the fact that sectarianist Shia currents who incite against Sunni Muslims are outlawed in the Islamic Republic of Iran, their clerics qualified as British turbans, the offices of their broadasters shut down, members arrested and imprisoned etc.

So no, Islamic Iran and any grouplets such as "I"SIS are embodying opposite ideals. To draw analogies between them would smack of a lack of information.

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that is some indian lvl bs! but such bs is expected from cultists! no wonder yindu and khomeni cultists are good friends!

must be part of a bigger conspiracy against the great persian/Khomeini cultist empire right?

One-liner replies to a well argued post containing concrete data and facts. Just shows who are the ones commenting on topics they actually lack proper knowledge on.

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You are 100% correct. @SalarHaqq ..my friend..few of us know who these Jew trolls are. The latest came out of his hole with two Australian flags..Mods can not do any thing about them..I suggest we create a thread and publish their account names in the Iranian forum and update the list as these rats multiply or change account..I would have done it myself but too busy keeping other threads updated here..we need a volunteer with good sense for tracking rats...what say you..

Greetings. To be honest, I too have less time to spend here nowadays. On average I manage to connect every second day or so. Considering the huge number of anti-Iran trolls (which is normal, seeing how Iran is the only state to act against the zionist regime in a systematic and principled manner, and one of the few to resist US imperialism), what you are proposing would probably be relatively time consuming. Furthermore I'm not sure whether such a thread would be tolerated by adminstrators. However, what I can and shall keep doing, is to expose anti-Iran trolls on a case by case basis whenever they (re)surface, and thereby inform Iranian users.
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One-liner replies to a well argued post containing concrete data and facts. Just shows who are the ones commenting on topics they actually lack proper knowledge on.
technically two lines so does that make me lesser troll than persian cultists?
technically two lines so does that make me lesser troll than persian cultists?

Please do give my previous post a chance. If there's any lie contained in it, do point me towards it. If not, then your initial comment here was simply prejucidial against Iran.
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they went extreme sir left or right the rulers take them extreme .
Yup they have a history of doing 180 degree about face going back to when the whole country was forcefully converted to shiaism by Shah Ismail in the 16th century.
The Islamic Republic of Iran never pursued an antagonistic policy vis a vis Sunni Muslims based on their religious affiliation. The exact opposite is in fact the case, as shown by the following hard facts:

* A Sunni Muslim alim co-authored the Iranian constitution in 1979.

* There are more Sunni mosques per Sunni Muslims in Iran than Shia mosques per Shia Muslims.

* A Sunni Muslim is currently heading the Iranian Navy.

* The Sunni Muslim Brotherhood has a legal chapter in Iran, called Al-Nour Party and based in Kordestan province, which is free to act.

* Jamaat Tabligh is free to act and actually owns one of the largest buildings in Zahedan where it is headquartered.

* Islamic Iran is the only state on earth to dare arm the Palestinian Resistance, made of Sunni Muslims. At a time when Arab regimes are in the process of normalizing their relations with the occupation regime in Tel Aviv. Shahid Soleimani was officially named a martyr of Al-Quds by Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh, who took part in Soleimani's funeral procession in Tehran. Furthermore, Qasem Soleimani is on record for stating that he will only support Sunni Muslim Resistance movements in Palestine, even if some Palestinians convert to Shia Islam.

* Islamic Iran came to the rescue of yet other Sunni Muslims during conflict situations, such as the Sunni Muslims of Bosnia and Herzegovina (no other country extended as much military support to them as the Islamic Republic of Iran, just ask the war veteran forum members from Bosnia), the Sunni Muslims of Afghanistan fighting Soviet occupation, the Sunni Muslims of northern Iraq's Kurdish areas defending against "I"SIS, and so on.

* The Iranian-backed PMU (People's Mobilization Units) of Iraq have an entire brigade composed of Sunni Muslim troops, and all considered shahid Soleimani as a leader.

* Islamic Iran, on the political front, has backed countless Sunni Islamic movements and parties, from Tunisia (where Rashed Ghannoushi, head of the An-Nahda party, was actually a welcome guest in Iran, as well as being an admirer of the great Imam Khomeini) all the way to the Philippines.

* Islamic Iran's ideology has always been resolutely pan-Islamic, calling for brotherhood and cooperation between Sunni and Shia Muslims against the common enemy that is the zio-American empire. As reflected by Imam Khomeini and Imam Khamenei's appeals and directives. As reflected in the regular Islamic Unity conferences organized by Tehran. As reflected in the fact that sectarianist Shia currents who incite against Sunni Muslims are outlawed in the Islamic Republic of Iran, their clerics qualified as British turbans, the offices of their broadasters shut down, members arrested and imprisoned etc.

So no, Islamic Iran and any such grouplets as "I"SIS embody opposite ideals. Any analogy to this effect smacks of a lack of information.

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One-liner replies to a well argued post containing concrete data and facts. Just shows who are the ones commenting on topics they actually lack proper knowledge on.

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Greetings. To be honest, I too have less time to spend here nowadays. On average I manage to connect every second day or so. Considering the huge number of anti-Iran trolls (which is normal, seeing how Iran is the only state to act against the zionist regime in a systematic and principled manner, and one of the few to resist US imperialism), what you are proposing would probably be relatively time consuming. Furthermore I'm not sure whether such a thread would be tolerated by adminstrators. However, what I can and shall keep doing, is to expose anti-Iran trolls on a case by case basis whenever they (re)surface, and thereby inform Iranian users.
You completed ignored Iranian hand in the killing and exodus of millions of Sunnis in Iraq and Syria. Every Syrian I met HATE Bashar but you being a Shia who knows what is better for Syrians than the Syrians themselves. Bahraini King and Saddam were evil but Nouri Al Maliki and Bashar are Saints. You guys are so much bigoted and dked in your heads you don't see any evil being done by your regime.
Yup they have a history of doing 180 degree about face going back to when the whole country was forcefully converted to shiaism by Shah Ismail in the 16th century.

Except that the Safavid dynasty weren't the first Shia Muslim rulers of Iran. You might want to look up the Buyids (10th-11th century AD), or even earlier local dynasties such as the Justanids (8th-9th centuries AD) or the Alavids (9th–14th centuries AD). There's a reason why direct descendants of our beloved Prophet (s.a.w.s.) chose to settle in Iran, particularly Imam Reza (a.s.) whose mausoleum is located in Mashhad, northeastern Iran.

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You completed ignored Iranian hand in the killing and exodus of millions of Sunnis in Iraq and Syria. Every Syrian I met HATE Bashar but you being a Shia who knows what is better for Syrians than the Syrians themselves. Bahraini King and Saddam were evil but Nouri Al Maliki and Bashar are Saints. You guys are so much bigoted and dked in your heads you don't see any evil being done by your regime.

Other than the fact that the wars in Iraq and Syria did not kill "millions" (except for the 1990's US-imposed sanctions on Iraq, which Iran is not responsible for and which Iran even helped circumvent), you keep misinterpreting the reasons for Iran's intervention in these countries. Iran doesn't care about sectarian considerations, believe me. But it intervened to save a loyal ally, and one which had always allowed Iran to establish a land bridge to anti-zionist Resistance movements in Lebanon. Do you realize that Pakistani armed forces killed a whole lot of Sunni Muslims in Bangladesh, Waziristan, Baluchistan and Afghanistan (via proxies)? Yet, it was never about their sect. What's good for the goose, is good for the gander.

Besides, what I stated is enough to prove the immense difference between a sectarianist grouplet such as "I"SIS on the one hand, and a pan-Islamic government such as Iran on the other.
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you are on DEFENCE.PK forum itself show who i obsessed to whom :lol:

You posted a joke statement ;). We are here in the Iranian section of this site. We Iranians solely post in Middle eastern, Iranian threads. You would not find any Turkish, Iranian or any MENA poster blabbering trash in South Asian, Indo-Pakistani threads but you will find plenty of Pakistani users, esp trolls, constantly post rubbish in Iranian threads. So who is obsessed with whom is crystal clear. I can say more on this subject but the discussion will take a genealogical identity-related turn for which I have a nasty reputation, so let's avoid that. So yes few Pakistanis who think they are sunnis of middle eastern blood (ROFL), and whatnot are obsessed with anything Iranic. We post a SLV launch or we try to celebrate our heroes, same delusional trolls obsessed with Irano-Turkic identity, try to act "middle eastern/central Asian" which they are not so they usually end up on their faces.

Our own forums (we had two) got shut so we gathered here. The owner of this site welcomed us by having our section here which we are thankful for but we are guests here and you would not get an honest answer from us here for obvious reasons. Come to our own site if one exists in the future and then I will tell you my true feelings.
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