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Major Eviction Operation at Afghan Basti (I-11) Islamabad, going on.

Well you would have known then of the kind of people who live in those sectors...

It does.

People payed for those plots from their money, and now those plots are under 'qabza' of other people illegally.

If I cam to your house or plot tomorrow and made a tent on it, what would you hve to say about that?

Providing them alternate shelter? Where is that? Secondly you simply can't come to my house, lay a tent on it and claim it to be yours because I live in cantt area (Air Force) 8-) Just kidding bro.
I in no way generalized criminal activities to all pathans.But if you follow news regarding crime in Islamabad most of it originates from kutchi abdais such as these as they have become hotbeds for criminal elements and a no go area for police.
Secondly whats the fault of people who bought plots here even before afghan war began.
I know the sense of brotherhood that exist between pakhtoons but that doesnt mean we overlook our national security and well being of our state just for a sake of some old brotherhood traditions.

Its not about brotherhood but humanity actually, you won't understand it, lest.
Providing them alternate shelter? Where is that? Secondly you simply can't come to my house, lay a tent on it and claim it to be yours because I live in cantt area (Air Force) 8-) Just kidding bro.

Its not about brotherhood but humanity actually, you won't understand it, lest.
that explains all lot :yes4:
Also, notice the fuss this news has caused in Pakistan's left(the most hypocritical and racist in the world, which is exactly the opposite of actual leftism). But when news of Punjabi and Seraiki labourers getting shot come from Balochistan, I don't see a single protest by them and dead silence on their facebook pages(laal, justice for pashtoons etc)...
Providing them alternate shelter? Where is that?

Well if you were following the news closely, you would have known that the government had previously negotiated for re-settlement, and then given eviction notices twice including a house to house drive, but no one heeded.

Jab tameez say baat nhn suno gay tab yeh to hoga na!

Also, notice the fuss this news has caused in Pakistan's left(the most hypocritical and racist in the world, which is exactly the opposite of actual leftism). But when news of Punjabi and Seraiki labourers getting shot come from Balochistan, I don't see a single protest by them and dead silence on their facebook pages(laal, justice for pashtoons etc)...

Facebook and twitter and LUMS is all over it! :D
Well if you were following the news closely, you would have known that the government had previously negotiated for re-settlement, and then given eviction notices twice including a house to house drive, but no one heeded.

Jab tameez say baat nhn suno gay tab yeh to hoga na!

Facebook and twitter and LUMS is all over it! :D

I had been looking to this news since the time it started and I couldn't hear any re settlement and house to house drive issue. Actually there isn't any example from the past too, even Flood effective victims also refuse to evac cuz they know they are not gonna get another home from Government.

If you provide the news source, I could believe.
Facebook and twitter and LUMS is all over it! :D

Yeah I was wondering about that. These bunch of Lahori leftists and Peshawari pashtunistanists know nothing about the issue, yet won't stop farting out of their mouths because they think they sound intelligent(when they don't in reality).

These people are illegally occupying property which isn't theirs, and that's the only reason they are getting forced out. Good on Islamabad administration to stop this slumification, otherwise the peaceful oasis that Islamabad is would have its own Sohrab Goths and shit like that. Karachi is a side effect of slumification. The racist criminal gangs in Karachi are not made up from the middle classes, but slum dwellers mostly. There's actually ethnic harmony in the middle classes of Karachi.
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I had been looking to this news since the time it started and I couldn't hear any re settlement and house to house drive issue. Actually there isn't any example from the past too, even Flood effective victims also refuse to evac cuz they know they are not gonna get another home from Government.

If you provide the news source, I could believe.

CDA spokesperson today on ARY, and there were numerous articles also regarding the eviction notices.

I'll try and find some...

If you provide the news source, I could believe.

City managers are attempting to mitigate the fallout of an operation in the Afghan Basti in Sector I-11 by holding negotiations with its dwellers to vacate some of the land under adverse possession through mutual agreement.

Officials are now pushing the occupants to voluntarily vacate around 250 plots under their possession, in return for keeping occupation of the rest of the settlement.

The 250 plots in Sector I-11/1 were auctioned off long ago, but the CDA has failed to handover possession to owners as the dwellers have constructed their own mud houses there.

“We are offering a settlement to slum dwellers, but they have not accepted it yet,” said a senior CDA official who was part of the negotiations.

He said the CDA is due to present a report on the operation in Sector I-11 to the Islamabad High Court on Friday. “If the slum inhabitants agree and the CDA manages to get possession of some land, it should be enough to satisfy the court for the time being,” the official added.

The 250 plots cover an area of 13.1 acres.

Two separate meetings to discuss the issue were also held at the office of the interior secretary, and at CDA headquarters. The official said it had been decided to formally offer the 250 plot proposal to slum residents, and if they do not accept it, use of force would be the last resort.

In recent past, the CDA decided to hold an inquiry against CDA officials who served in the Katchi Abadi Cell and the enforcement directorate of the CDA between 2007 and 2013.

The Afghan Basti was previously cleared in 2005, following a massive eviction operation carried out by the CDA and the ICT administration on court orders. But by 2007, the slum had sprung up again.

The slum continues to grow, and in March 2013, the United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) estimated that around 864 families comprising 7,995 individuals lived there.

Interestingly, the survey’s findings showed that the ‘Afghan Basti’ moniker is misleading, as there are only 114 registered and 27 unregistered Afghan refugee families — totaling 1,022 individuals or 12 per cent of the population — living in the slum. The other 6,973 people in the 2013 survey were either internally displaced persons from the Federally Administrated Tribal Areas (FATA), or migrant workers from Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa.

The last attempt to clear the slum was in 2013, when the CDA initiated its “Aman, Salamti aur Behtari” (peace, security and well-being) operation. The CDA and UNHCR had offered limited assistance packages to slum dwellers. But the operation was unsuccessful.

Awami Workers Party Islamabad Information Secretary Ammar Rashid told The Express Tribune that the CDA had been offering slum dwellers the opportunity to come to the negotiation table but noted that the offer had been communicated verbally and in the intimidating presence of bulldozers and security personnel, which is not acceptable.

“If [the CDA] is serious about holding negotiations, they should invite representatives of the katchi abadi in a respectable manner,” Rashid said.

CDA spokesperson Ramzan Sajid said the CDA’s operation against land grabbers would continue without fear or favour.

Published in The Express Tribune, July 29th, 2015.

Slum situation: In lieu of whole settlement, CDA to accept 250 plots - The Express Tribune

This is just one article...

From another

ISLAMABAD: The Capital Development Authority (CDA) has given katchi abadi dwellers of Sector I-11 till July 31 to vacate the slum as part of its ongoing operation against illegal settlements in the city.

There are others from around early July, but they aren't showing up right now...all the news is pretty recent currently.

Better believe now my friend...
Facebook and twitter and LUMS is all over it! :D
and the irony of this all & the funny too, is all bacha party is all over the twitter on this, without realizing the ground realities.....
Yeah I was wondering about that. These bunch of Lahori leftists and Peshawari pashtunistanists know nothing about the issue, yet won't stop farting out of their mouths because they think they sound intelligent(when they don't in reality).
Instead of farting, they should expand their behinds and accommodate these Afghans in there. Law and order has become a joke in this country it seems.
and the irony of this all & the funny too, is all bacha party is all over the twitter on this, without realizing the ground realities.....

They often don't!
Good:tup: now please clean this filth from Karachi Sohrab Gotth Afghan Basti Katti Pahadi etc.
Karachi can only be cleaned if Altaf and Zardari work with rangers without creating stink.
They work or not ranges are working,right? Afghan kids commonly involve in all crimes and their elders are in drugs and Emo business largely. Kabhi gandasa nichey rakh ke bhi baat kar liya Karen pahh ji

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