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@The SC
2 important developments air defense missiles, and engines for cruise missile. The Saber 220 and HAS-250 will use the same engine.


And there is more to follow, Edge CEO Faisal Al Bannai tells Aviation Week. He says his company will develop additional missile products, particularly for air defense.

In terms of the need to procure key components for complex weapons developed by EDGE, such as the Halcon HAS-250 cruise missile, Al Bannai revealed plans to develop indigenous engines in the UAE to power UAVs and cruise missiles.

He said that EDGE already uses some of their own engines, and ‘subsystem providers are already identified’ for an active programme. EDGE plans to unveil a local design house for the engines and it will also announce an engine joint design authority.
Not really. When It comes to military matters, it has become the regional center of arms dealing and that's about it.

The point is, they are making money and inducting new weaponry that will help them defend their country. If that works, why not?

It has pissed off quite a lot of its neighbors. It's pretty much only become buddy with Israel which is a pretty dumb trade considering it has seemingly sacrificed a lot of goodwill in its relations with pretty much all its anti-Israel neighbors with the exception of Bahrain.
Definitely not within. Which Arab nation has it gotten closer with? None.

The GCC is a group of all major Gulf economies in the region. While ties with Doha are still icy due to the 2017 diplomatic stand-off, UAE has been enjoying strong ties with Jordan, Egypt, 5 other fellow GCC members, and has been engaging more with countries like Sudan and Cyprus as well as making more headway towards European countries.

The rest of the countries in the region are anyway too useless from their perspective to consider.

For what though? It doesn't want to fight Qatar or Saudi Arabia and it can't beat Iran no matter how crappy its air force is. 100s of billions spent on F-16s, intentionally handicapped F-35s, Rafales, and overpriced ammunition just to take potshots at rogue non-state militias in Yemen and do training with neighboring air forces with an actual purpose?

The UAE does not have to defeat Iran; it just has to make the cost of escalation very difficult. Their military combined with the allies like France & the UK will simply swat Iranians out if push came to shove. Iran's only threat is to lob missiles at Emirati cities to scare away the migrant population.
Do you really think that the home countries of the immigrants working there will take it kindly to see their citizens killed in missile strikes? Iran will have a pissed-off Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and the Philippines among other countries to deal with, of which 1 borders with Iran and the other is a stone's throw away.

Absolutely not. The UAE definitely could not project air power in North Africa.

Something happened to Saudi Arabia, UAE, and Bahrain when Trump took power and it has absolutely screwed the foreign policy of all three of these countries to their collective detriment.

You misunderstand me. I was talking about projecting influence, not flying Emirati jets in African skies.

Screwed the foreign policy? All the three are coming out and joining the rest of the world in trade, development, and defense cooperation, normalizing ties, minimizing regional conflicts and focusing on a world beyond oil.
The point is, they are making money and inducting new weaponry that will help them defend their country. If that works, why not?

But they aren't making money. They are spending a ridiculous amounts of money just to be glorified middle-men in the global arms trade. It's just not good for the strategic outlook of the country. The UAE is already famous for being a hub of illegal activity, this full blown push into arms dealing seems to play into that.

While ties with Doha are still icy due to the 2017 diplomatic stand-off,

Icy is an understatement. What the UAE, Saudi Arabia, and Bahrain attempted has put a permanent negative mark on the relations with their neighbors and irreparably harmed their standing amongst their neighbors. How can a countries like Jordan or Kuwait or Iraq or Lebanon trust the UAE and Saudi Arabia to play nice if their national interests are suddenly in opposition to the ideological leanings and political whims of the Crown Princes of Abu Dhabi or Saudi Arabia?

You saw what happened with Lebanon, the minute a government official dares question the policy of a crown prince, suddenly it's sanctions time for Lebanon. It's personal to them. The foreign policy of these nations have changed from their collective national interests to becoming the playthings of Princes.

UAE has been enjoying strong ties with Jordan, Egypt, 5 other fellow GCC members

Not really. The leaders pay lip service to each other but the vast majority is just talk. Very little is of substance. And what little substance there is seems entirely reliant on the whims of how these Crowns Princes feel like, which easily changes as the wind blows.

has been engaging more with countries like Sudan and Cyprus

"engaging more"

You mean actively assisting and investing in Ethiopia and its leadership in direct opposition to the national interests of both Sudan and Egypt? Yeah, real nice "engagement" and "close ties".

Supporting Israel's increasing incursions on the Jordanian Monarchy's stewardship of the Al Aqsa? Sanctioning Lebanon and attacking their political structures?

What does Cyrpus or Greece bring to the table for the UAE? Absolutely nothing, the military cooperation purely exists to antagonize Turkey. Why? Because their Crown Prince suddenly has a vendetta against Turkey. Why? Who knows.

The UAE does not have to defeat Iran; it just has to make the cost of escalation very difficult.

Iran has the largest missile arsenal in the entire region. If Iran was interested in making the UAE disappear, it honestly wouldn't be that hard. No amount of Rafales can stop thousands of ballistic missiles hitting Abu Dhabi and Dubai.

Again, it wouldn't even be that costly for Iran.

Their military combined with the allies like France & the UK will simply swat Iranians out if push came to shove.

France and the UK aren't not going to help the UAE in a military engagement with Iran. Not even close.

Iran's only threat

Except that Iran hasn't threatened the UAE. It's the reverse... why? Beats me. You think it would be in the Emirati national interest to be nice to their largest neighbor but they seem set on antagonizing Iran.

Do you really think that the home countries of the immigrants working there will take it kindly to see their citizens killed in missile strikes?

India, Pakistan, and the Philippines won't intervene if the UAE is attacked by Iran. There is no point.

ou misunderstand me. I was talking about projecting influence

They aren't projecting influence either. They've been rubbing elbows with the ruling elite in a few countries but their foreign policy has alienated the vast majority of North Africans especially when it comes to normalization. They are aggravating a civil war and supporting the reinstatement of a dictatorship in Libya. They helped orchestrate a anti-democratic coup in Tunisia. They are supporting Ethiopia in threatening Egypt and Sudan's crucial water supply. On top of also supporting another anti-democratic coup in Sudan.

The UAE and Saudi Arabia are strangling democracy in the MENA in its crib and your acting like their saints because suddenly they joined the pro-Israel line.

All the three are coming out and joining the rest of the world in trade, development, and defense cooperation

No, they aren't.

normalizing ties, minimizing regional conflicts and focusing on a world beyond oil.

Have you not paid attention the region at all. Those 3 countries are actively creating and provoking vast amounts of hostility and conflict in their region. They are antagonizing Iran, Turkey, Qatar, Palestine, and actively participating in conflicts in Yemen, Libya, Syria, Ethiopia, etc. They're actively creating more regional conflicts.
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But they aren't making money. They are spending a ridiculous amount of money just to be glorified middlemen in the global arms trade. It's just not good for the strategic outlook of the country. The UAE is already famous for being a hub of illegal activity, this full-blown push into arms dealing seems to play into that.

Icy is an understatement. What the UAE, Saudi Arabia, and Bahrain attempted has put a permanent negative mark on the relations with their neighbors and irreparably harmed their standing amongst their neighbors. How can a country like Jordan or Kuwait or Iraq or Lebanon trust the UAE and Saudi Arabia to play nice if their national interests are suddenly in opposition to the ideological leanings and political whims of the Crown Princes of Abu Dhabi or Saudi Arabia?

You saw what happened with Lebanon, the minute a government official dares question the policy of a crown prince, suddenly it's sanctions time for Lebanon. It's personal to them. The foreign policy of these nations have changed from their collective national interests to becoming the playthings of Princes.

Not really. The leaders pay lip service to each other but the vast majority is just talk. Very little is of substance. And what little substance there is seems entirely reliant on the whims of how these Crowns Princes feel like, which easily changes as the wind blows.

"engaging more"

You mean actively assisting and investing in Ethiopia and its leadership in direct opposition to the national interests of both Sudan and Egypt? Yeah, real nice "engagement" and "close ties".

Supporting Israel's increasing incursions on the Jordanian Monarchy's stewardship of the Al Aqsa? Sanctioning Lebanon and attacking their political structures?

What does Cyrpus or Greece bring to the table for the UAE? Absolutely nothing, the military cooperation purely exists to antagonize Turkey. Why? Because their Crown Prince suddenly has a vendetta against Turkey. Why? Who knows.

Iran has the largest missile arsenal in the entire region. If Iran was interested in making the UAE disappear, it honestly wouldn't be that hard. No amount of Rafales can stop thousands of ballistic missiles hitting Abu Dhabi and Dubai.

Again, it wouldn't even be that costly for Iran.

France and the UK aren't not going to help the UAE in a military engagement with Iran. Not even close.
Except that Iran hasn't threatened the UAE. It's the reverse... why? Beats me. You think it would be in the Emirati national interest to be nice to their largest neighbor but they seem set on antagonizing Iran.

India, Pakistan, and the Philippines won't intervene if the UAE is attacked by Iran. There is no point.

They aren't projecting influence either. They've been rubbing elbows with the ruling elite in a few countries but their foreign policy has alienated the vast majority of North Africans especially when it comes to normalization. They are aggravating a civil war and supporting the reinstatement of a dictatorship in Libya. They helped orchestrate an anti-democratic coup in Tunisia. They are supporting Ethiopia is threatening Egypt and Sudan's crucial water supply. On top of also supporting another anti-democratic coup in Sudan.

The UAE and Saudi Arabia are strangling democracy in the MENA in its crib and you acting like their saints because suddenly they joined the pro-Israel line.

No, they aren't.

Have you not paid attention to the region at all. Those 3 countries are actively creating and provoking vast amounts of hostility and conflict in their region. They are antagonizing Iran, Turkey, Qatar, Palestine, and actively participating in conflicts in Yemen, Libya, Syria, Ethiopia, etc. They're actively creating more regional conflicts.

There will be some allies and there will be some enemies.

For example, normalizing ties with Israel is increasingly becoming common in the Arab world. Bahrain and UAE did it; Oman has already maintained regional neutrality and has even met the Israeli ex-PM Netanyahu which was publicized a couple of years ago. Egypt and Jordan have open diplomatic ties with Israel long before these states did and now chances are that Saudi and later Kuwait might also normalize ties with them. This is purely commercial and reduces regional tensions so that they can focus on commercial and economic activities with a splash of security-related matters.

Israel and the issue with Gaza and West Bank is a dead horse now. GCC states are just pragmatic to realize it early and move on rather than rankle on some old ideological mumbo jumbo of the region. Not a single GCC member has any borders along with Israel nor has any direct conflict with them. Why would they want to continue this enmity and behave like Iran's leadership? Iranian clerics are desperate to win some attention and control of the Middle East much like Erdogan is trying to do since his ascension as the Turkish President /earlier PM. Qatar is not such a powder keg as there have been attempts to normalize the ties between it and the rest of the GCC members, especially the UAE.

The Yemen conflict was a part of the GCC pact they had made with Saudi Arabia. It is kinda like the regional NATO and naturally, UAE is concerned that Iran-backed militias should not be strengthened in Yemen. No war is perfect and naturally, this one was a mess like all the other wars are. Syria has become the regional kitchen with everyone involved. Name me one prominent group that is not fighting or funding there. Turks, Arabs, and Iranians are vying for power through Syria while Russia is safeguarding its assets in that country. The only major Muslim country missing in action in Syria is Pakistan.

Jordan or Kuwait do not seem to be having any diplomatic issues with the UAE, meanwhile, Lebanon is almost dead and is of no relevance to the UAE.

The current UAE support in Ethiopia is to support Aby Ahmed's government retain control of the country in a civil war. China is also involved there arming the government troops against the Tigray fighters. What's your point? If Ahmed later decides to make a dam or not, that is not UAE's problem. When they enter the civil war, the UAE has some clear objectives in mind for influence. I don't know what it is, but the last of it would be to tell the Ethiopians to dam the Nile as it serves 0 purposes for the Emiratis.

If you assume those French and British bases in the UAE are just for fun, then you are mistaken. One Iranian missile falls on them and you see how the region changes. Iran's missiles missed their mark when they attacked the US base in retaliation to the assassination of the IRGC commander Qasim Soleimani. Had they actually done any significant loss of life of the American soldiers, WW3 would have started by now.
One of the smartest tactics of the UAE is to get as many stakeholders involved in the region. French & British bases, millions of foreign expats, not to mention the strong ties with all major powers around the world.

Man, what's with you and the whole Israel thing? All I said was that the UAE has become much smarter and is playing active geopolitical games in the region for securing its long-term interests. You have mentioned Israel 4 times in your post. No one cares about some random internal conflict in Israel between them and the Gazans or West Bankers except probably you guys in Pakistan. Why? Apart from religious idealism, I don't know why.

Even Turks don't care apart from Erdogan earning brownie points in regional geopolitics. He has not withdrawn recognition, he has not stopped doing business with Israel, there are still Israelis visiting Turkey and vice versa (minus the pandemic). Who they choose to have ties with is up to them as sovereign nations. Turks, Jordanians, Egyptians, etc. all have diplomatic ties with Israel. What's wrong with Emiratis having the same?
But they aren't making money. They are spending a ridiculous amounts of money just to be glorified middle-men in the global arms trade. It's just not good for the strategic outlook of the country. The UAE is already famous for being a hub of illegal activity, this full blown push into arms dealing seems to play into that.

Icy is an understatement. What the UAE, Saudi Arabia, and Bahrain attempted has put a permanent negative mark on the relations with their neighbors and irreparably harmed their standing amongst their neighbors. How can a countries like Jordan or Kuwait or Iraq or Lebanon trust the UAE and Saudi Arabia to play nice if their national interests are suddenly in opposition to the ideological leanings and political whims of the Crown Princes of Abu Dhabi or Saudi Arabia?

You saw what happened with Lebanon, the minute a government official dares question the policy of a crown prince, suddenly it's sanctions time for Lebanon. It's personal to them. The foreign policy of these nations have changed from their collective national interests to becoming the playthings of Princes.

Not really. The leaders pay lip service to each other but the vast majority is just talk. Very little is of substance. And what little substance there is seems entirely reliant on the whims of how these Crowns Princes feel like, which easily changes as the wind blows.

"engaging more"

You mean actively assisting and investing in Ethiopia and its leadership in direct opposition to the national interests of both Sudan and Egypt? Yeah, real nice "engagement" and "close ties".

Supporting Israel's increasing incursions on the Jordanian Monarchy's stewardship of the Al Aqsa? Sanctioning Lebanon and attacking their political structures?

What does Cyrpus or Greece bring to the table for the UAE? Absolutely nothing, the military cooperation purely exists to antagonize Turkey. Why? Because their Crown Prince suddenly has a vendetta against Turkey. Why? Who knows.

Iran has the largest missile arsenal in the entire region. If Iran was interested in making the UAE disappear, it honestly wouldn't be that hard. No amount of Rafales can stop thousands of ballistic missiles hitting Abu Dhabi and Dubai.

Again, it wouldn't even be that costly for Iran.

France and the UK aren't not going to help the UAE in a military engagement with Iran. Not even close.

Except that Iran hasn't threatened the UAE. It's the reverse... why? Beats me. You think it would be in the Emirati national interest to be nice to their largest neighbor but they seem set on antagonizing Iran.

India, Pakistan, and the Philippines won't intervene if the UAE is attacked by Iran. There is no point.

They aren't projecting influence either. They've been rubbing elbows with the ruling elite in a few countries but their foreign policy has alienated the vast majority of North Africans especially when it comes to normalization. They are aggravating a civil war and supporting the reinstatement of a dictatorship in Libya. They helped orchestrate a anti-democratic coup in Tunisia. They are supporting Ethiopia in threatening Egypt and Sudan's crucial water supply. On top of also supporting another anti-democratic coup in Sudan.

The UAE and Saudi Arabia are strangling democracy in the MENA in its crib and your acting like their saints because suddenly they joined the pro-Israel line.

No, they aren't.

Have you not paid attention the region at all. Those 3 countries are actively creating and provoking vast amounts of hostility and conflict in their region. They are antagonizing Iran, Turkey, Qatar, Palestine, and actively participating in conflicts in Yemen, Libya, Syria, Ethiopia, etc. They're actively creating more regional conflicts.
Have you ever heard about the Peninsula shield of the GCC? If you engage anyone of the GCC countries is like engaging all of them ..the very same as the NATO principle..

ON top of that there is the Arab national security principle at work.. for example Egypt alone has or can make more BMs than Iran.. KSA has a huge missile reserve with 7 city-like bases mostly underground..The UAE itself has many weapons to hurt Iran.. and all of this before even a real war starts..

So neither Iran nor the GCC and its allies have interest in a big war that will drain their energy and resources for nothing to gain really..
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Iran has the largest missile arsenal in the entire region. If Iran was interested in making the UAE disappear, it honestly wouldn't be that hard. No amount of Rafales can stop thousands of ballistic missiles hitting Abu Dhabi and Dubai.

Don't know why people can calculate just anything at all without looking at economies, politics, diplomacy, world map. Attacking UAE for Iran is equivalent to SELF DESTRUCT.

Don't reply line by line without seeing the context. Read the whole thing then you will realize how wrong you are. Iran would never do such stupid thing. If you want to reply, then reply whole text. Because everything is linked together.

Why it will be self destruct for Iran, because it will invite wrath of entire world. Millions of foreigners live in UAE. Don't even going to americans / canadians/ europeans and their businesses, the world's oil / power supply just even check what impact Pakistanis will face of a war bw Iran / UAE. First the oil shortage / prices going up 1000 percents as our most oil comes from GCC. Secondly, the economy is afloat because of remittances and maximum of those comes from UAE / Saudi. So even not in war, pak will be paying the heavy price. Same goes for many other countries.

Now any attack on UAE is attack on Saudi. The Israel needs only an excuse to attack Iran these days. Before even Israelis / saudis or UAE begin their counter attack, the US F-22 raptors / strategic bombers from Abu Dhabi base will bring hell to iranian silos / strategic sites. There are many american bases in GCC. UAE / Saudi are the most important countries for US and the world because of Oil & trade. The wealth / economy, tourism / partnerships / billion dollars businesses are way important for the world. The US / EU would naturally do the counter attack as I explained even Pakistan / India won't let that happen because of millions of their people in GCC & massive downside for economy because of disruption of oil / remittances / trade.

Any war calculation must include geo-politics. Wars are not played on table with number of missiles and all that.

Lastly, Iran is not that stupid to do such self destruct move. It wants to embrace international trade. It even allowed international monitors to keep watch on its nuclear facilities. It is trying hard to get rid of sanctions. It wants its economy to flourish. Economy is eventual goal of all powers / countries, military capability is only a tool, the objective of nations are prosperity, welfare of its people which comes with strong economy.
chances are that Saudi and later Kuwait might also normalize ties with them.

I seriously doubt that.

This is purely commercial

No, it isn't.

reduces regional tensions so that they can focus on commercial and economic activities with a splash of security-related matters.

Once again, the UAE had vastly increased regional tensions and conflict in many regional countries.

Israel and the issue with Gaza and West Bank is a dead horse now.

Not even close.

. GCC states are just pragmatic to realize it early

The only GCC states that normalized with Israel was the UAE and Bahrain. The majority of GCC states still oppose Israel.

on some old ideological mumbo jumbo of the region.

Is that why the UAE is so obsessed over the ideological mumbo jumbo of the big bad boogeyman that is the "Muslim brotherhood"? Now that's a dead horse.

Iranian clerics are desperate to win some attention and control of the Middle East much like Erdogan is trying to do since his ascension as the Turkish President /earlier PM. Qatar is not such a powder keg as there have been attempts to normalize the ties between it and the rest of the GCC members, especially the UAE.

Iran has actual influence and control in numerous countries in the Middle East. It has vast amounts of control and influence in Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, and Yemen. And stop trying to downplay the massive siege that the UAE and Saudi Arabia enacted on Qatar. That was major escalation and creation of a conflict where there was none in the past.

Jordan or Kuwait do not seem to be having any diplomatic issues with the UAE

They do actually.

What's your point?

What do you mean? How can you say that the UAE is "strengthening alliances" when all it's doing is actively undermining their supposed "allies".

If you assume those French and British bases in the UAE are just for fun

If you think that the UK and France are going to intervene against Iran over the UAE then you're delusional.

One Iranian missile falls on them and you see how the region changes.

You really are overestimating the "power" the UAE holds.

Man, what's with you and the whole Israel thing?

I brought up a whole lot of different stuff other than Israeli normalization. Normalization is just the much apparent decision that showcases how screwed the foreign policy of the UAE has become.

UAE has become much smarter and is playing active geopolitical games in the region for securing its long-term interests.

No, it hasn't. It's become dumber and it shows.

s except probably you guys in Pakistan. Why?

I'm not Pakistani.
Have you ever heard about the Peninsula shield of the GCC? If you engage anyone of the GCC countries is like engaging all of them ..the very same as the NATO principle.

Like the paper tiger that was IMAFT? I'll believe it's effectiveness when it actually showcases some. Qatar and Kuwait and Oman are not going to pick a fight with Iran.
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No, it wouldn't.

Where did I say that Iran was going to attack the UAE. I said that the UAE is actively antagonizing Iran.

Nope, LMAO.

The U.S is entirely self-reliant when it comes to oil. And Europe gets its oil from other sources like Russia and Norway. The only countries that would be hurt would be East Asian countries most and they aren't going to be intervening any time soon.

Your understanding of military matters is null and void just like some iranians think freaking BMs can destroy a country is one of the biggest fallacies uttered in PDF even became an inside joke and basically by typical Layman..

First of All UAE has very extensive ADS not many would get thru but of whatever get thru it would only destroy individual buildings? how is that destruction main while UAE has air-superiority would first take out Iran's ADS leaving the country completely at the mercy of UAE bombardment at free will.. They could level Tehren to the ground as they please and Iran will be reduced to fighting defensive war from the get go..

In any conflict an army has to combine conventional forces, air force and technical aspect in order to grind down an opponent this is how a victory occurs but not thinking I would lope in some BMs and i would call it a day lmao.. Example take Israel in order for them to take victory against Hamas and Hezbollah they will have to grind them down using all aspects of the military spectum which they can't do without taking huge losses in material and manpower this is the realistic conventional spectrum and Iran doesn’t have that element over UAE whos better positioned with an extensive ally network in its rear behind and if any such conflict was to occur Iran will be on the back foot and forced to fight defensive war on its territories because the fight will be brought to it and it is at disadvantage conventionally, air power and manpower but still they have to grind them down
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This is one a video showing the quality of the Sony zoom camera used in the Emirati EO/IR Gimbal 270. It can track targets at a good distance and will likely be used on the Reach-S.

It also has a thermal camera, and another daylight camera.


The launch of the joint Emirates Shield / 50 exercise

The UAE Armed Forces is the official name of the UAE Army, which 100,000 Emirati officers and soldiers.
The General Command of the Armed Forces is located in the UAE capital, Abu Dhabi.

Its primary responsibility is to defend the borders, airspace and territorial waters of the United Arab Emirates.

Then in the second place: the defense of the Arabian Gulf in cooperation with the armies of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the Sultanate of Oman, the Kingdom of Bahrain, the State of Kuwait and the State of Qatar.
The launch of the joint Emirates Shield / 50 exercise

The UAE Armed Forces is the official name of the UAE Army, which 100,000 Emirati officers and soldiers.
The General Command of the Armed Forces is located in the UAE capital, Abu Dhabi.

Its primary responsibility is to defend the borders, airspace and territorial waters of the United Arab Emirates.

Then in the second place: the defense of the Arabian Gulf in cooperation with the armies of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the Sultanate of Oman, the Kingdom of Bahrain, the State of Kuwait and the State of Qatar.

Awesome exercises this deserves to be on the peninsula shield thread not made in UAE
It is here because a lot of the weapons used are Made in the UAE..

Made in could be anything perhaps this thread should have been UAE defense thread. I usually only go into defense related threads
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