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Highlighting Fighter Jets' Dazzling Aerobatics at the Dubai Airshow 2023

all their subsystems are western made and not a single one is locally made , it is like assembling components bought from foreign companies and then calling it locally produced. Like how tejas was touted as indian made but in reality majority of the systems are foreign imports

only russia and china produce weapon system from top to bottom without any foreign import
@Philip the Arab I am sure you are very happy hahaha

I know, man. he hasn't been around for a while. So hasn't @EgyptianAmerican. He hasn't posted in several years, Maybe @Buschlaid knows if either of them are ok.

The UAEAF has integrated Al Tariq and THUNDER P-32 on their Rafales which means Egypt can integrate them too

Where did you see them integrate the Al Tariq and THUNDER P-32 on their Rafales? They haven't even received any of them yet. Are you referring to this pic?


Or are you talking about the models? Either way, take close look at that Rafale, most likely an F4.1 and that coating. That's not the normal coating you see on any other Rafale that I have seen anyway. Maybe it's just a photographic delusion I'm having but it sure looks like some type of RAM.

BTW, @The SC , you're 100% right that their order of Rafales is coming with the NEON UCAV lol. And with whatever weapons package they agreed on and signed the contract in December of 2021 was for a total of $19 BILLION! l m a o.

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has ordered 80 Rafale fighter jets from France, along with 12 military helicopters and a number of NEON unmanned combat aerial vehicles (UCAVs). This is the largest-ever overseas sale of Rafale jets, worth about $19 billion1. The contract was signed on December 3, 2021, during a visit by French President Emmanuel Macron to the Gulf region21.

The Rafale is a multirole combat aircraft designed and manufactured by Dassault Aviation. It can perform air superiority, interdiction, reconnaissance, ground support, in-depth strike, anti-ship strike, and nuclear deterrence missions. It is equipped with a wide range of smart and discrete sensors, a fully optimized airframe, and a powerful multisensor data fusion system. It can also carry a full range of advanced weapons, including air-to-air and air-to-surface missiles, bombs, and rockets2.

The NEON UCAV is a stealthy, autonomous, and networked drone that can operate in swarms and cooperate with manned aircraft. It is based on the nEUROn demonstrator, a European cooperation project led by Dassault Aviation, with the participation of France, Italy, Sweden, Spain, Greece, and Switzerland. The nEUROn was the first European stealth UCAV to fly, in 20123. The NEON UCAV is expected to be operational by 2030.

The UAE is a strategic partner of France and a major player in regional stability. The Rafale and NEON UCAV deal will enhance the UAE’s defense capabilities and interoperability with France and other allies.
It will also support thousands of jobs in France and guarantee the supply chain of the Rafale until the end of 2031


This is huge news. I just read this here a few hours ago and I couldn't believe it and it's pissing me off big time. And now even more thanks to you, SC! :D These dang Emirates are really pulling away from everyone around them. This is what this one part of the article said:

13.11.2023, 18:31
Presentation of LTS Checkmate at the MAKS-2021 air show / UAC press service / © Archive photo
The fifth-generation Checkmate light fighter, which Sukhoi is working on, is in preparation for the production of the first samples. The design documentation has already been transferred to the manufacturer, and the preparation of production has begun, the press service of the Rostec State Corporation said.
Based on the results of the presentation of Checkmate at the Dubai Airshow 2021 and negotiations with potential buyers, the cost of the project and individual technical solutions were adjusted. Changes were made to the project based on the requests received, which made it possible to improve and adapt the aircraft to the requirements of potential customers, Rostec said.

So not only has the Checkmate prototype samples begun, but they had changes made to the aircraft based on negotiations with potential customers at the Dubai airshow in 2021. Let's see, I wonder who the hell "those customers" could be lol. It's obviously one, the UAE who's obviously sticking it to the US by not only doing this but going out and spending $19 Billion on 80 Rafale F4.1s and UCAVs & Helicopters. Maybe the US is slowly learning the hard way about their love of protecting the apartheid state is costing them A LOT in so many ways,

I love it for the UAE, really, I do.........but I'm honestly sick to my stomach from envy and jealousy! I admit it! AstaghfurAllah please forgive me ya Allah!

But dang, bro, EDGE is blowing up the weapons industry to pieces! Heck even MBDA is trying to partner up with them and check out this great piece of news; this was from a Greek article talking about improving their long-standing partnership with the UAE by doing this:

Hellenic Air Force: Saber, Al Tariq, Nasef and Thunder of Edge Group as options for Greek fighters

ΠΗΓΗ: https://nemesishd.gr/gnomi/polemiki...-group-os-epiloges-gia-ta-ellinika-machitika/ | NEMESIS HD

But if you click the link to the article, it shows a TEJAS MK-A1 loaded with EDGE weapons LOLOL which was a most pleasant surprise because of obvious reasons! If these come to the Egypt on a huge ToT scale with the UTTAM AESA radar and ready for EDGE weapons, that will make an incredible addition to the EAF's Rafales and who knows, maybe even our F-16s. At least the Rafales & Tejas can carry some of the new cruise missiles if the US still acts like a biatcha.

TEJAS MK-A1 with AL TARIQs and other EDGE munitions. I think the Greeks who wrote the article thought it was a Rafale.


Heck they're even mounting them on the 802 Tractors LOL! Unbelievable.

I know, man. he hasn't been around for a while. So hasn't @EgyptianAmerican. He hasn't posted in several years, Maybe @Buschlaid knows if either of them are ok.

Where did you see them integrate the Al Tariq and THUNDER P-32 on their Rafales? They haven't even received any of them yet. Are you referring to this pic?

View attachment 1029294

Or are you talking about the models? Either way, take close look at that Rafale, most likely an F4.1 and that coating. That's not the normal coating you see on any other Rafale that I have seen anyway. Maybe it's just a photographic delusion I'm having but it sure looks like some type of RAM.

BTW, @The SC , you're 100% right that their order of Rafales is coming with the NEON UCAV lol. And with whatever weapons package they agreed on and signed the contract in December of 2021 was for a total of $19 BILLION! l m a o.

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has ordered 80 Rafale fighter jets from France, along with 12 military helicopters and a number of NEON unmanned combat aerial vehicles (UCAVs). This is the largest-ever overseas sale of Rafale jets, worth about $19 billion1. The contract was signed on December 3, 2021, during a visit by French President Emmanuel Macron to the Gulf region21.

The Rafale is a multirole combat aircraft designed and manufactured by Dassault Aviation. It can perform air superiority, interdiction, reconnaissance, ground support, in-depth strike, anti-ship strike, and nuclear deterrence missions. It is equipped with a wide range of smart and discrete sensors, a fully optimized airframe, and a powerful multisensor data fusion system. It can also carry a full range of advanced weapons, including air-to-air and air-to-surface missiles, bombs, and rockets2.

The NEON UCAV is a stealthy, autonomous, and networked drone that can operate in swarms and cooperate with manned aircraft. It is based on the nEUROn demonstrator, a European cooperation project led by Dassault Aviation, with the participation of France, Italy, Sweden, Spain, Greece, and Switzerland. The nEUROn was the first European stealth UCAV to fly, in 20123. The NEON UCAV is expected to be operational by 2030.

The UAE is a strategic partner of France and a major player in regional stability. The Rafale and NEON UCAV deal will enhance the UAE’s defense capabilities and interoperability with France and other allies.
It will also support thousands of jobs in France and guarantee the supply chain of the Rafale until the end of 2031


This is huge news. I just read this here a few hours ago and I couldn't believe it and it's pissing me off big time. And now even more thanks to you, SC! :D These dang Emirates are really pulling away from everyone around them. This is what this one part of the article said:

13.11.2023, 18:31
Presentation of LTS Checkmate at the MAKS-2021 air show / UAC press service / © Archive photo
The fifth-generation Checkmate light fighter, which Sukhoi is working on, is in preparation for the production of the first samples. The design documentation has already been transferred to the manufacturer, and the preparation of production has begun, the press service of the Rostec State Corporation said.
Based on the results of the presentation of Checkmate at the Dubai Airshow 2021 and negotiations with potential buyers, the cost of the project and individual technical solutions were adjusted. Changes were made to the project based on the requests received, which made it possible to improve and adapt the aircraft to the requirements of potential customers, Rostec said.

So not only has the Checkmate prototype samples begun, but they had changes made to the aircraft based on negotiations with potential customers at the Dubai airshow in 2021. Let's see, I wonder who the hell "those customers" could be lol. It's obviously one, the UAE who's obviously sticking it to the US by not only doing this but going out and spending $19 Billion on 80 Rafale F4.1s and UCAVs & Helicopters. Maybe the US is slowly learning the hard way about their love of protecting the apartheid state is costing them A LOT in so many ways,

I love it for the UAE, really, I do.........but I'm honestly sick to my stomach from envy and jealousy! I admit it! AstaghfurAllah please forgive me ya Allah!

But dang, bro, EDGE is blowing up the weapons industry to pieces! Heck even MBDA is trying to partner up with them and check out this great piece of news; this was from a Greek article talking about improving their long-standing partnership with the UAE by doing this:

Hellenic Air Force: Saber, Al Tariq, Nasef and Thunder of Edge Group as options for Greek fighters

ΠΗΓΗ: https://nemesishd.gr/gnomi/polemiki...-group-os-epiloges-gia-ta-ellinika-machitika/ | NEMESIS HD

But if you click the link to the article, it shows a TEJAS MK-A1 loaded with EDGE weapons LOLOL which was a most pleasant surprise because of obvious reasons! If these come to the Egypt on a huge ToT scale with the UTTAM AESA radar and ready for EDGE weapons, that will make an incredible addition to the EAF's Rafales and who knows, maybe even our F-16s. At least the Rafales & Tejas can carry some of the new cruise missiles if the US still acts like a biatcha.

TEJAS MK-A1 with AL TARIQs and other EDGE munitions. I think the Greeks who wrote the article thought it was a Rafale.

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Heck they're even mounting them on the 802 Tractors LOL! Unbelievable.

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Yeah I was talking about the model. But we consider JDAMS Al Tariq guidance kit?
Yeah I was talking about the model. But we consider JDAMS Al Tariq guidance kit?

I would say so, for sure. Maybe even better than JDAMs (I know people are gonna jump all over me on this but hear me out first), from the Greek article link I posted.

Al Tariq guidance kit

Al Tariq is a family of precision-guided munitions kits that turn standard aerial bombs into high-precision smart weapons. These kits are designed for compatibility with a range of bomb sizes, namely the 120 kg, 250 kg and 450 kg series.


A key feature of the Al Tariq system is its ability to operate efficiently in GPS-free environments. One of the standout aspects of the Al Tariq system is the dual-mode search technology. This includes an infrared imaging detector (IIR) with automatic target recognition (ATR) capabilities, a laser detector (SAL) and GPS/GNSS support. This combination enables high-precision targeting in all weather conditions, both day and night. The system is designed for long distances, with the standard range variant (Al Tariq S) capable of engaging targets from 30 to 45 kilometers away and the long-range variant (Al Tariq LR) exceeding 120 kilometers. This long-range capability, combined with fire and forget technology, makes the Al Tariq capable of engaging stationary and moving targets.


In terms of integration and development, the Al Tariq system is distinguished by its modularity and ease of use. It can be wirelessly integrated with various types of fighter jets, offering both digital and autonomous options. This flexibility is enhanced by features such as variable angles of attack (up to 90 degrees), retargeting capability and integration of mechanical and electronic fuses. Source.

Remember that bolded part in this last paragraph was what @Philip the Arab was talking about. They can be programmed and fired by the pilot using a tablet or an iPad lol. The technology is nuts and so innovative which is why everyone is jumping on the bandwagon and smartest of all is the UAE, Wait till they start introducing AI systems to these weapons once it actually matures into real artificial intelligence and not the programed intelligence it's currently at.
I would say so, for sure. Maybe even better than JDAMs (I know people are gonna jump all over me on this but hear me out first), from the Greek article link I posted.

Al Tariq guidance kit

Al Tariq is a family of precision-guided munitions kits that turn standard aerial bombs into high-precision smart weapons. These kits are designed for compatibility with a range of bomb sizes, namely the 120 kg, 250 kg and 450 kg series.

View attachment 1029359

A key feature of the Al Tariq system is its ability to operate efficiently in GPS-free environments. One of the standout aspects of the Al Tariq system is the dual-mode search technology. This includes an infrared imaging detector (IIR) with automatic target recognition (ATR) capabilities, a laser detector (SAL) and GPS/GNSS support. This combination enables high-precision targeting in all weather conditions, both day and night. The system is designed for long distances, with the standard range variant (Al Tariq S) capable of engaging targets from 30 to 45 kilometers away and the long-range variant (Al Tariq LR) exceeding 120 kilometers. This long-range capability, combined with fire and forget technology, makes the Al Tariq capable of engaging stationary and moving targets.

View attachment 1029362

In terms of integration and development, the Al Tariq system is distinguished by its modularity and ease of use. It can be wirelessly integrated with various types of fighter jets, offering both digital and autonomous options. This flexibility is enhanced by features such as variable angles of attack (up to 90 degrees), retargeting capability and integration of mechanical and electronic fuses. Source.

Remember that bolded part in this last paragraph was what @Philip the Arab was talking about. They can be programmed and fired by the pilot using a tablet or an iPad lol. The technology is nuts and so innovative which is why everyone is jumping on the bandwagon and smartest of all is the UAE, Wait till they start introducing AI systems to these weapons once it actually matures into real artificial intelligence and not the programed intelligence it's currently at.
I read the article. There is a lot of countries who produce bombs type JDAMS Lacin guidance kit (Roketsan-Turkey), TAKBIR kit (Pakistan) etc...
I read the article. There is a lot of countries who produce bombs type JDAMS Lacin guidance kit (Roketsan-Turkey), TAKBIR kit (Pakistan) etc...

Ya 3am enta bet7azar w'btet7ak 3aleya wela eh? lol Didn't you ask if we considered JDAMS the same as the AL Tariq guidance kit?

Yeah I was talking about the model. But we consider JDAMS Al Tariq guidance kit?

And i said for sure based on the information in that article as well as we had discussed it like crazy back when the HAWK SAMS were precisely destroyed in Libya and people were wondering if it was UAE or EAF Mirages that did it. Turns out most sources are claiming it was a joint operation between both countries most likely using Al Tariqs which shortly after the pics of EAF F-16s and Mirage 2Ks both carrying the AL Tariqs came out.

BTW, I'm going to use their acronyms from now on. ATs instead of the whole Al Tariq! God forbid the next missile they name Al Mustafa Abdullah precision A2A guidance kit!

What is the logic of showing PAF F7s? They are being retired and serve no future value anywhere for anything ?!?!

Funny you said that. First thing that came to my mind when I saw that. The only thing i can think of is that maybe Pakistan or China are offering upgraded avionics or other types of systems to countries that still operate them. I don't think the production line in China or the assembly line in Pakistan is still functioning, is it? I know we assembled something like 170 F-7 (original MiG-21 F-13 copy) but that ended way back in the late 80s or early 90s. @sami_1 would know better,
Ya 3am enta bet7azar w'btet7ak 3aleya wela eh? lol Didn't you ask if we considered JDAMS the same as the AL Tariq guidance kit?

And i said for sure based on the information in that article as well as we had discussed it like crazy back when the HAWK SAMS were precisely destroyed in Libya and people were wondering if it was UAE or EAF Mirages that did it. Turns out most sources are claiming it was a joint operation between both countries most likely using Al Tariqs which shortly after the pics of EAF F-16s and Mirage 2Ks both carrying the AL Tariqs came out.

BTW, I'm going to use their acronyms from now on. ATs instead of the whole Al Tariq! God forbid the next missile they name Al Mustafa Abdullah precision A2A guidance kit!

Funny you said that. First thing that came to my mind when I saw that. The only thing i can think of is that maybe Pakistan or China are offering upgraded avionics or other types of systems to countries that still operate them. I don't think the production line in China or the assembly line in Pakistan is still functioning, is it? I know we assembled something like 170 F-7 (original MiG-21 F-13 copy) but that ended way back in the late 80s or early 90s. @sami_1 would know better,


After Egypt severed its relationship with the Soviet Union and the Russians prevented the return of 140 Egyptian fighter jets that were undergoing overhual in eastren europe .
Egypt orders 100 Chinese engines for Egyptian MIG-21 fighters, which were parked due to a lack of durable engines.
In response, China and Egypt requested 4 HQ-6 aircraft from China to compensate for the loss of a number of TU-16 aircraft.


Egypt then requested a number of F-7 aircraft, as well as 40 F-6 aircraft, and signed a contract to produce 120 aircraft with China at a value of $3 million per aircraft, as well as a contract to assemble 120 F-6 aircraft.
The total number of F-7s that entered service in the Egyptian Air Force is estimated at 150 aircraft, and the number of F-6s that entered service is about 90. Egypt exported a number of F-6 aircraft and a number of F-7 aircraft to Iraq via Jordan and to Sudan from the aircraft that were assembled locally.
Egypt continued to use the F-6 initially as a light attack aircraft and as a training aircraft for the Egyptian F-16 to save training expenses.
The F-6 & F-7 planes are 25 years old for structures, and Egypt had large numbers of MIG-21s, as many as 422 planes remained in 1996. Egypt continued to use Russian and Chinese planes until the MIG-21 fighters were completely out of service until they were developed in Ukraine in 2008. With a number of 58 aircraft, it is believed that in recent years, Syria requested 40 Egyptian MIG-21 aircraft to be converted into UCAV aircraft.
Egypt gave the Libyan army 10 MIG-21 aircraft
Egypt obtained 240 F-16 aircraft,
,and about 20-40 Mirage-2000
Egypt has replaced the MIG-21 aircraft at a rate of 3 aircraft for each F-16 aircraft, so the Egyptian Air Force has shrunk from approximately 850 aircraft to 400 aircraft currently. It is believed that Egypt needs an eastern fighter to increase the number of fighters to supply the 40 Egyptian air bases with sufficient numbers of fighters. Egypt does not spend a lot on developing old equipment, so it prefers to buy new equipment instead of developing old equipment at a high cost, so it did not develop the MIG-21 aircraft for more than 2 million dollars per aircraft. Also, Egypt does not see the point in developing the F-16 fighters, as the development programs cost 20-25 million dollars. In addition to new ammunition, an AIM-120D missile worth $2 million, it is better for Egypt to buy a J-10CY plane worth $60 million than developing F-16 fighters. In the event of purchasing a large batch of J-10 fighters, their price will decrease by 20% alongside the Eastern MIG-35 fighters. The J-10C is not subject to restrictions on munitions and their quantities, and even the cost of Eastern munitions is less, given the equal ability in targeting accuracy and hitting targets.
Regarding guided air bombs with a range of 80 kilometers, Egypt has already developed it itself with a locally developed KIT, and in this way it maintains the entry of huge numbers to be the basic bomb, which the Russians and Americans are focusing on guided bombs in large quantities with such a range. Egypt does not see the point in developing the F-7 to carry this bomb except If the goal is to convert them into UCAV aircraft equipped with multiple ammunitions, and if such an approach is hindered,

it is Egypt's intention to obtain huge numbers of UCAV aircraft as lessons learned from the Russian-Ukrainian war. We see that it is inevitable to develop old aircraft into UCAV aircraft to benefit from large numbers of structures at a cost that does not exceed Half a million dollars to convert each aircraft to UCAV
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Long time no news, Russia will soon produce a prototype of the Su-75 Checkmate fighterjet..

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Regarding guided air bombs with a range of 80 kilometers, Egypt has already developed it itself with a locally developed KIT, and in this way it maintains the entry of huge numbers to be the basic bomb, which the Russians and Americans are focusing on guided bombs in large quantities with such a range. Egypt does not see the point in developing the F-7 to carry this bomb except If the goal is to convert them into UCAV aircraft equipped with multiple ammunitions, and if such an approach is hindered,
Which guided bombs with a range of 80km?
Which guided bombs with a range of 80km?


Egypt manufactures the American family of bombs
.MARK 82 /83 /84 and manufactures its guidance KIT
Whether television or laser or GPS , such as the American family GBU 12/16/24
This is normal because Egypt possesses 240 F-16 fighters and 43 F-4E.
Recently, one of the young engineers was able to develop a local KIT that increases the range of the Egyptian guided bombs to 80 kilometers, similar in performance to the level of the American JDAM-ER bombs. This is important in light of the low cost. Egypt can simply obtain licenses to produce the Korean GPS Guided Bomb and cut off the guidance for it. Even Chinese or European steering parts. The main point in Egypt is simply that the cost of manufacturing and local development is very low, and without any restrictions on quantity production, it is much cheaper than obtaining any production licenses. You simply give the engineer the price of one steering piece and a certificate of appreciation, and that’s it.

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