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List of tombs of Sunni figures rebuilt by Iran after Syrian rebels desecrated it

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... the follower are those two do not undrestand the quran....

Excuse me? You dreamt of it? Share the verses with me. When a Sunni Muslim take aggressive stance all of you lose your mind. But on the other hand, all the Shia Muslims perpetually hurt the sentiment of Sunni sectors.

Well he is right, as we know about the story of Fadak:

Fatima (Sa):Abu Bakr! Who gets your inheritance when you die?
Abu Bakr:My wives and children.
Fatima (Sa):What's happened that now you inherit from prophet , not us?
Abu Bakr: Daughter of the Prophet! Your father did not leave a single dinar of gold.
Fatima (Sa):But what about our share of Khyber and our charity of Fadak?
Abu Bakr: I heard from your father that "I will possess this land as long as I live, it'd belong to all Muslim once I die"
Fatima (Sa):But the Prophet has given me this farm in his life.
Abu Bakr: Do you have a proof?
Fatima (Sa):Yes. My husband Ali and Umm Ayman testify.
Abu Bakr: Daughter of the Prophet! You know that Umm Ayman is woman and her testimony is not complete. Another woman must testify too or bring a man as a witness.
And so Fadak was transferred to the treasury. However, Fatima did not acknowledge Abu Bakr's narration and still insisted on receiving her gift from the Prophet (PBUH).
We all know the fact that Prophet (PBUH) asked Muslims to look after 2 things Quran and his household and we know how they treated the family.

By the way Ommar and Abu Bakr took property of the household of the Prophet under pretext that "Prophet would not leave anything as inheritance except charity" ...they deprived Fatima (as) from her right. The narration means the property of Prophet belong to all Muslim after his departure so if Fatima (sa) as his daughter wouldn't inherent then it would be the same for his wives too.

But we know that Ommar in his final moments asked permission of wife of prophet (PBUH) "Ayeshe" to be buried in house of Prophet (PBUH) .... that means in his mind Ayeshe was the owner of the house of prophet (PBUH) as she'd already buried her father in house of prophet.

So the Q is:
1. If prophets just leave charity which belong to all Muslim then Ayeshe can not give permission to bury anyone as she was not the owner.
2. If Ayeshe could give permission to Abu bakr and Ommar to be buried in house of prophet (PBUH) then what is with charity and made up narration and taking away property of daughter of prophet? was daughter of prophet lying?
Interesting point is even if we accept that Ayeshe could inherent from Prophet (which is clearly opposing his own father words) then base on Islamic orders & teaching accepted by all Mulims the wife wouldn't inherent land but children would so in no way she had any right to give permission to Ommar or bury her father there in first place as she wasn't the owner.

Funny part is the daughter of prophet whom was from his blood would not inherit from his own dad due to fake narration made by Abu Bakr ,the father of Ayeshe, but Abu Bakr daughter would inherit? what traitors whom stole Prophet's daughter properties.

Funnier part is the sole narrator of this Hadith is only Abu Bakr. These guys even opposed Quran that says "And Solomon inherited David" He was either ignorant of Quran as there are many verses that oppose his words or just had his own agenda.

Then it means first 2 caliphate are buried in a place that is Qasbi which didn't belong to Ayeshe so she didn't have right to bury them there ... and as you know base on Islamic teaching either you should ask permission from the owner of the land or exhume the body & change the land... have you asked the permission from all Muslims? or did they?

and when did you write this cute little story?
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Funny in bold parts

In this fake story to malign Hazrat Abu Bakr (RZ) you claimed two contradictory things

1. Fadak was inheritence
2. Fadak was a gift

Even you know that your claims on this story are bogus and hence came up with two options so at least one would work

Chose any one option whether it was a inheritance or gift and I would reject your propaganda on that

Make up your mind. Gift or inheritence

I can answer all these bogus allegations

But first you need to make up your mind whether fadak was a gift or inheritence

Both won't work ;)
When you don't read .. inheritance was not all about Fadak there were other things too and Fatima (sa) would naturally inherit them all from his father which was denied by Abu Bakr base on fake narration therefore she said "what about our share of Khyber and our charity of Fadak" was given to me in time of prophet and are not inheritance that's why abo bakr asked for testimony ..
instead of telling me it's fake go read your own books ...
When you don't read .. inheritance was not all about Fadak there were other things too and Fatima (sa) would naturally inherit them all from his father which was denied by Abu Bakr base on fake narration therefore she said "share of Khyber and our charity of Fadak" was given to me in time of prophet and are not inheritance that's why abo bakr asked for testimony ..
instead of telling me it's fake go read your own books ...

I have read my books that is why I am rejecting your bogus claims rightly guided first caliph of Islam

Can't you guys make up your mind even after 1400 years that whether it was inheritance or gift? It can't be both and I would prove that too
Excuse me? You dreamt of it? Share the verses with me. When a Sunni Muslim take aggressive stance all of you lose your mind. But on the other hand, all the Shia Muslims perpetually hurt the sentiment of Sunni sectors.

and when did you write this cute little story?
Refute it if you can .
I have read my books that is why I am rejecting your bogus claims rightly guided first caliph of Islam

Can't you guys make up your mind even after 1400 years that whether it was inheritance or gift? It can't be both and I would prove that too
If it is gift then why it was taken?
If it was inheritance then why it was taken?
... the follower are those two do not undrestand the quran....
I don't care what your religious beliefs are, but you have no right, and this forum will not allow you, to disrespect religious figures revered by other faiths or sects.
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