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Iran backed Zeinabyoun brigade could become Pakistan's new internal security problem.

Yeah a well known Pro Zionist and anti Iran, Turkish source. Best at s@king up to West and Israel beside working for NATO propaganda Machine is introducing a Pakistani anti-terrorist group as a threat to Pakistan.

An anti ISIS group would never be a threat to homeland Pakistan, on the contrary, they are the reason why ISIS could never spread into Pakistani lands.
no thanks we dont want to kill terrorists through another terrorists, our security forces are enough to deal with ISIS we dont need to import Iranian terrorists to deal with it.
Pakistan was built in the name of Islam, the two nation theory describes the nations of Hindus and the nation of Muslims. We belong to the latter one. I know the holy white stripe on the left of Pakistan flags doesn't negate that fact. I have nothing in common with Balochis or Sindhis, I don't understand their language, their culture is alien to me. But they are Muslims so I can get along with them pretty well. Ideological states over "I was born here, so this is the bestest (!) country of the world and everybody else is stupid!"
Yeah so Shias fall under Muslims too. So do other sects.

Sunni state kab se ban gayi? Daddy ki jageer hai kya?
When will you start integating into Muslim society?
When you start integrating into your European society and stop being a Jihadi John mullah. I'll start then I promise.
Pakistan was built in the name of Islam, the two nation theory describes the nations of Hindus and the nation of Muslims. We belong to the latter one. I know the holy white stripe on the left of Pakistan flags doesn't negate that fact. I have nothing in common with Balochis or Sindhis, I don't understand their language, their culture is alien to me. But they are Muslims so I can get along with them pretty well. Ideological states over "I was born here, so this is the bestest (!) country of the world and everybody else is stupid
Well Shias and other sects are also Muslims. So get the fck along with them too.

Who died and made you the sole heir of Pakistan?
Democracy is a great thing, right? Majority rules baby
Yes. Democracy indeed is a great thing. I just hope you respect the majority in your country when it bans face coverings and don't whine like an offended punk then.

Who am I kidding? Of course you don't. Europe needs to be way more tight on terrorist sympathizing scun like you.
When you start integrating into your European society and stop being a Jihadi John mullah. I'll start then I promise.
See, we both can play this game.

Well Shias and other sects are also Muslims.
I am more for a case-to-case evaluation of their believe system because not everybody claiming to be Muslim is one. Can we agree on that? Or can a soccer player claim to be basketball player?

Yes. Democracy indeed is a great thing. I just hope you respect the majority in your country when it bans face coverings and don't whine like an offended punk then.
Democracy is great, the majority rules, you know? If there is no possibilty to live my life in Germany as I see fit, I can go somewhere else.

Who am I kidding? Of course you don't. Europe needs to be way more tight on terrorist sympathizing scun like you.
Yes, Euros need to implement total mind control. Everybody with a different opinion needs to be cancelled and jailed. Terrorists everywhere!!!
I am more for a case-to-case evaluation of their believe system because not everybody claiming to be Muslim is one. Can we agree on that? Or can a soccer player claim to be basketball player

Case for case evaluation? So Jihadi Johns like you are going to do case by case evaluations of Pakistani citizens to see if they suit your narrow minded interpretation of religion.

Lora mera.
I will call out Shias and Ahmedis where they are in power. They are not in power here. I am a huge critic of Khomeinis and Iran btw.

I am glad they are not in power. No need to turn this country into another Iraq or Lebanon. The only reason Assad is in power is because of huge Shia support from Iran. One of the reasons why ISIS rose was because of covert support to the destruction of Iraq by shias during and in aftermath of us led invasion.

Yes. They should stop their Iran-fixation. It's cringe.

Hazaras are not killed because of their self flagellation or Iran worship. They are killed because they exist. And that bothers Sunni extremists.

Part of broader Shia - sunni fight. Pretty sure Shias are doing it to sunnis where they are in majority.

You are bothered by Shia's self flagellation. Extremists who take it a notch above you are bothered by the simple fact that Shias (and other minorities) dare to exist.

This is where you're wrong. It's not a Sunni society. Just cause you're majority? Pakistan's movement had more Ahmadis, Shias and Ismailis than Sunnis.

By that regard, Pakistan is a Punjabi society, if we're going by rule of majority. Tab kyun G jal jaati hai? Then suddenly it becomes "Pakistan is for all."

Pakistan has no clear cut majority of any ethnicity. Punjab has a lot of other ethnicity that are technically not punjabi. If you pick pure punjabis , they are definitely not in overt majority.

Oh oh oh I just realized.

Shouldn't you learn to integrste better into Xtian society?

Scum like you want to have full rights when you're a minority but don't want it for others in your majority rule.

Applies to everyone brother. Pretty sure sunnis in Iran would be saying the same thing.
This is going on for centuries now.
The only way to stop this , in this country is by prohibiting all foreign influences
When have Hazaras done anything antistate?

This "Shia are agents of Iran" canard has been going on since Zia ul Haq's time. LeJ was formed to "combat" this perceived threat.

Now you tell me. How many murders and acts of violence did LeJ commit and how many murders did the "agents of Iran" commit?

You are blind to the past 12 years of terrorism spurned by the Deobandi and Salafi militant outfits but still going on and on about some perceived Shia threat from Iran.

And in this induced paranoia about the Irani threat, you start seeing simple acts of protests by Hazaras and Shias against targeted killings as conspiracies too. While the severity of Takfiri terrorism that ate up 80,000 lives does not even register in your minds. Must have been India, must have been NDS, must have been stupid Musharraf who sided with US. Blaming everything but the real culprit.

That's the problem with Pakistanis. Hype them up with perceived threats and they'll jump onto the mania like blind sheep. I've been hearing of this perceived Shia and Ahmadi threat all my life
Yet to come. Still has not arrived yet.

And for the last time I have no sympathies with Iran.
When have Hazaras done anything antistate?

This "Shia are agents of Iran" canard has been going on since Zia ul Haq's time. LeJ was formed to "combat" this perceived threat.

Now you tell me. How many murders and acts of violence did LeJ commit and how many murders did the "agents of Iran" commit?

You are blind to the past 12 years of terrorism spurned by the Deobandi and Salafi militant outfits but still going on and on about some perceived Shia threat from Iran.

And in this induced paranoia about the Irani threat, you start seeing simple acts of protests by Hazaras and Shias against targeted killings as conspiracies too. While the severity of Takfiri terrorism that ate up 80,000 lives does not even register in your minds. Must have been India, must have been NDS, must have been stupid Musharraf who sided with US. Blaming everything but the real culprit.

That's the problem with Pakistanis. Hype them up with perceived threats and they'll jump onto the mania like blind sheep. I've been hearing of this perceived Shia and Ahmadi threat all my life
Yet to come. Still has not arrived yet.

And for the last time I have no sympathies with Iran.


As I said before , KSA funded religious ideology has been a great source of unrest over here. That is unfortunately the crux of being in majority.

Muhajirs always fall for the establishment narrative like dumb hicks. I don't give a fck what fanboys from Potohar or Punjab do. But when I see Muhajirs parroting the same old establishment lines, I feel like calling them out because they're my people.

Khud batao zara. Karachi mein Taliban ne ziada tabahi machayi ya Shia aur Ahmediyon ne?

Yet I still hear most Muhajirs here and in my circle parrot the same establishment NEO TV BOL TV type views, that oh these Shias and Ahmadis are agents and victim card players, we must keep an eye on them, Baloch and Pashtuns are dumb hicks, they're responsible for their own problems etc, we must depend on fouj and PTI.

We have not been able to make alliances with any community. We have Pashtuns, Baloch, Bengalis, Hazaras and Punjabi Shias in Karachi yet we have alienated ourselves from all of them. Because we fail to relate to them and fall for the same old narrative we get from Islamabad. If I could describe Muhajirs today, it would be siege mentality. Paranoid about everyone. Only dependent on fouj or PTI to come save us.
Do you have no sympathies for Afghanistan as well?
I have sympathies for the disenfranchised Hazaras and the oppressed Tajik and Pashtun women and children of Afghanistan.

I don't have any sympathies for the (mostly Pashtun based) militias going around killing others.
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Yeah so Shias fall under Muslims too.
There are Shias who fall under that category, that's true. But there are Shiites who don't. Islam is open for everybody, this doesn't mean that anything goes. I know I will regret this question, but what is a Muslim to you? Everybody who says so? If there is no dividing line, no we and them, then there is no sense for having a religion at all. Everything is wishy-washy nothing is true, anything goes. But this is not the way how anything in this universe works!

Sunni state kab se ban gayi? Daddy ki jageer hai kya?
Democracy baby.

Case for case evaluation?
Yes. Pakistan democratically passes an act of uniformity and everybody needs to be check against the uniformity guidelines. This is the way mighty England became powerful, because no need for senseless discussions about the legality of elephant meat or how to perform hajj on the day of judgement. We try our best to enlighten ourselves with Quran and Sunnah and stop this sectarianianism. People need to overcome this stupid firqabaazi and unite under Islam. This is the way to go for Pakistan, not coconutting our whole life.

So Jihadi Johns like you are going to do case by case evaluations of Pakistani citizens to see if they suit your narrow minded interpretation of religion.
Religions have rules. The number one rule of Islam is monotheism, if you fail on that you are out. The second major rule is the finalhood of the prophecy of our beloved Nabi Muhammd PBUH, if you fail on that too, please don't call yourself Muslim.

Now you tell me. How many murders and acts of violence did LeJ commit and how many murders did the "agents of Iran" commit?
National security is not about the headcount. There is critical mass amongst Pakistani Shiites who are more loyal to Iran than anything else. This is a fact and not Shia-bashing. Pakistan should be lenient towards Iran-stooges because there are evil Sunnis too? What kind of logic is that? Someone even stated that it would be a good idea to import Shiite terrorists to fight Daesh. What a time to be alive!

Strengthen the rule of law, try to overcome firqabaazi and strive for excellence. No need for BS terrorist-vs-terrorist-discussion.
There is critical mass amongst Pakistani Shiites who are more loyal to Iran than anything else. This is a fact and not Shia-bashing
There is also a critical mass of Deobandi and Wahhabi mullahs in Pakistan who are more loyal to Saudia than anything else.

And they hold much much more clout than Shias.

Case in point the Mullahs advocating for recognizing Israel. Since Saudi daddy is aligned with Israel now.

Besides that, you're far too gone to argue with. Thank God you don't live in Pakistan and I hope the Germans have their feelers out for you. God knows what xenophobic views you have about Jews and Christians if this is what you think of non Sunnis.
This is the way mighty England became powerful, because no need for senseless discussions about the legality of elephant meat or how to perform hajj on the day of judgement.
England became powerful because it stopped evaluating citizens on faith.

You have such weird views about Muslim sects who don't fall under your interpretation. God knows how you would even tolerate non Muslims. You'd probably want them to live as second class subjects paying jizya.

Jihadi John you're way too brainwashed. I'm wasting bandwidth talking to you.
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There is also a critical mass of Deobandi and Wahhabi mullahs in Pakistan who are more loyal to Saudia than anything else.
So import Shia terrorists to handle them?

And they hold much much more clout than Shias.
Shiites are very influential in Pakistan. Sunnis have the masses, Shiites have politics.

Case in point the Mullahs advocating for recognizing Israel. Since Saudi daddy is aligned with Israel now.
Funny, right? Saudi Mullahs claimed that women driving cars leads to miscarriages, but now it's legal there too because their king decides the religious policy. So no need to bring Mullahs into this discussion. I am against mullahism.

Besides that, you're far too gone to argue with. Thank God you don't live in Pakistan and I hope the Germans have their feelers out for you. God knows what xenophobic views you have about Jews and Christians if this is what you think of non Sunnis.
Xenophobic views about jews and christians? Do you even know what xenophobic means?

If you can't handle backlash, don't argue on the internet. This is not your private property and you are not the only libtard with an opinion. Thanks.

England became powerful because it stopped evaluating citizens on faith.
It kicked out and beheaded its kings for being too catholic, there are still laws in place that the catholic branch of the royal family is banned forever of becoming king of the UK. And yes, England became powerful after unifiying its church and believe system. Mighty Elizabeth I did it.

Jihadi John you're way too brainwashed. I'm wasting bandwidth talking to you.
Let's agree on the fact that we both think that the other is brainwashed.
There is critical mass amongst Pakistani Shiites who are more loyal to Iran than anything else. This is a fact and not Shia-bashing.
How is this a fact?

How do you define 'Critical Mass'?

What numbers are you using to define 'Critical Mass'?

What empirical evidence are you using to justify your argument of 'Pakistani Shia who are more loyal to Iran hitting a critical mass'?

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