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Iran backed Zeinabyoun brigade could become Pakistan's new internal security problem.

Lmao you don't know the clusterfck that is Pakistan.

I agree Iran is a sneaky conniving little bish. I know you're talking from experience on how Iran slowly colonizes countries in lieu of providing resistance like it did in Lebanon and Gaza. But the Hezbollah al-Quds factor doesn't apply here. I'm not sure about ISIS but TTP defitinely isn't controlled by Iran. It's our own Frankenstein.

I understand there are tribal/ethnic dynamics to Pakistan. But you need to know state sponsored militias are there to challenge govts and to secure foreign interests of another country. Gaza is not Shia and was never conquered by Iran. Hamas is a Palestinian group elected by Palestinian people. Just because they take support from them does not mean they advance Iranian sectarian policies intended for the region. They've opposed Iran on a number of issues in the region.
Any individual who take up arms on behalf of another state, whatever the pretext might be, without the blessing of the state of Pakistan (where state interests are not served), needs to be stripped out of Pakistani nationality.
We should do anti terrorism operations against them. ISI should prevent people from joining the dog bashar al assad.
Yeah a well known Pro Zionist and anti Iran, Turkish source. Best at s@king up to West and Israel beside working for NATO propaganda Machine is introducing a Pakistani anti-terrorist group as a threat to Pakistan.

An anti ISIS group would never be a threat to homeland Pakistan, on the contrary, they are the reason why ISIS could never spread into Pakistani lands.
Any source that lists Jerusalem, Israel as an office address has to be Israeli connected. This source is MOSSAD linked.
Don't care who the successor of the caliphate should have been, that time is long gone. People shouldn't be fighting and crying over that. This level of brainwashing should be declared a crime instead of being the main source of education.

Iran isn't even the center of Shiism, the holy sites of Shiism are in Iraq. Iraq's Najaf authority is not politicizing it, Iran is using it for political agenda's. Do you see any authority in Najaf calling to make political groups for wars abroad?

Now learn how to write counter-arguments, instead of referring to how I should hate Saudis.

I didn't claim Iran is centre of Shia you did. Shia offer payers facing Mecca not Iraq.
Much ado about nothing.
Scared of the bogeyman? What about all the Fazlandu's roaming free in Pakistan?
Just see the sitiation of Karachi it can become a focal point of sectarian crises there shia extremist crass every limits ppp backing & support & iran giving them directions even they paying money to the rickshaw drivers put on black or red flags...
Just see the sitiation of Karachi it can become a focal point of sectarian crises there shia extremist crass every limits ppp backing & support & iran giving them directions even they paying money to the rickshaw drivers put on black or red flags...
And you didn't notice the Takfiri rallies taken out by Sunni extremists that attacked Imambargahs in September?
And you didn't notice the Takfiri rallies taken out by Sunni extremists that attacked Imambargahs in September?
So who is provoke them for doing this shia extremist want creat sectaian crises in Pakistan...
So who is provoke them for doing this shia extremist want creat sectaian crises in Pakistan...
Just like girls provoke their own rapes by wearing short clothes?

It's always the same with you types. Your mentality is shit. Minorities provoke their own murders by not being good slaves.
And you didn't notice the Takfiri rallies taken out by Sunni extremists that attacked Imambargahs in September?
Takfirizing people is as old as the respective sect you are refering to. Shiites vs Sunnis, Sunnis vs Shiites. So nothing new here. This is daily business in a country that doesn't copy the mighty English people with their act of uniformity.

Minorities provoke their own murders by not being good slaves.
Stop demonising Sunnis as Hitler-kids and praising Shiites as victims. And the Shiites could stop their yearly self-flaggelation and Iran-fixation (yeah, no such thing, right?) to integrate better into Sunni society. You know integration?
demonising Sunnis as Hitler-kids and praising Shiites as victims. And the Shiites could stop their yearly self-flaggelation and Iran-fixation (yeah, no such thing, right?) to integrate better into Sunni society. You know integration?
I will call out Shias and Ahmedis where they are in power. They are not in power here. I am a huge critic of Khomeinis and Iran btw.

Yes. They should stop their Iran-fixation. It's cringe.

Hazaras are not killed because of their self flagellation or Iran worship. They are killed because they exist. And that bothers Sunni extremists.

You are bothered by Shia's self flagellation. Extremists who take it a notch above you are bothered by the simple fact that Shias (and other minorities) dare to exist.
Sunni society.
This is where you're wrong. It's not a Sunni society. Just cause you're majority? Pakistan's movement had more Ahmadis, Shias and Ismailis than Sunnis.

By that regard, Pakistan is a Punjabi society, if we're going by rule of majority. Tab kyun G jal jaati hai? Then suddenly it becomes "Pakistan is for all."
to integrate better into Sunni society
Oh oh oh I just realized.

Shouldn't you learn to integrste better into Xtian society?

Scum like you want to have full rights when you're a minority but don't want it for others in your majority rule.
Yes. They should stop their Iran-fixation. It's cringe.
Thank you.

This is where you're wrong. It's not a Sunni society. Just cause you're majority? Pakistan's movement had more Ahmadis, Shias and Ismailis than Sunnis.
Yes, because Pakistan movement was a non-denominational MUSLIM movement. As it should be.

You are bothered by Shia's self flagellation. Extremists who take it a notch above you are bothered by the simple fact that Shias (and other minorities) dare to exist.
In a perfect world all these different sects - yes, including Sunnis - shouldn't exist. Because Sunni is an umbrella term like Shiia. There is no real definition for both. A break-dancing Sufi counts as Sunni too, people worshipping Mullah "wisdom" and asking them weird questions how to do their daily stuff like "The right way of using ones garden on full moon" also. But Islam doesn't need these intermediators, be it Mullahs or holy shrines or what not.

By that regard, Pakistan is a Punjabi society, if we're going by rule of majority. Tab kyun G jal jaati hai? Then suddenly it becomes "Pakistan is for all."
Pakistan was built in the name of Islam, the two nation theory describes the nations of Hindus and the nation of Muslims. We belong to the latter one. I know the holy white stripe on the left of Pakistan flags doesn't negate that fact. I have nothing in common with Balochis or Sindhis, I don't understand their language, their culture is alien to me. But they are Muslims so I can get along with them pretty well. Ideological states over "I was born here, so this is the bestest (!) country of the world and everybody else is stupid!"

Oh oh oh I just realized.
When will you start integating into Muslim society?

Shouldn't you learn to integrste better into Xtian society?
Germany is not a Xtian society.

Scum like you want to have full rights when you're a minority but don't want it for others in your majority rule.
Democracy is a great thing, right? Majority rules baby!

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