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Iran backed Zeinabyoun brigade could become Pakistan's new internal security problem.

More due to apathy and selfishness than a deliberate conspiracy to keep them backward.

They know the relatively small population wouldn't make an impact in the elections. So it's okay to keep the status quo in place like it was since 1949. Not much thought is given to them. Just like FATA. The same colonial laws were in place till 2015 that were there from the time of British.

If you see what has progressed in Pakistan over the past 40 years, GB would win the race.

Most of Pakistans penal code draws itself from British colonial rule.

What internal progressive lawmaking can Pakistani parliament incorporate from GB assembly?
Remove Karachi from that.

Karachi has no say in who governs it. All our bureacracy, civil staff, policemen and administrators are from interior Sindh. Political appointees of PPP feudals.
If you see what has progressed in Pakistan over the past 40 years, GB would win the race.
Dude atleast say something that's believable.

What has changed in GB? One Serena hotel in Hunza?

They don't even have proper roads. Ditch Punjab and make some of those roads and tunnels in GB. It takes 22 hours to reach Gilgit from Islamabad.
Fella pak never gave a fukk about GB or Baluchistan, KPK or fata, they are only showing us some love because of cpec & our natural resources.
The irrelevants got relevance after 70 years, to pak pak has always been Sindhi & Punjab and Kashmir and that’s about it.

They think people are stupid, well harvest what you have sown, trust is zero.

Previous A$$ wipes El Presidente Screwed us all to the max they started ethnic and religious based division, just so they can stay in power. In no way I am saying, what they did to Baluchistan was justifiable. I am simply stating that they had no interest in Pakistan and their sole reason to come to power was making as much money as possible.
If you stop chanting genocide and grab a map, the biggest most important road is going through it.

You make it a security issue, you go back 40 years in GB

One KKH doesn't mean GB is the epitome of development. Give basic amenities. Give them means of employment
In view of report(s) received, my post is aimed to address one of the arguments in this thread. General knowledge if you will.

Al-Qaeda Networks and other like-minded groups including Baathists morphed into the overarching ISIS movement and they took control of numerous population centers in the process in 2013; ISIS stretched across Syria and Iraq by 2014 - too big for any regional country to handle on its own.

Obama administration launched Operation Inherent Resolve to address this growing menace in 2014. This operation necessitated return of American boots on the ground in Iraq and American military footprint in Syria in support of groups which were resisting ISIS but were lacking in strength and unity to achieve breakthrough. The course of events are well-documented.

Since these clashes were occurring in the thick of population centers in large part, there were reports of supplies such as food items and munitions ending up in the hands of ISIS at times. It is important to understand that much can happen in the course of a WAR and things do not necessarily move forward as per intent in every direction - ISIS wasn't a uniformed foe either. Given these battlefield dynamics, hundreds of innocent people lost their lives in airstrikes as well.

Airstrikes do not occur in vacuum either; anybody in the military or well-informed will testify that INFORMANTS on the ground enable airstrikes with appropriate INTEL on hand. There were also reports of ISIS-aligned combatants waving white flags and being taken into custody at times - last of these in 2019.

Amidst the chaos, propaganda bots and spin-masters were also hard at work across social media platforms and otherwise - unfortunate reality of our times. Therefore, it is good practice to study a theme from its various angles to reach informed conclusion(s) in person. Every country which fought ISIS in any capacity deserve due recognition for its services in this regard in relevant discourses.

There might be shady underpinnings to ISIS but then a large number of countries have questionable geopolitics to begin with. One should be mindful of this reality while pointing a finger towards the other because remaining fingers will be pointing backwards in the course.

ISIS collapsed in the Middle East but there is an offshoot in Afghanistan to be dealt with; it is proving to be a hard nut to crack unfortunately. It is a rare sight to see US-led forces and Afghan Taliban working in tandem to rout a common foe from a particular region nevertheless. This isn't to say that all is well in Afghanistan by now - this country remains a safe haven for crooked elements in large numbers and violent incidents are frequent by extension. Distant impression is that these problems are deep-rooted and cannot be sorted out in the face of ethno-political tensions and rampant tribalism. Let us see if the Intra-Afghan Dialogue will provide desired breakthrough.
Fair enough, same question, but lets count from the time terrorist attacks started taking place in Pakistan until now 2021.
I know. It's like the Hindu Muslim riots in India. The victims are majorly Muslim but Hindus pull the both sides argument. It's the same with the Sunni Shia killings here. The major casualties are Shia.
I know. It's like the Hindu Muslim riots in India. The victims are majorly Muslim but Hindus pull the both sides argument. It's the same with the Sunni Shia killings here. The major casualties are Shia.

I grew up in Karachi, Hyderabad and I have seen Sunni and Shia victims alike of terrorist attacks. I will not claim that all victims of these heinous monsters were Shia only but I know the terrorist can call them selves Sunni all they like they have nothing to do with sunnah.
Let me just say this, if Iran really is a friendly nation then why are they playing this double game of enabling Indian strategic interests of isolation against Pakistan? Chabahar is strategic threat to Pakistan and its interests, it is a thinly veiled direct competitor and all enabled by the Iranian regime. It is akin to a parasite that is slowly growing in size and sucking off nutrients which were destined to us and will continue to do so given current Iranian behaviour. Factor in the stealing of our brain power by brain washing aspiring Pakistanis who can contribute to the economy by promising them University degrees and what not. The returning indoctrinated militants only know war and are likely the leftovers of the others that have settled into Iran and now contribute to them.
Make no mistake, Iran has chosen who to side with, question now is to my fellow countrymen, will we act upon these national security threats or sit idly by and give in to the rising threat?
An anti ISIS group would never be a threat to homeland Pakistan, on the contrary, they are the reason why ISIS could never spread into Pakistani lands.

Dude... It will be better not to try to mask such brigade and twist the facts as such like we haven't dealt with ISIS.

Whether Zenabyoun or any other brigade, as a Pakistani, I shall support their crushing with iron fist. No groups shall be allowed. We don't tolerate any kind of takfir and divide on behest of any foreign sponsors. Trust me, GCC or Iran, there's no exception.

So it will be appreciated if you or anyone else try not to demean or disrespect our martyrs whether civilian or uniformed that lost their lives to eliminate the maniac of terrorism and here you are saying that a brigade is the reason for ISIS failed in Pakistan. We, Pakistanis are the reason that whether ISIS or anyone else, stopped the spread of such cancer here.
Yeah a well known Pro Zionist and anti Iran, Turkish source. Best at s@king up to West and Israel beside working for NATO propaganda Machine is introducing a Pakistani anti-terrorist group as a threat to Pakistan.

A working and strong state doesn't need groups or such brigades or militias as such. You are totally unawares of Pakistan.

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