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Kurdistan map on Iraqi Kurdish TV weather forecast raises eyebrows in Turkey

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Lolz, i relly don't think they are in a position to threat us. :lol:

I really don't know any threats issued by Iraqi PM but even if he did. My pic at post#2 would be the case. :)

What do you propose ?
Either ignore. Really ignore. Its like you call your ex-girlfriend in the middle of the night telling her you really hate her and don't want to speak with her. Ever. You see the irony? Proper response is silence.
kurds have the right to have their own state.

Don't you guys think?


I believe they like any other people have a right to self-determination. Especially since they number between 30-38 million people. Largest group of people without their own country if I am not wrong.

Anyway they already have their own country in Northern Iraq de facto and partially de jure. Iraqi Kurdistan. I believe that it is a question of time before their entity, Iraqi Kurdistan gets recognized as a independent country by most of the world's countries like much smaller new countries such as Kosovo etc. have been recognized by most countries by now. Kosovo is also a new creation. Like dozens of other countries.

I cannot support a Palestinian state and then be against a Kurdish state or Kurdish autonomy. That would be hypocritical.

But I am neither against or for a Kurdish state just saying that I cannot be against it on the basis of not allowing the Kurds to have self-determination in areas where they form a vast majority.
I believe they like any other people have a right to self-determination. Especially since they number between 30-38 million people. Largest group of people without their own country if I am not wrong.

Anyway they already have their own country in Northern Iraq de facto and partially de jure. Iraqi Kurdistan. I believe that it is a question of time before their entity, Iraqi Kurdistan gets recognized as a independent country by most of the world's countries like much smaller new countries such as Kosovo etc. have been recognized by most countries by now. Kosovo is also a new creation. Like dozens of other countries.

I cannot support a Palestinian state and then be against a Kurdish state or Kurdish autonomy. That would be hypocritical.

But I am neither against or for a Kurdish state just saying that I cannot be against it on the basis of not allowing the Kurds to have self-determination in areas where they form a vast majority.

Self determination ey? Haha
So everyone has the right to self determination? Who the f are they to self determinate lands that's not theirs that they never owned but lived there? It was my ancestors that fought for it, it was Osman bey, Alparslan who captured it not their mountain gypsies.

If they have a right to self determination then what about the Shia in the Arab countries? (by the way I'm not shia). So then as you all stated many times Palestine stolen land or Israel isn't recognised shouldn't they have a land too?

What about my chechen brothers who fought since seyh shamil. My Tatar brothers too who had many empires or khanates such as Tatar khanate that ruled their for long. These are not people that make up things but have historical facts are great people.

The kurds or the terrorists (not the general ethnic kurd who's as loyal as a Türk to Türkiye) never had any land, never had anything notable, lived under different empires different lands and suddenly want something that's funny. This will not happen. If we cut the resources to them they'll starve die they won't have anything to export eat nothing and Iraq on the other side cut it to the north side too, they'll beg us for things.
Self determination ey? Haha
So everyone has the right to self determination? Who the f are they to self determinate lands that's not theirs that they never owned but lived there? It was my ancestors that fought for it, it was Osman bey, Alparslan who captured it not their mountain gypsies.

If they have a right to self determination then what about the Shia in the Arab countries? (by the way I'm not shia). So then as you all stated many times Palestine stolen land or Israel isn't recognised shouldn't they have a land too?

What about my chechen brothers who fought since seyh shamil. My Tatar brothers too who had many empires or khanates such as Tatar khanate that ruled their for long. These are not people that make up things but have historical facts are great people.

The kurds or the terrorists (not the general ethnic kurd who's as loyal as a Türk to Türkiye) never had any land, never had anything notable, lived under different empires different lands and suddenly want something that's funny. This will not happen. If we cut the resources to them they'll starve die they won't have anything to export eat nothing and Iraq on the other side cut it to the north side too, they'll beg us for things.

I am not the spokesman for the Kurds. All I am saying is that they have a right for self-determination in regions where they form the vast majority of the population and should not face any oppression as they have faced in Iraq, Syria, Turkey and Iran and still do in many cases.

From what I recall of history then the Turkic nomadic immigrations from Central Asia to Anatolia occurred less than 1000 years ago. Kurds lived there previously.

The great Saladin ibn Ayyub comes to mind.

Saladin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Shia Arabs have all the rights like anybody else. In fact there is only one Arab country where the Shias are the majority, Iraq, and guess what, they are ruling that country right now. Also why should Arabs give land to other Arabs from the same country? Nobody asked for such a thing even. Should Sunni Muslim Turks give land to Shia Muslim Turks?

Chechens are Caucasian peoples. Genetically closely related to the Middle East and in particular Semitic people.

The Tatars have autonomy in Russia. Although the Russian could call them small primitive and barbarian Eskimo looking Central Asian nomads. Some Russians call them that. Seen it on this forum. They could also crush them easily.

I mean do you expect the 11 to 19 MILLION Kurds in Turkey (15-25% of the entire population) to change and not want at least a autonomy?

This conflict is not my conflict all I am saying is that the Kurds should have a degree of self-determination and equal rights. How that unfolds in real life is hard to tell but I don't think that the 30-38 million Kurds would not pursue those things like all other ethnic groups across the world are doing.

There have been 100's of countries that have been newly founded which did not exist before. Including Pakistan and we are both writing on a Pakistani forum right now.
I think you made some important points here but you shouldnt use any insults, it wont help you or anyone else.

Should Sunni Muslim Turks give land to Shia Muslim Turks?
Who are the Shia Turks? You mean Alevites? Go and say them they should separate themselves from Turkey and we will see whats their answer to you. For your information, alevites are nationalists and loyal to Atatürk
I mean do you expect the 11 to 19 MILLION Kurds in Turkey (15-25% of the entire population) to change and not to want at least a autonomy?
Dont act like every Kurd in Turkey wants separation or autonomy, many Kurds are proud of beein a Turkish citizen.
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I think you made some important points here but you shouldnt use any insults, it wont help you or anyone else.

Who are the Shia Turks? You mean Alevites? Go and say them they should separate themselves from Turkey and we will see whats their answer to you. For your information, alevites are nationalists and loyal to Atatürk

Dont act like every Kurd in Turkey wants separation or autonomy, many Kurds are proud of beein a Turkish citizen.

Alevites or whatever they are called. They are Shias. Who said that they wanted separation? I said that this idea would be as stupid as Shia Arabs wanting "their own countries", LOL. Nothing more nothing less.

Still the vast majority want self-determination and I am yet to met a Kurd that does not want their own homeland or at least autonomy or greater self-dertermination. Just saying.

The Kurdish problem is not going to disappear anytime soon if ever.
I am not the spokesman for the Kurds. All I am saying is that they have a right for self-determination in regions where they form the vast majority of the population and should not face any oppression as they have faced in Iraq, Syria, Turkey and Iran and still do in many cases.

From what I recall of history then the Turkic nomadic immigrations from Central Asia to Anatolia occurred less than 1000 years ago. Kurds lived there previously.

The great Saladin ibn Ayyub comes to mind.

Saladin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Shia Arabs have all the rights like anybody else. In fact there is only one Arab country where the Shias are the majority, Iraq, and guess what, they are ruling that country right now. Also why should Arabs give land to other Arabs from the same country? Nobody asked for such a thing even. Should Sunni Muslim Turks give land to Shia Muslim Turks?

Chechens are Caucasian peoples. Genetically closely related to the Middle East and in particular Semitic people.

The Tatars have autonomy in Russia. Although the Russian could call them small primitive and barbarian Eskimo looking Central Asian nomads. Some Russians call them that. Seen it on this forum. They could also crush them easily.

I mean do you expect the 11 to 19 MILLION Kurds in Turkey (15-25% of the entire population) to change and not want at least a autonomy?

This conflict is not my conflict all I am saying is that the Kurds should have a degree of self-determination and equal rights. How that unfolds in real life is hard to tell but I don't think that the 30-38 million Kurds would not pursue those things like all other ethnic groups across the world are doing.

There have been 100's of countries that have been newly founded which did not exist before. Including Pakistan and we are both writing on a Pakistani forum right now.

We don't Distinct between Shia and sunni Türk we are not fanatics like you. We are all proud Turks.We came here with our sword and we got it with our brain, strength, bravery and power and they nobody stopped us. You understand this much so far?

Chechens don't give a damn about your semitic history or whatever and they don't relate to you Arabs in anyway other than fanatics who will get aid from you. The great Seyh Shamil and his great people our are brothers who was supported continously.

Second Salahaddin wasn't kurdish. There isn't 11-19 million don't know where you got that from, it's 7-12 million at maximum.

I love your Arab theories let me tell you something, most Algerians morrocons and many others hate the gulf Arabs see them and don't even wanna relate to them other than when asked by another person they say their Arab but some even say their berber or whatever their origin.
When we are alive nobody is taking this land, one inch of it. They still haven't seen our blood boil,if we start there will be a bloodbath.
No need to beeing disrespectful.

Would you like if i say ''Saudi Sunnis are Wahabbis or whatever they are called?''

LOL. How is that disrespectful. I always confuse them and the Alawites (Nusayris). KSA has all Islamic sects since all of them originated from KSA more or less (the established ones - not the few new sects).

But yes, I don't care.
What is happening here ? :unsure:

LOL. How is that disrespectful. I always confuse them and the Alawites (Nusayris). KSA has all Islamic sects since all of them originated from KSA more or less (the established ones - not the few new sects).

But yes, I don't care.

What about the Koranists ? :unsure:

The ones who reject Hadith as mere hearsay & believe in the authority of the Koran & the Koran alone ? :undecided:
We don't Distinct between Shia and sunni Türk we are not fanatics like you. We are all proud Turks.We came here with our sword and we got it with our brain, strength, bravery and power and they nobody stopped us. You understand this much so far?

Chechens don't give a damn about your semitic history or whatever and they don't relate to you Arabs in anyway other than fanatics who will get aid from you. The great Seyh Shamil and his great people our are brothers who was supported continously.

Second Salahaddin wasn't kurdish. There isn't 11-19 million don't know where you got that from, it's 7-12 million at maximum.

I love your Arab theories let me tell you something, most Algerians morrocons and many others hate the gulf Arabs see them and don't even wanna relate to them other than when asked by another person they say their Arab but some even say their berber or whatever their origin.
When we are alive nobody is taking this land, one inch of it. They still haven't seen our blood boil,if we start there will be a bloodbath.

Look, you were the first one that started talking about Sunni and Shia. Forgot that? There are no problems between Sunnis, Shia or other sects in my country or the vast majority of the Arab countries (well over 20 countries).

Yes, you are really great.

Nor do they relate to Turks since they are not Turks. Besides that is not what the Chechen users wrote on this forum. Nor do genetics lie.

Imam Shamil and other great Chechen leaders are buried in Madinah. We have always supported the Chechens and many hundred of thousands live in the Arab world and intermarriages are very common.

I got that from virtually all sources.

So what was he then?:lol: Not a Turk at least.

I do not care about a clueless outsiders theories. Your ignorance is great. Saudi Arabians are not Gulf Arabs. But you of course you don't know that. Besides Berbers make up a small minority in every Arab country aside from Morocco. They are not even present in more than 4 Arab countries. The ones that are not Berbers are Arabs originally from the Middle East in many cases KSA since we conquered all that land. Besides Berbers and Arabs are closely related and both part of the Afro-Asiatic linguistic group and mixture have taken place for 1400 years now.

Likewise many Turks in Turkey are not real Turks just Turkified Anatolians. Want to play that game?

Also how do you translate more self-determination into taking land away from anybody? That is the big question.

What is happening here ? :unsure:

What about the Koranists ? :unsure:

The ones who reject Hadith as mere hearsay & believe in the authority of the Koran & the Koran alone ? :undecided:

You will probably find some in secrecy. I mean you even have the Ahmadiyya sect.
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Look, you were the first one that started talking about Sunni and Shia. Forgot that? There are no problems between Sunnis, Shia or other sects in my country or the vast majority of the Arab countries (well over 20 countries).

Yes, you are really great.

Nor do they relate to Turks since they are not Turks. Besides that is not what the Chechen users wrote on this forum. Nor do genetics lie.

Imam Shamil and other great Chechen leaders are buried in Madinah. We have always supported the Chechens and many hundred of thousands live in the Arab world and common marriages are very common.

I got that from virtually all sources.

So what was he then?:lol: Not a Turk at least.

I do not care about a clueless outsiders theories. Your ignorance is great. Saudi Arabians are not Gulf Arabs. But you of course don't know that. Besides Berbers make up a small minority in every Arab country aside from Morocco. The ones that are not Berbers are Arabs originally from the Middle East in many cases KSA since we conquered all that land.

Likewise many Turks in Turkey are not real Turks just Turkified Anatolians. Want to play that game?

Your wasting my time here, you don't seem to know a damn thing you write paragraphs but people just laugh at what you say. You repeat the same rubbish in 90% of your posts.

You can carry on your semitic whatever it is and keep fighting among yourselves, that doesn't bother me as long as the dirt don't touch us.
Your wasting my time here, you don't seem to know a damn thing you write paragraphs but people just laugh at what you say. You repeat the same rubbish in 90% of your posts.

You can carry on your semitic whatever it is and keep fighting among yourselves, that doesn't bother me as long as the dirt don't touch us.


Of course better to run away when you can't handle the discussion or when you get exposed.

Yes, your posts full of factual conclusions (made up in your own mind) are really great indeed.

Anyway you made me curious. What people did Saladin ibn Ayyub then belong to if he was not an Arabized Kurd?

Which statistic says that Kurds in Turkey only make up 7 to 11 million people?

Lastly how do you make "Kurds have a right to more self-determination" into "Kurds taking land from country x or y" and where have I endorsed that? You drunk?

Well the feeling is mutual in your case.

In KSA ! :o:

Or do you mean 'you' to be 'Us - Pakistan' instead of 'one' ! o_O

Yes. They are present during the hajj and umrah. Although in secret. One Ahmadiyya forum member was even braking about it a few months ago.

I am also 100% sure that you have American Jews and Jews residing in KSA. They are just not admitting it or declaring it open. Probably all other religious groups and sects more or less as well.
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Of course better to run away when you can't handle the discussion or when you get exposed.

Yes, your posts full of factual conclusions (made up in your own mind) are really great indeed.

Anyway you made me curious. What people did Saladin ibn Ayyub then belong to if he was not an Arabized Kurd?

Which statistic says that Kurds in Turkey only make up 7 to 11 million people?

Lastly how do you make "Kurds have a right to more self-determination" into "Kurds taking land from country x or y" and where have I endorsed that? You drunk?

Well the feeling is mutual in your case.

Yes. They are present during the hajj and umrah. Although in secret. One Ahmadiyya forum member was even braking about it a few months ago.

I am also 100% sure that you have American Jews and Jews residing in KSA. They are just not admitting it or declaring it open. Probably all other religious groups and sects more or less as well.

I'm not running away, your not worth replying because your posts are a joke. All you do is write a page long rubbish.
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