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Kurdistan map on Iraqi Kurdish TV weather forecast raises eyebrows in Turkey

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Iraq-Syria border isn’t worth fighting for for minor changes considering most of it is uninhabited desert, though I actually don’t care if all of Iraq gets to be called Syria and both would live together in unity or vice verse if you know what I mean ( now don’t go deep into that, it’s just an example ).

Personally I don’t really value if let’s say states would go to war to change some borders so it would be "drawn by blood".

Have you seen the border of Egypt
One of the longest straight borders but most Egyptians put no value into that, they could easily expand their border of the west. Doesn’t make them fake states when they have their own historical empires that backs it up.
Then don't give them a autonomy but at least you can give them the basic rights they claim to complain about.

Their basic rights are:

Freedom to Ocalan
General amnesy for PKK terrorists.
Autonomy etc. [/quote]

Languages of Russia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
27 languages are recognized as official languages in various regions of Russia.

Bold part is the key. We are not a confederation.

Yes, the figureheads were Turkic people originally from Turkmenistan (nomads there) but they nearly all married non-Turks or at least a hell lot of them. The point is that the Ottoman Empire was a multiethnic and Islamic empire. It was not a nationalistic Turkish empire.

Let's agree to disagree as we are both repeating the same things.

If that was the case the empire would not have allowed Arab rulers to rule their own areas of what was back then areas that pledged alliance to the Ottoman Sultan.

We also, allowed some christian nations to rule over their lands. It's called divide and conquer. First divide, give power to local leader who is pro-Ottoman. After decades change him with an Ottoman governor. After another decades annex. And move to next one.

That might be the case. My point was just that the country Turkey did not exist back then. All I was saying.

As a people but not as a country.

I never said the otherwise. But we can't agree with you on both Ottomans and Seljuqs were Turkish empires.

Which problems exactly? Turkey is already a country that is far from being pure "Turkic". Many Turks (nationality) have ancestries from the Arab world, Balkans, Caucasus, are Kurds etc.).

If you go there it will be ethnic origins. As for nationality we all consider ourselves as Turkish. Just not some seperatist Kurds.

Which sources say that the Kurds "only" make up 10% of the population?

Are you really going to make me find one for you.....
Iraq-Syria border isn’t worth fighting for for minor changes considering most of it is uninhabited desert, though I actually don’t care if all of Iraq gets to be called Syria and both would live together in unity or vice verse if you know what I mean ( now don’t go deep into that, it’s just an example ).

Personally I don’t really value if let’s say states would go to war to change some borders so it would be "drawn by blood".

Have you seen the border of Egypt
One of the longest straight borders but most Egyptians put no value into that, they could easily expand their border of the west. Doesn’t make them fake states when they have their own historical empires that backs it up.

You are talking about today's circumstances and i will agree with you.

My point is no foreign power able to rule us since we ventured into Middleast in 1071.
Well the topic is about a kurdish tv network using a fae map of ''kurdistan''which is an area covering several countries.
But as you can see they turned it into a book writing club.

I told many times in our chill thread...Always refrain from engaging certain people...Now again, the thread is fooked up
Their basic rights are:

Freedom to Ocalan
General amnesy for PKK terrorists.
Autonomy etc.

Bold part is the key. We are not a confederation.

Let's agree to disagree as we are both repeating the same things.

We also, allowed some christian nations to rule over their lands. It's called divide and conquer. First divide, give power to local leader who is pro-Ottoman. After decades change him with an Ottoman governor. After another decades annex. And move to next one.

I never said the otherwise. But we can't agree with you on both Ottomans and Seljuqs were Turkish empires.

If you go there it will be ethnic origins. As for nationality we all consider ourselves as Turkish. Just not some seperatist Kurds.

Are you really going to make me find one for you.....

So I guess that you don't support equal rights for Turkic minorities across the world by that logic? You want Russia to ban Tatar language for instance and abolish the autonomous region of Tatarstan?

You don't have to be a federation to recognize more than 1 language…..

So you are denying the fact that the Ottoman empire was multiethnic and a Islamic empire but rather that they were a nationalistic Turkish (no Turkey back then) empire? Why were over half of the Turkish words in 1923 then Arabic and why did the Sultan use the title Caliph then? Which is more important than that of Sultan. Both titles are Arabic titles.

They were but what has that to do with the fact that Turkey as a country is 90 years old?

Does not change the fact that the local rulers had their own local authority and ruled as rulers. They only pledged alliance to the Caliph who in return promised them protection. People were not Turkified anywhere in the non-Turkish areas of the Ottoman Empire. Certainly not in the Arab world.

The Arab world which previously had held the Caliphate for nearly 1000 years and whose heritage was the Caliphate among many other things.

Turkish should be the nationality and Turkish should be the language. But I don't see how giving Kurds some of the rights they demand (some are probably more right than others) and allowing them to speak their mother language equals = them forming a new country?
Was it not a crime to speak Kurdish officially (in the public) in Turkey for a very long time? Help me out here. Some Kurds on this forum have talked about that a lot and some other laws. You agree with such a harsh thing?

Well, I am asking because all data I see mentions at least 15% of the population.
So I guess that you don't support equal rights for Turkic minorities across the world by that logic? You want Russia to ban Tatar language for instance and abolish the autonomous region of Tatarstan?

You don't have to be a federation to recognize more than 1 language…..

So you are denying the fact that the Ottoman empire was multiethnic and a Islamic empire but rather that they were a nationalistic Turkish (no Turkey back then) empire? Why were over half of the Turkish words in 1923 then Arabic and why did the Sultan use the title Caliph then? Which is more important than that of Sultan. Both titles are Arabic titles.

They were but what has that to do with the fact that Turkey as a country is 90 years old?

Does not change the fact that the local rulers had their own local authority and ruled as rulers. They only pledged alliance to the Caliph who in return promised them protection. People were not Turkified anywhere in the non-Turkish areas of the Ottoman Empire. Certainly not in the Arab world.

The Arab world which previously had held the Caliphate for nearly 1000 years and whose heritage was the Caliphate among other things.

Turkish should be the nationality and Turkish should be the language. But I don't see how giving Kurds some of the rights they demand (some are probably more right than others) and allowing them to speak their mother language equals = them forming a new country?
Was it not a crime to speak Kurdish in Turkey for a very long time?

Well, I am asking because all data I see mentions at least 15% of the population.

I'm gonna sleep now, since i'm very sleepy and this disscussion seems like continue for a long time.

But i will come and edit and reply to everyone of your lines. :yes4:

@Armstrong I told you close the thread :D

Lolz, Armstrong has no mod powers ... :D
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