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Kurdistan map on Iraqi Kurdish TV weather forecast raises eyebrows in Turkey

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You are talking about today's circumstances and i will agree with you.

My point is no foreign power able to rule us since we ventured into Middleast in 1071.

That is far from being correct. First 90% of the territory of the Ottoman empire was conquered by others. Once it was Ottoman (in your eyes "Turkic" areas). Today it is not. So one can easily say that land that was once ruled by you has been severely conquered.

If you say that ME is not your original homeland (I don't see you claiming Anatolian ancestry but only Turkic) then we can also say that all of the original Turkic lands in Central Asia have been severely conquered by outsiders and still are to this very day. No need to explain further about that.

If you say that what is now Turkey has never been conquered by outsiders then I can remind you of centuries of Arab, Roman, Greek etc. rule.

If you mention that you are not a Turk from Kazakhstan etc. (which has been Russian territory for a very long time) but a Oghuz Turk (would mean your original homeland is Turkmenistan) then one can quickly say that the very same Turkmenistan was part of Russian empires for over 150 years and that Russian culture has left a great marker in Turkmenistan and that the two other Turkic nations of the former USSR (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan). Many have even become totally Russified in a matter of 150 years.

So operating with words like never conquered or greatest this and that does not work with ANY people from the ME. This region is simply too old and have been to valuable for one single power and people to rule for thousands of straight years without suffering humiliating defeats etc.

Maybe that game would have worked in Australia for the aboriginals had the West not discovered it 250 years ago.

I am not trying to be disrespectful but let us stick to the realities and leave the blind nationalism at home where most fall for such games. Some Arabs also suffer from the same syndrome.

Lastly I still don't understand how recognizing a simple language as a MINORITY language of people that nearly make up 25% of your ENTIRE population (according to many sources) is such a big crime when other countries (Russia for instance) has recognized a much smaller minority and their language such as the Tatars. Even given them full autonomy and allowed them to form their own regional government etc.

You can't tell me with a straight face that you are not happy and thankful to Russia for doing that when they could easily have continued to deport Tatars to Siberia/Kazakhstan and oppressed them like they oppressed the Crimean Tatars for instance. Or mass-murdered them as they also did….
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