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Kurdistan map on Iraqi Kurdish TV weather forecast raises eyebrows in Turkey

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On what basis are they claiming Hatay and the rest of the Turkish coast :S? As per my knowledge Kurds make a small minority there and they also dont have a historic presence in that region either.
Syria claims Hatay,not the Kurds.

If you see the map first I got bad news for you..........that map spreads to many countries.
As long as it is just the map.
The map includes Baghdad , Ahvaz, Aleppo.

That alone is ~12 million non Kurds not counting in all the other cities with little to no Kurdish presence, it’s clear the map is a joke, but the news and weird thing is Rudaw TV using it and some officials defending it.
On top of that, in basically every province that kurds live in Iran, Azeris outnumber them. So essentially every part of Iran they've got highlighted on that map is either Azeri majority of Persian majority lol

Those idiots want to annex khouzestan, part of Azerbaijan, and Lurestan to their imaginary country?
a bunch of idiot illusionists.
What about Europe? They can annex it to their imaginary country as well. It's fine by me. :rofl::rofl:
hahaha I just went back and looked at it again.

It actually made me chuckle. Persian Gulf Kurds, who knew. :rofl:

btw, is that a recent map?

46 degrees Celsius? WTF?!

What am I missing here?
I think the Arabs and Persians can stop fighting over what to call the Gulf. Its The Kurdish Gulf guys!!! Seriously :P
On top of that, in basically every province that kurds live in Iran, Azeris outnumber them. So essentially every part of Iran they've got highlighted on that map is either Azeri majority of Persian majority lol

hahaha I just went back and looked at it again.

It actually made me chuckle. Persian Gulf Kurds, who knew. :rofl:

btw, is that a recent map?

46 degrees Celsius? WTF?!

What am I missing here?

They are funny. I think the point is they are high on something. :crazy:
Its funny how they claim half of Turkey and even down to the persian gulf but dont touch the black sea coast in north. :lol:
Everytime when PKK smpathisants make a protest in black sea provinces they get attacked by locals before even police arrives. :D
Black sea people are crazy, some say 95% of locals have a gun and they are very very Nationalistic. :sniper:

BTW: im also from black sea coast :dirol: but more west, 2.5h with car from Istanbul.
Its funny how they claim half of Turkey and even down to the persian gulf but dont touch the black sea coast in north. :lol:
Everytime when PKK smpathisants make a protest in black sea provinces they get attacked by locals before even police arrives. :D
Black sea people are crazy, some say 95% of locals have a gun and they are very very Nationalistic. :sniper:

BTW: im also from black sea coast :dirol: but more west, 2.5h with car from Istanbul.
It's ironic because many police killed every year because of PKK and yet they protect them
Are we in wait for a future KURDISH TALIBAN? o_O:blink:
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