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Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa, new name for NWFP

Dear Brother I belong to Hazara and am FIRMLY committed to go to any exent for the demarcation of a separate Hazara Province. No logic no threat no expediency no compromise would convince me to chose any other option and INSHALLAH GOD ALMIGHTY, due to pure hearts and simplicity of Hazarawals, has given us awareness of the deceitfulness of those whom we have always relied specially Punjabis. But brother it is not pashtoons who have harmed us rather we are responsible for our losses. Had we remained politically united we would have been a sizeable voice in the Assembly and policital process. Pashtoons have done for their nation what we are wanting for hazarawals. Let pashtoons rejoince their victory. We should not use unparliamentary words or phrases against them. We should only keep our motive and only object of a separate province and should go on and on without entangling with ant other nation. BELIEVE ME VICTORY IS NEAR WITH GOD'S BENEFICIENCE.

arey meray bhai, taking out few buckets of water from the well will not do the job when the dead dog is still in the well, the only solutiom is to get rid of the dog.

Just get rid of the ****** ruling class, irrespective of their race, and i guarantee that all problems will be solved.
Hi averyone,
By now you all must have seen what went on in Hazara few days ago.
16 people were killed on the order on ANP govt by pashtoon police men who were braught to Abbottabad a night before.
There is no way we can live with killers anymore, a separate province Hazara is the only option left.
Thse pashtoons have been eating our resources for past 63 years.
The royalty of terbaila dam is only 60 arab rupees, all resources of the province belong to Hazara.
we should never have been part of NWFP in the first place.
Its like east and west Pakistan, when we go to the other part we have to entre Punjab, what sort of a bloody province was it?

I do not get much tiem to come on this forum (busy mom) but I request all of you to support our struggle for a new province Hazara.
I'm not surprised at the reaction the renaming of the NWFP has provoked. The whole fiasco of province naming and its history is a measure of utter lack of competence of Pakistan to solve her issues small or big.

For decades Hazaras sit back and relax with NWFP - the British given name that stopped making any sense the time Pakistan was created. And now, they rise up to kill and get killed on the mere naming of the province as Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa! No educated, civilised person would be out on the streets like those crazies. Protest against the renaming as you wish, but for Heaven's sake have some sanity. The nature of protests whenever confronted with a controversial issue tells what a violent society we have become.

On the naming, renaming and division of provinces: -

Altering the existence names and demarcations on purely ethnic/linguistic lines would create more problems than solve. New provinces should be created and current ones named/divided on the principle of efficient administration and proportional distribution of resources. If people had their fair share of economy and social stability, no such ethnic/linguistic issue would arise in the first place, at least not with this intensity.

The problem with ethnic/linguistic demarcation is that no existing Pakistani province has homogeneous ethnic and/or linguistic population. An attempt to do so would require the redrawing of the borders of all of the 4 [5?] provinces. The division wouldn't be for administrative purposes but to satisfy the egos of illiterate and half-educated masses, and hence serve no purpose.

The Punjab itself, the southern region, is dominated by Seraiki speaking people who demand separate province. Despite the dishonesty of Punjabi intellectuals elite, who claim Seraiki to be no more than a dialect of Punjabi, Seraikis themselves do not identity themselves with either Punjab or Punjabi language. You know about the movements for Seraiki and/or Bahawalpur province(s).

Balochistan sounds like it is overwhelmingly Baloch and Balochi speaking while in fact it is no more than 55% ethnically and linguistically Balochi. The northern areas are inhabited by Pakhtuns who speak Pashto including the provincial capital Quetta itself.

Now the so-called Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa. It has a large population of Hindko speaking Hazaras who do not identity with Pashto or Pakhtuns.

Take a look at Sindh. The Sindhis are but a small minority in the provincial capital Karachi, thanks to post-partition migration. The cities of Sindh are in substantial part inhabited by non-Sindhi speaking people mostly what are called "Muhajirs".

I am for dividing Punjab into at least two if not three. Rawalpindi and other areas can be grouped together. Central Punjab can include Lahore, Faisalabad, Sahiwal etc. The Southern Seraiki Belt should be turned into a province. Don't call it Seraikistan if you don't want. Call it Multan Province of Bahawalpur Province or something else. Same is true for Balochistan. It should also be divided for administrative purposes. It is a backward and too big a province to be run from Quetta.
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Renaming of NWFP alone will cost 8 billion rupees ( 95 millin US Dollars )

DAWN.COM | Provinces | NWFP name change to cost treasury Rs8 bln

Creating 20 more provinces means a cost 1900 million USD or almost 2 billion USD this is almost 13% of the total forex reseve ( 15 BN USD) as of now.

Does it make any sense to throw away 13% of the total forex reserve on such a large scale useless exercise of creating 'new' provinces

All this 'intellecually coated' talk about dividng up the provinces for better adminstration is the last ploy of the remanants of the Musharraf regime , I know this very well

Some thing that I already know ( as it is ) that now that Musharraf's fate has pretty much been sealed , the remanant of his regime will try to pull one last attempt to create chaos in Pakistan

Panjabi men kehtay hain 'na khedan gay na khedan den gay' ( Niether we will play nor let anyone else play )

After the UN report , Mushaarf is all set to seek assylum in the United Kingdom now both him and altaf hussain can conspire together on how to use the 'Panjabi card' to break up Pakistan , the ANP has set the ball rolling for them.

Let me also add that all these anti-Pakistan forces will fail and and the enemies of the state ( internal or external ) will be defeated and the ashes of the enemies of our dear Pakistan will be disposed of in Ganga or Kabul river , which ever they prefer , we can be kind enough to do this :pakistan:
Renaming of NWFP alone will cost 8
All this 'intellecually coated' talk about dividng up the provinces for better adminstration is the last ploy of the remanants of the Musharraf regime , I know this very well

Some thing that I already know ( as it is ) that now that Musharraf's fate has pretty much been sealed , the remanant of his regime will try to pull one last attempt to create chaos in Pakistan
The debate about dividing provinces for better administration as well as for equitable distribution of resources predates Musharraf [and has nothing to do with his military dictatorship]. That is common knowledge. As it currently stands, a cursory look only at Punjab provides a fair picture of failing administration. Not to mention Balochistan and Frontier.
please do not compare the satuation of punjab with sarhad when debating on a new province hazara.
in punjab they are same people.
the dialects example saraiki and pothohari are related to punjabi.
they have never been mistreated by other group of punjabis.
there have not been demontrations by public in favour of new province in punjab.
never in the history of punjab anyone opened fire on protesters.

in frontier its completely different satuation.
different language, race, culture, food and dress.
for example we drink black tean in hazara but when we go to peshawer they drink green tea.
food is completly different.we do not understand their lingo and they don't speak our language.
when a girl get married in pashtoon society the parents get big amount of money, where we pay hundred of thousands for dowery.
the main issue is there is lot of hatred for each other.
we love pakistan and the follower of gandhi hate it.
few days ago haji adeel of anp has said on a tv show that mr jinnah used to eat pork.
basheer belour said urdu is not our national language.
do u support these followers of gandhi?
Hi averyone,
By now you all must have seen what went on in Hazara few days ago.
16 people were killed on the order on ANP govt by pashtoon police men who were braught to Abbottabad a night before.
There is no way we can live with killers anymore, a separate province Hazara is the only option left.
Thse pashtoons have been eating our resources for past 63 years.
The royalty of terbaila dam is only 60 arab rupees, all resources of the province belong to Hazara.
we should never have been part of NWFP in the first place.
Its like east and west Pakistan, when we go to the other part we have to entre Punjab, what sort of a bloody province was it?

I do not get much tiem to come on this forum (busy mom) but I request all of you to support our struggle for a new province Hazara.

from khyber to attock its pukhtonkhwa do u understand nd terbela it comes in district swabi its the part of pukhtonkhwa nd swabi viallge.not hazara.
I totally agree with you. At first i thought, that the new name will solve this identity crisis but looks like it has given rise to further problems. I don't know who to curse? ANP or PML-N.

curse both anp nd pml-n lol both r same..
ANP=mother india and father russia.lol but yeah bacha khan was aa great man nd right now no one follow his footpath..
why did they choose khyber pakhtoonkhwa over hazaara pakhtoonkhwa ?

what were the reasons behind it

hazars r hazars nd pukhtons who live in tribals nd areas of swat nd swabi nd mardan nd other trbal areas they r not hazars they r pashtons so in pukhtonkhwa majority r pukhtons not hazars so it shud be pukhtonkhwa not hazara.
if you make name hazara,pakhtoon khawa,jinnahpur, seraiki and whatever names you want will it SOLVE all problems in pakistan???

by making a province will we get electrcity? will we get sugar? will terrorism seize to exist?

IF anyone can guarantee any party or any indivudal then isay we make more provinces otherwise this is just a further division of MY COUNTRY! OUR COUNTRY!
from khyber to attock its pukhtonkhwa do u understand nd terbela it comes in district swabi its the part of pukhtonkhwa nd swabi viallge.not hazara.

oh really, i didnt know people in swabi spoke hindko language.
what a bloody fool.even ANP didn't claim it.
your geography is terrible mate
i have many relatives who lost their villages under the water and now they are living in khalla butt town in haripur.
we lost 800 villages under terbaila water.
you do not have heart to loose one inch of your land for kala bhagh dam.
go back to afghanistan where the illegitimate son of gandhi is barried.
oh really, i didnt know people in swabi spoke hindko language.
what a bloody fool.even ANP didn't claim it.
your geography is terrible mate
i have many relatives who lost their villages under the water and now they are living in khalla butt town in haripur.
we lost 800 villages under terbaila water.
you do not have heart to loose one inch of your land for kala bhagh dam.
go back to afghanistan where the illegitimate son of gandhi is barried.

Dear kakool, pashtoons of pakistanis are as pakistanis as the other ethnic groups such as respected hazarawals. we shouldnt associate afghanistan with pashtoons, afghanistan is home to everybody and every ethnic group and pashtoons are one of the ethnic groups.
if you make name hazara,pakhtoon khawa,jinnahpur, seraiki and whatever names you want will it SOLVE all problems in pakistan???

by making a province will we get electrcity? will we get sugar? will terrorism seize to exist?

IF anyone can guarantee any party or any indivudal then isay we make more provinces otherwise this is just a further division of MY COUNTRY! OUR COUNTRY!

renaming or creating provinces might not solve electricity problems, but in the long run it will create more understanding between the ethnic groups. like it or not, ethnic problems exist in pakistan, if renaming/creating provices solve this problem then why shouldnt you do it?
oh really, i didnt know people in swabi spoke hindko language.
what a bloody fool.even ANP didn't claim it.
your geography is terrible mate
i have many relatives who lost their villages under the water and now they are living in khalla butt town in haripur.
we lost 800 villages under terbaila water.
you do not have heart to loose one inch of your land for kala bhagh dam.
go back to afghanistan where the illegitimate son of gandhi is barried.

ha dont forget u were also a hindu but u were converted to islam by us pashtons why we got oafghanistan?u idiot to attock its afghanistan it was afghanistan u dont even know the history.
swabi mardan swat nowsherah its was all the part of afghanistan now ur caliming that it is ur hazara or whtever...
nd why shud we give our land for kala bagh u lost 800 we will losty thousands of viallges and boy for terbela dam swabi hav also given there land do u undertsand...go back to india..nd if u talk bad abut bacha khan agian it will not be good seriously.
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