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KP Assembly adopts resolution to create Hazara province

i still dont undertsand what you mean?
.ofcourse ANP will always be against it, even people of Peshawar and mardan charssada.

the reason is pretty obvious , with hazra presenting 35% of population,KPK will be getting 35% less funding!
people in hazara will obviously be for it whats the need of referendum? we already know hazra will vote for it and other parts will vote against it. does it make sense geographically and administration wise? answer is very good yes

And you base your theory on what? Have you done a survey or carried out opinion polls. Or is it what you dreamed up when you were sitting on the toilet seat?
Seriously, provinces shouldn't be made on the basis of the election policies of certain parties. There should be referendums to ask the people what they want
is the province base upon ethnic lines? ofcourse not, hazara is very mix population. it has distribution of pushto, non pushto speaking pushtoons, hindku, gujri and kohistani. all of people attribute them selves to hazara . even jadoon that are pushtoon support hazara province.

Have you asked the people of Batagram, Torghar and Kohistan if they want to be part of this new entity that you want to create? Multi-ethnic it is but is there a voice for other ethnicities or is it just being bulldozed by the well connected PTI supporters?
i think where people want differnt province be it anywhere they should be given that. this will make the fedration powerful. regarding local languages, we shouldnt weaken them, fr example in india there isnt even any national language!
they started with 8 provinces now 28 with 1 new formed just a week ago. no original province parties will want to lose a part due to financial reasons. this should be based upon the people of that area plus what benefits will it make.
in nutshell, if people in sindh dont want to make a new province then its ok but if anywhere else people want to make it they should be allowed.

What kind of rant is this. Were you high when you wrote this? Sind is not to divided and everywhere else it's ok. What do you base this rant of your statement on?
people bring the mohajar subha into picture agian and agian.
i will be against a mohjar province but will not be against a province like Karachi. though one might imagine what benefit will it give to people of karachi? its not backward and ignored like hazara not there are any administrative problems like in hazara

Tell me what's the problem with Mohajir suba? Enlighten us please
its rough size

just to show that its not based upon one single group

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Hazara should be the last new province to be made.

Start creating new provinces in Balochistan,Punjab and sindh First

Merge FATA with KPK first.
Let's not forget to carve Saraiki sooba from Punjab as well. Most important need of the hour is making new provinces out of Punjab. Sub provinces doesn't mean that they won't be part of the country, just that they'll be more manageable.

Hazara should be the last new province to be made.

Start creating new provinces in Balochistan,Punjab and sindh First

Merge FATA with KPK first.

And you base your theory on what? Have you done a survey or carried out opinion polls. Or is it what you dreamed up when you were sitting on the toilet seat?
Seriously, provinces shouldn't be made on the basis of the election policies of certain parties. There should be referendums to ask the people what they want

Have you asked the people of Batagram, Torghar and Kohistan if they want to be part of this new entity that you want to create? Multi-ethnic it is but is there a voice for other ethnicities or is it just being bulldozed by the well connected PTI supporters?

What kind of rant is this. Were you high when you wrote this? Sind is not to divided and everywhere else it's ok. What do you base this rant of your statement on?

Tell me what's the problem with Mohajir suba? Enlighten us please
my theory is based upon facts. i live myself in haripur and have been to all major area including kohistan and battagram, being doctor and being in BHU.
apart from "some" areas in bhattagram even people of kohistan want a hazra province due to gross negligence of their area 90% people will vote for separate province
. i clearly stated sindh can be divided if the people want it? i am sure u r not blind enough to read my post again.
i only asked that MQM vision to divide Karachi doesnt seem to have logic because its the most developed area of sindh isnt it not? can u say that for hazara or kohistan or even bhattagram.?

regarding mohjar sohba, its ethnic. make a karachi sohba just like hazara(based upon area not ethnic)
anyway mohjar represent 50% of population. it will be close call if a refrendum is held thats not the situation in hazara.
similar a northern punjab is aceptable but not sirki soba.

then again thats my opinion if people want it i will accept it.
my point was that india has flourished due to acceptance of local people view in limits of federation, it even doesnt has any national language for that reason.

make as many as provinces for better management of country and most importantly to remove neglected areas.
areas of hazara and kohistan will never develop if a new province is not made.

people of hazara didnt get water for irrigation even though all dams were built on their lands but water is pumped by electricity to swabi. people asked again and again for water now most funny part is that KPK is not using its water share yet the govt is not even intersted in mildest way to build a small water canals for irrigation which can easily be done through tarbela dam? govt claims it will use it water share through another uplift canal in karak.
this is just one example

hazra present 35% of population but how much is spent there. its near neglible
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Let's not forget to carve Saraiki sooba from Punjab as well. Most important need of the hour is making new provinces out of Punjab. Sub provinces doesn't mean that they won't be part of the country, just that they'll be more manageable.

Saraiki Population is atleast 5times bigger than Hindko People Population.

Saraikistan should be on top priority compared to hazara province of which 50% of Population already is Pashtun.

Jadoons are pashtun
Tanoli are Pashtun of Karlani ancestory

These 2 groups form the biggest Population of Mansehra,Abbottanad and haripur.The rest of the proposed Hazara Province is completley pashtun be it in the torghar,battagaram, and even kohistan has signifcant amount of pashtuns,

My Classmate who is very litte into politics and is from Battagaram(Yousufzai),He said Why the hell would our people want to leave KPK and join hindko People?
Hazara gives an ethnic taste, create something like South Sindh Province or South Punjab !!!

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