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KP Assembly adopts resolution to create Hazara province

Deep politics. Simple talk is it's great news! :)

Talk to me about this 'deep politics' ! :unsure:

My Hazara friends are very pleased with this but most of my Pukhtoon friends are not - I wish there was some easy way to this ! :(
Dude, why not? Hold a referendum. Btw, more importantly, would you like to be called "Mohajir" province? That is so so so strange that you want to profile yourselves as "Mohajirs". I do not consider anyone who migrated @ 1947 / 1948 to be Mohajirs. They are our Pakistani brothers. On the other hand, anyone who came after the 60's, they are nobody. I don't give a eff about them, or their kind.

will PTI now support mohajir province?
Dude, why not? Hold a referendum. Btw, more importantly, would you like to be called "Mohajir" province? That is so so so strange that you want to profile yourselves as "Mohajirs". I do not consider anyone who migrated @ 1947 / 1948 to be Mohajirs. They are our Pakistani brothers. On the other hand, anyone who came after the 60's, they are nobody. I don't give a eff about them, or their kind.

Ooh right so for Sind it should be referendum but not when PTI decides.

The ones who are not happy are just being childish. They need to be spanked.

It's the double speaking hypocrites who need to be spanked.
Dude, only KPK concerns me. Sind will never fall under PTI rule.... so I don't care either way. You guys are masters of your own destiny. Do whatever floats your boats, for all I care, you can enact hunger games in Karachi or Hyderabad. :D

Ooh right so for Sind it should be referendum but not when PTI decides.

It's the double speaking hypocrites who need to be spanked.
Wah bhie @Armstrong
Some patriot you have summoned here.
Dude, only KPK concerns me. Sind will never fall under PTI rule.... so I don't care either way. You guys are masters of your own destiny. Do whatever floats your boats, for all I care, you can enact hunger games in Karachi or Hyderabad. :D
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Wah bhie @Armstrong
Some patriot you have summoned here.


Wrrora hes kidding ! :)

And hes a Tribal Pukhtoon & my Big Brother ! :cheers:

But he is very Pro-Afghanistan ! :mad:

And fairly Anti-Tajiks & Uzbeks - He even said that he'd disown me if I ever thought of dating a Tajik Lady ! :(
Thats exactly my point. Changing name is a small thing, but even that wasn't done overnight, it took decades for this to be achieved. ANP and PML N were together in government in the 90s, they parted ways after PML N declined to go along with ANPs agenda to change the name for our province.
The reason I am saying all this coz this sub-division of our province is bulldozed through the assemblies and their is no resistance coming from any Pakistan officials.
It shouldn't be done by provincial assembly, it should be either done by asking the people through referendum or through central planning, involving all the affected parties.

I understand your position, we all are here only giving our opinions. Sometimes there are things we are more emotionally attached to then others.
I didn't mean to attack you personally, and I don't know where you think I replied with bad intention. But trust me it wasn't on purpose.
i still dont undertsand what you mean?
.ofcourse ANP will always be against it, even people of Peshawar and mardan charssada.

the reason is pretty obvious , with hazra presenting 35% of population,KPK will be getting 35% less funding!

people in hazara will obviously be for it whats the need of referendum? we already know hazra will vote for it and other parts will vote against it. does it make sense geographically and administration wise? answer is very good yes.
is the province base upon ethnic lines? ofcourse not, hazara is very mix population. it has distribution of pushto, non pushto speaking pushtoons, hindku, gujri and kohistani. all of people attribute them selves to hazara . even jadoon that are pushtoon support hazara province.
i think where people want differnt province be it anywhere they should be given that. this will make the fedration powerful. regarding local languages, we shouldnt weaken them, fr example in india there isnt even any national language!
they started with 8 provinces now 28 with 1 new formed just a week ago. no original province parties will want to lose a part due to financial reasons. this should be based upon the people of that area plus what benefits will it make.

in nutshell, if people in sindh dont want to make a new province then its ok but if anywhere else people want to make it they should be allowed.
people bring the mohajar subha into picture agian and agian.
i will be against a mohjar province but will not be against a province like Karachi. though one might imagine what benefit will it give to people of karachi? its not backward and ignored like hazara not there are any administrative problems like in hazara

its rough size

just to show that its not based upon one single group

Pakistan does not need any new province, it is all politics of PTI
Pakistan does not need any new province, it is all politics of PTI
beta pakistan needs new provinces, & its not PTI politics?
its need of hour, you & me we are progressive, both of us wants eliminate the rule of elites , & thats the only way it is?
beta pakistan needs new provinces, & its not PTI politics?
its need of hour, you & me we are progressive, both of us wants eliminate the rule of elites , & thats the only way it is?

I do not believe in this notion of "elitism", there is no such thing like that what is elite for you is for me the cultural traditions of our lands. This "manjan" is only for karachi people, I respect all cultures of my land , most of our country is clannish so we have concept of chieftains (elites for you) but not all of them are bad , some might be bad but majority is not. What you are saying is the mentality of likes of Pervez musharraf whom my people hate from depths of their heart.
I do not believe in this notion of "elitism", there is no such thing like that what is elite for you is for me the cultural traditions of our lands. This "manjan" is only for karachi people, I respect all cultures of my land , most of our country is clannish so we have concept of chieftains (elites for you) but not all of them are bad , some might be bad but majority is not. What you are saying is the mentality of likes of Pervez musharraf whom my people hate from depths of their heart.
& we hate those who hate him?
but lets just stick to the topic?
so you are unable to see elites rulling this country?
what is PPP or PMLn or even 50% of PTI?
all of them are having the peoples who,s forefathers were part of every govt, even the musharf govt?
they are the ones stopping ever kind progress which can happen in very short times?
there are a lot countries in the world , hving lots provinces, to give the peoples sense of power & sharing responsiblity?
its not a godammed sin , any way?
our backward thinking, & finding conspiracies is holding us as nation cut off from the real world!
its frist major step, PTI came up with rightly to show the peoples, that its not bieng hijacked by elites & still can work for the common peoples!
what is you POV, son lets talk that, but hate will never bring any progress to pakistan, instead we should love PAKISTAN FRIST!

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