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Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa, new name for NWFP

ik he naara suba hazara.mp4[/url]

aik he nara sub hain pagal this protest these r just useless nothing is gonna happen if u want another province then hav it i thin these stupid anp and there stupid leaders dont care at all they dont care abut there people so yeah they dont care hav hazara province.
ANP wants to break Pakistan thts thr histroy thy have been tryin for a very long time..thy are all afghani..i hope all the afghani living in pak are kicked out of pak and thrown bak into afghanistan..original pakistani phatans hate afghani pathans coz thy are all criminals and brain dead no brains and coz of thm our country suffers..we all knw tht afghani political party is pro indian and pro american govt and thy hate pakistan lik anything..people supporting afghani phatans living in pakistan are all stupid and crazy people who dont knw anything..i hate this new name Khyber pakhtun khawa i can only smell afghani in it..our legendry great leader set the name sarhad i dont understan whats wrong in tht some people living in sarhad say tht thy still knw sarhad as sarhad and thy reject the new name..i remember geo takin interview of phatans in sahrhad and askin thm the new name some of the people said "pakhtunistan" i was lik WTF..all fu****g afghani bhai****d..and the guy sayin "instresting" sayin in the beginning of the topic is a jerk big time..i just want to see the end of ppp no more gadari he has loted and hurted and damged pakistan alot a super duper corupt party thts wat thy are at the end of the day no more sharif party pml-n thy are the same just waiting for thr turn no more mqm we knw thy are criminal party and v thr crimes..i wan Sir.gen.Musharaf or some one lik him and military rule..coz humary pakistani awan danday ki zaroor per sahi kam kerty hai and we can already c the difference chk the armyrule and chk the democray rule i say f**k democracy its damaged pakistan alot..if we look at islam we never had democracy and salah ud din the great whn he had parliment all the parliamentarians were bought by the Jews..no more democracy..think for Pakistan not for urself no matter where we live how many nationalities we get v will still b pakistani and whn they kicj us out we dont hav to worry tht we dont have a home we have a home where no one can question us our tourcher us mentaly..Pakistan Zindabad pakistan painda bad.. ALLAH safe pakistan from its enemies..India Israel and USA.this is the time for us to become strong.
this is nonsense.... zardari can't help himself... he has been a symbol of hate and will remain so atleast now for next few centuries... just for protecting his government he is pleasing these stupid ANPs... ANp has one agenda that is anti pakistan.
please watch this clip to see a dying man killed by pashtoon police

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Few months ago when newspapers wrote "PASHTUNS ARE TERRORISTS SAYS GORDON BROWN"
Why did gordan brown not called punjabi, sindhi or baloch terrorists?
reason is that pashtoon have terrorised the world by beheading foreigners (remember polish engineer),lashing women in public, harvesting opium to supply heroine to the whole world, blowing their own countrymen into pieces,selling women like cattles.
We people from Hazara do not want to be labeled as pashtoon by the world, we are peace lovers.
everyone from Hazara has experienced hatred from pashtoon in past, they have been offending us for past 63 yrs.
they have been using our resources royalty on their large population.
theses unthankful idiots thought we were weak so we were living with them.
Hazara was a separate province untill 1901.
if gilgit and biltistan can be separated from kashmir and givin status of province, why not Hazara?
we only want to be seprated from Naswarkhah, not asking for a free country.
Our population is bigger than balochistan, the size of Hazara divison is 1/3 of N.W.F.P.
tomorrow is another strike through out Hazara for creation of Hazara province.
We are close to our object and will get it.

Below is the another column by Nazir Naji, please read it to see the facts.

Nazir Naji Zakirali’s Blog
read this

"Sonia will be Chief guest in ANP Conference
[27 Apr 2010 | No Comment | ]

Sonia Gandhi(Reported Tayyab Ejaz )Sonia Gandhi will be the chief guest of 2nd Bacha Khan Aman Conference in New York (USA), no one is invited from Pakistani political parties or news channels except ANP leader ship.
Chief minister of Pakhtunkhua Ameer Haider Khan Hoti is also invited in this program, before that when 1st Aman conference was held in 2008 at NY. USA there was Mahatma Gandhi’s grand son Raj Mohan Gandhi was the chief guest in this conference.
So these are the facts which showing their relations with our enemy, there is no confusion they want to broke Pakistan, their elders said that we struggled 62 years for this Name and still we are so far from our target. Everybody can understand what is their target? What are their goals? Why they need separation on language basses. Even while Pishawar 38 % population is Hindko speaking. Are they going to merge our homeland with Afghanistan and completing their elders dream of greater pukhtunistan?
These goons from HAZARA need to be dealt ruthlessly. I suggest that a full-scale military operation be launched against these traitors as they are nothing different from the TALIBAN.

kyhber-pakhtoonkhua is now the name and everybody has to accept it. NO NEW PROVINCES whatsoever.

Sluaghter that BABA HYDER ZAMAN, the treacherous b****** who is leading this HAZARA MOVEMENT.
These goons from HAZARA need to be dealt ruthlessly. I suggest that a full-scale military operation be launched against these traitors as they are nothing different from the TALIBAN.

kyhber-pakhtoonkhua is now the name and everybody has to accept it. NO NEW PROVINCES whatsoever.

Sluaghter that BABA HYDER ZAMAN, the treacherous b****** who is leading this HAZARA MOVEMENT.

Same was the attitude toward the people of Balochistan and operations in '58, '63 '74 and since '04 haven't helped and East Pakistan is the bigger example. So stop war mongering, listening to your fellow countrymen and reach an amicable solutions over their demands.
These goons from HAZARA need to be dealt ruthlessly. I suggest that a full-scale military operation be launched against these traitors as they are nothing different from the TALIBAN.

kyhber-pakhtoonkhua is now the name and everybody has to accept it. NO NEW PROVINCES whatsoever.

Sluaghter that BABA HYDER ZAMAN, the treacherous b****** who is leading this HAZARA MOVEMENT.

wow... man great views you have...
try to be sensible ok... you have no right to label any one traitor...

try to learn how to respect others feelings.
These goons from HAZARA need to be dealt ruthlessly. I suggest that a full-scale military operation be launched against these traitors as they are nothing different from the TALIBAN.

kyhber-pakhtoonkhua is now the name and everybody has to accept it. NO NEW PROVINCES whatsoever.

Sluaghter that BABA HYDER ZAMAN, the treacherous b****** who is leading this HAZARA MOVEMENT.

and remember these Traitors (people of hazara) have gave everything to pakistan whatever they were asked for...
Vote in 1947 referendum
Tarbela dam

just 2 big examples.
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