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Kerala schools stop serving midday meals during Ramzan

yes, in Kerala. Hindus and Others eat Beef in Kerala and they still remain Hindus. I recommend beef for Gujaratis. they will love it's taste. the taste of red meat much better than Gujarati Thali meals with assorted grass(curries).

I beg to differ....only after coming across Gujurati Meals that I found out that we can have so much variety in vegetarian food.
I beg to differ....only after coming across Gujurati Meals that I found out that we can have so much variety in vegetarian food.

Why go to Gujarat......................Kerala itself has Variety of Vegetarian foods............But this Non Vegetarian Culture destroyed it all........................
You aren't well versed with history, the same BJP that opposed Telecom, Insurance & Banking reforms tooth and nail for years, basked in the glory of the results that came after the policy was put in place by congress. I think the tragedy of the congress was that they had to spend so much time just getting these policies in place that BJP gets accredited 'better growth'. For the record, even when BJP came to power it wanted to roll back these reforms, but thanks to ABVP it stayed despite his initial doubts. Until 1998/99 - a good 10 years after congrss started the reforms, BJP was against it - not just for political reasons but idelogical. Wanna know what your chums advani & co said when MMS decided to devalue rupee during the crisis? 'Devaluing rupee is like devaluing India'- that was the kind of economy managers these jokers were. 'Free rein' is a silly thing to ask- this is POLITICS. Ask your BJP why they stalled pension & Retail reforms in UPA 2? They were tabled by the govt right?

Opposing "everything" is a part of Politics. Food Security Bill, is a good bill, but still there is opposition, simply, cos, BJP is in opposition. Congress would do the same if its in BJP's place. They need to bask in the glory of opposition.
Do you think, BJP will change the Indo-US nuclear bill or FDI in retail, if its voted to power? Hell No. Opposition would have received money by now, since they are keeping silent. They know to do politics. One have to think above Politics, while in power. THose in power, know, opposition will oppose, but finally, it could be bought to its fold to accept a bill or something.
Trust me, Last time I voted for DMK-Congress combine in Lok Sabha, cos the UPA-1 was good. But if UPA-2 is good, nothing will stop short of me or many for voting for them. But its not the case. There have been a lot of Wholescale corruption. I believe its time for a change.
ANd seriously, does the parties in UPA allow MMS to work freely? Even if one wants a bill, another party of another state in UPA, opposes the bill for some reasons. Hell, the Congress party members themselves dont support his decisions sometimes. Then how can MMS work?
Yes they r born as Indians, now thats what im concerned.

You shouldn't be . Muslims are more safer in India than in pakistan , nowadays . You should be more concerned about your countrymen .
You shouldn't be . Muslims are more safer in India than in pakistan , nowadays . You should be more concerned about your countrymen .

Yes that's if the Muslim makes it through his first 6 months, then doesn't get killed by a Hindu mob, and then doesn't get a job application resigned.
He also must avoid poverty, discrimination, and grief in Hindostan.
Are Muslims doing this ?

No sir, A religious political party who thinks they are more loyal to god than a prophet is doing this...

Their representative is the education minister in my state..

The qoute you mentioned by a reply to Jon Asad who is saying that it is a good sign of religious harmony.. I do not agree with it at all :disagree:

Yes that's if the Muslim makes it through his first 6 months, then doesn't get killed by a Hindu mob, and then doesn't get a job application resigned.
He also must avoid poverty, discrimination, and grief in Hindostan.

Yupz around 15 crore muslims here are below 6 months old.. Wonder how their population is growing here.. May be evil Hindus posing as Muslims
Yes that's if the Muslim makes it through his first 6 months, then doesn't get killed by a Hindu mob, and then doesn't get a job application resigned.
He also must avoid poverty, discrimination, and grief in Hindostan.

According to pakistani logic , 12% of the 1 Billion Indian population who are muslims are all less than 6 months old .

It's not your fault . The hatred against India is inbuilt in your gene . But that does not mean you should not use your brain before posting .
I have nothing to say to you Indians. Read my post carefully you will understand what I'm saying
As some sane Indian members point out the news/source is not at all credible. In fact non-Muslim students being forced to fast is utterly incredible in any Muslim countries let alone India. Also school students in even Muslim countries are not expected to fast. Secular and liberal Indian members shouldn't be that gullible.
This might enlighten you if you come out of hat redness and go through the posts carefully:

1. Only SC/ST/OBC (which you call shudras) get reservation in India


2. Indian Muslims get subsidy on their once in a life time pilgrimage to Mecca:

Haj subsidy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now please show anything similar from your country for your beloved ahmadis and shias. Please be civil, you are one of the few who are educated, use education in the right direction... it can bear results (positive).

So after seeing the reactions of indian members here it is after all true that Muslims r treated worse then shuders in their bharat.
I am from Gujarat... even Dokhla have 40 different varieties.. let alone Fafda, thepla, patra, srikhand etc etc.

I beg to differ....only after coming across Gujurati Meals that I found out that we can have so much variety in vegetarian food.
This might enlighten you if you come out of hat redness and go through the posts carefully:

1. Only SC/ST/OBC (which you call shudras) get reservation in India


2. Indian Muslims get subsidy on their once in a life time pilgrimage to Mecca:

Haj subsidy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now please show anything similar from your country for your beloved ahmadis and shias. Please be civil, you are one of the few who are educated, use education in the right direction... it can bear results (positive).

Ahmedis r non muslim hence no point in discussing that Rest r Muslims n r just sects of islam. The hajj relaxation s given in every country be it Muslim or Non Muslim. Its not extraordinary.
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