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Mate those are terrorists and terrorists doesn't have a religion or nationality. I condemn terrorists of any kind... but hating/blaming Islam is completely wrong thing in my opinion. Yes I agree with you that radicalization does happen in Islam to a greater extent, however over a period of time with education, good jobs and security people will embrace peace. Indian muslims are very sane compared to our neighbors since they have started believing in democracy and it's benefits. People still talk about godhra riots... when did those happen... A decade ago??? India has come a long way from those riots.

I support everyone who believes in peace, irrespective of religion, case or creed. I am proud of our Hindu, Sikh, Buddhism legacy as I am proud of our Islamic legacy... no one can take it away from us... and if someone tries to neglect them they are ignorant.

You are quite wrong ......most of the terrorists have a religion. Its called Islam. And most of them do have a country .....its pakistan.

Quit living in denial. Living in denial does not make you 'secular'

Indian muslims are 'FORCED' to be sane since they live in HINDU Majority India. The moment they become majority, it will be same as our neighbors. AGAIN .....STOP LIVING IN DENIAL.

There are Shia - Sunni RIOTS happening in UP and KASHMIR. This is very much AFTER Godhra. Stop living in denial.

UP has seen 22 RIOTS (18 of them Hindu Muslim riots) in the last 1 YEAR. Stop living in denail.

The 'LEGACY' of Islamic rule in India is

1. Forced Conversion
2. Demolition of 1000's of Temples
3. Destruction of Hindu culture
4. Wiping out of Buddhists from India
5. LOOT and PLUNDER of India by Muslim invader
6. Johar by Indian women and children
7. Partition of India
8. A history of communal Discrimination against Hindus
9. Unresolved peace and reconciliation between Hindus and Hindus converted to muslims.
10. Religious Riots in India

This is a horrible history that sadly 'No one can take away from us' ....however badly we would want it to be taken away. Its like the 'memory recall' of rape victims.

The only one 'Ignorant' is you. Best if you keep that ignorance to yourself and not demonstrated your stupidity and inability to think for yourself. People like you are very good at swallowing propaganda and living in a fools paradise. Kindly do not invite others to that word.

IF you want to reply, ONLY reply to the 10 points mentioned above ......DO NOT respond with Rhetorics that substitute for FACTS.

I am appalled by anti Islamic view shared by a few Indian posters here. It really saddens me.

I am really appalled by the pro Islamic view shared by a few Indian posters here. It really saddens me too.
And you know my community better than me. :lol:

Typical wannabe.

Heard of Bhutias?

See let's not get into this; you'll embarrass yourself more than usual.

Respect yourself.

You make me laugh with your ignorance. The religions you are so proud of have origins in Pakistan. Our ancestors converted your kind and now you insult us just because of our religion. I think your ancestors also most have been converted by sword right? You remind me of Pakistanis who wished they were arabs because they are ashamed of hindu past.

India is on right track as far as secularism is concerned, i wish the same for Pakistan. And muslims are not jews, they dont have god given land where they can migrate. Islam is for everyone and if your kind cant tolerate them then they will creat another country from with in India. They have as much right on their land as you, both of you are following religions which have nothing to do with your kind. Only Kashmiris & Punjabis hindu/sikhs in India can say that and they are what 3%? since you are neither so stfu.
You make me laugh with your ignorance. The religions you are so proud of have origins in Pakistan. Our ancestors converted your kind and now you insult us just because of our religion. I think your ancestors also most have been converted by sword right? You remind me of Pakistanis who wished they were arabs because they are ashamed of hindu past.

Wow! :woot:

Buddhism originated in Pakistan!!?


That was amazing one!

One more.

India is on right track as far as secularism is concerned, i wish the same for Pakistan. And muslims are not jews, they dont have god given land where they can migrate.

Then why scream and whine for facilities, special privileges, victim card wherever you go?

Islam is for everyone and if your kind cant tolerate them then they will creat another country from with in India.

Which is why Pakistan was created in first place.

They have as much right on their land as you, both of you are following religions which have nothing to do with your kind. Only Kashmiris & Punjabis hindu/sikhs in India can say that and they are what 3%? since you are neither so stfu.

Every state belongs to every Indian and you as a foreigner have no right to comment. So mind your language and focus on keeping what you managed to create as a country intact.

It is quite simple; you make peace with us, we will be good with you; you try to create problems, we will forment trouble for you as well.
You make me laugh with your ignorance. The religions you are so proud of have origins in Pakistan. Our ancestors converted your kind and now you insult us just because of our religion. I think your ancestors also most have been converted by sword right? You remind me of Pakistanis who wished they were arabs because they are ashamed of hindu past.

India is on right track as far as secularism is concerned, i wish the same for Pakistan. And muslims are not jews, they dont have god given land where they can migrate. Islam is for everyone and if your kind cant tolerate them then they will creat another country from with in India. They have as much right on their land as you, both of you are following religions which have nothing to do with your kind. Only Kashmiris & Punjabis hindu/sikhs in India can say that and they are what 3%? since you are neither so stfu.

Wow. Really. Is that what they teach in Pakistani schools ? You dont know the origins of your own religion??
Wow. Really. Is that what they teach in Pakistani schools ? You dont know the origins of your own religion??

So now you will deny the fact that hindusim have originated in Pakistan? Please tell me what they teach you in your school.
Wow! :woot:

Buddhism originated in Pakistan!!?

Bhuda was born in Nepal but Buddhism have it origins in Hinduism. And being Buddhist you may know about Ghandara Civilization right? Which flourished for hundreds of years in west Punjab and Pukhtunwa. You being Mongloid had nothing to do with buddhism apart from now days following it.

Every Indian state belong to people who have been living there for thousands of years, thats why India created 32 states on linguistics basis. And later on partion of Indian Punjab on basis of religion in 1966. You can move to Punjab but can never be one of them.
Bhuda was born in Nepal but Buddhism have it origins in Hinduism. And being Buddhist you may know about Ghandara Civilization right? Which flourished for hundreds of years in west Punjab and Pukhtunwa. You being Mongloid had nothing to do with buddhism apart from now days following it.

Every Indian state belong to people who have been living there for thousands of years, thats why India created 32 states on linguistics basis. And later on partion of Indian Punjab on basis of religion in 1966. You can move to Punjab but can never be one of them.

You talk about Gandhara, one of the many kingdoms where Buddhism flourished, but you don't want to give any credit to India where Buddha himself flourished. Amazing :sarcastic:

There was no Nepal, No India in Buddha's time.

P.S: Indian Punjab was not formed on religious basis :cuckoo:
So now you will deny the fact that hindusim have originated in Pakistan? Please tell me what they teach you in your school.

You are probably referring to Indus valley civilization. There was no Pakistan before 1947.

Here is map of Hindoostan from 1831. Can you locate Pakistan in it ?? :rofl:

You talk about Gandhara, where Buddhism flourished, but you don't want to give any credit to India where Buddha himself flourished. Amazing :sarcastic:

There was no Nepal, No India in Buddha's time.

P.S: Indian Punjab was not formed on religious basis :cuckoo:

I dont have time to believe in Maha Bharat crap, lets separate history from religion please? I would love that mongloid to go to Punjab and claim he is one of them because Maha Bharat.....

We all know what happened when Ambedkar proposed to Tara Singh that Dalits will convert to Sikhsim and move to Punjab lol
I dont have time to believe in Maha Bharat crap, lets separate history from religion please? I would love that mongloid to go to Punjab and claim he is one of them because Maha Bharat.....

A lot of North Easterners live in Punjab, Chandigarh, and many serve in the armed forces and are based in Jammu and Kashmir.

We all know what happened when Ambedkar proposed to Tara Singh that Dalits will convert to Sikhsim and move to Punjab lol

So this is how you learn history? From dubious blogs of the internet:lol: Read about Ramdasia Sikhs!
You are probably referring to Indus valley civilization. There was no Pakistan before 1947.

Here is map of Hindoostan from 1831. Can you locate Pakistan in it ?? :rofl:


There are dozens of maps of South Asia though out history. Each one of them with different names attached to different regions. Empires fighting each other to gain territory but when muslims did the same its barbaric. Infact people from Afghanistan ruled many times and they are supposed to be part of South Asia, but since they converted from Hindu/Bhudism to Islam they become invaders. But it was al right for other kingdoms to fight and kill people of other South Asian regions because of religion.

I see no difference between you and Pakistanis who love muslim invaders.
There are dozens of maps of South Asia though out history. Each one of them with different names attached to different regions. Empires fighting each other to gain territory but when muslims did the same its barbaric. Infact people from Afghanistan ruled many times and they are supposed to be part of South Asia, but since they converted from Hindu/Bhudism to Islam they become invaders. But it was al right for other kingdoms to fight and kill people of other South Asian regions because of religion.

I see no difference between you and Pakistanis who love muslim invaders.

I see you changing tracks now. My contention was Hinduism did not originate in Pakistan as you put it.
A lot of North Easterners live in Punjab, Chandigarh, and many serve in the armed forces and are based in Jammu and Kashmir.

So this is how you learn history? From dubious blogs of the internet:lol: Read about Ramdasia Sikhs!

Why do you guys deny everything? Especially hard facts and then have the nerve to blame our education system lol. Sikhs didnt want Ambedkar and his followers to convert because that would mean end of Punjabi Sikh domination. Again living in Punjab now doesn't make them punjabis, no offence.
I see you changing tracks now. My contention was Hinduism did not originate in Pakistan as you put it.

At least you didnt deny anything what i said, good start i guess. And IVC and Vedic civilization have its origins in Pakistan. Major cities of Vedic Civilization from Peshawar to Lahore were in Pakistan and rest few in Indian Punjab.
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