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Kashmir The Freedom of Struggle

That is not true. AJK had very bad infrastructure, bad education, etc, etc BEFORE the quake when compared to Indian Kashmir. I will give reports if you want.

Do provide the link where the hurriyat said that he was amazed about the infrastructure there.

Malaymishra123 you have never been to AJK but somehow from reading a couple of articles you think your an expert on the issue.
As i said before i have been to both india and pakistan and have seen the best and worse off both.
You can give me all the reports you want but what i have seen with my own eyes i know that all your reports are going to be false/biased.
The only point you have is the education one which i agree with you that india/IK has a better education structure then AJK.
Don't just go off some report you have read somewhere take in other facts like eyewitness accounts.
If you need a stick to beat me with about the AJK govt then the one i would use is corruption in AJK and not the infrastructure,standard of living ect ect.
You have not been in j&K, therefore whatever reports you put I cant take it too.
From what I have seen j&K people are very happy, they just cant handle all those forign terrorist.

HRW reports are not idoitic biased reports, they have heavily criticized India too, just that Pakistan occupied kashmir is even worse
If you wish i can provide foreign authors articles. Will that be non biased enough for you?
You have not been in j&K, therefore whatever reports you put I cant take it too.

Which report are you talking about?

From what I have seen j&K people are very happy, they just cant handle all those forign terrorist..

By foreign terrorist you must be referring to the indian army.

HRW reports are not idoitic biased reports, they have heavily criticized India too, just that Pakistan occupied kashmir is even worse

Thats strange that over 100'000 have been killed in IOK but AJK has a worse record on human rights?
No, by foreign terrorists, he means the Pakistani terrorists that cross over the border and enter India.
No, by foreign terrorists, he means the Pakistani terrorists that cross over the border and enter India.
Why the hell India issue so many tourist visas to so many Pakistanis and allow them to visit Kashmir.
Why the hell India issue so many tourist visas to so many Pakistanis and allow them to visit Kashmir.

So you agree they are pakistani's,
Na, You have made gate-crashing an expert profession,
So you agree they are pakistani's,
Na, You have made gate-crashing an expert profession,

Ya, but than Indian government is equally culprit for the Kashmir genocide.
No its the Indian army which is suppressing the kashmiri Muslim population under the influence of Sangh parivar lobby who always dream an Akhand Bharat
Who are suppressing Indian muslim since the partition.See the datas regarding economic condition of Indian muslims.
Its not those who come on visa's, rather those who cross the LoC illegally.

You must be joking, I'm confused with the earlier contradictory statment of your compatriot.
OK, now I give you 3 point solution to get rid of this problem.
1- Fire all those 700000 asswholes who suppose to watch out the LOC but are sleeping instead.
2- Than, Implement Musharaf's Kashmir solution.
3- If it still dosn't work leave it to me.

Cool isn't it.. :tup:
Before talking about behaviour of Indian army with Kashmiris, see the worst kind of suppression taking place for 4000 years or so of lower cast Hindus by Brahmanical groups. Hindu community divided in more than 8000 casts and sub cast. Worst kind of apartheid in human history.
Who are suppressing Indian muslim since the partition.See the datas regarding economic condition of Indian muslims.

Ok agreed, 300 million poor in India, and 150 Million muslims, So lets say all the living muslims in india are dirt poor, so what about other 150 million people who are HIndu's. What about them, Is the Indian Government screwing them too. What about the Hordes of Poor Bangladeshi Muslims or the Poor Pakistni Muslims,, why arent they rich. Lets all accept one thing, SOUTH ASIA IS POOR PLACE.

What about the responsiblities of people themselves to get themselves out of poverty. Muslims atleast in India developed Ghetto mentality and prefer not to send their kids for studies, as they think they will get corrupted by the other kids in schools and colleges therefore get the girls married at 16-20 or to some Arab old guy, make sure the boys sit at the family business. Maybe they should change their backward thinking,
1.BATMAN, you should know that Indo-Pak border is porous, and its hard to man the border and stop terrorists from sneaking in when the 50000 asswoles who are suppoed to be defending their country support terrorists from their country sneaking in.

2.Or implement India's suggestion
3. Then i''l see if that still does not work, i'l find another method.

kbagdadi,Before talking about Indian Muslim population's problems, think about the genocide committed by Pakistani Army on their "Muslim Brothers" in East Pakistan. Now THATS apartheid.
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