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JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 7]

Not necessarily the earlier ones depending upon airframe hours but the latter variants yes. Block-II’s also have some (very) minor changes over the yearly batches as improvements rolled in.

Given how long PAF has been flogging Mirages(they must have exhaused their lifespans many time over now), the concept that JF17 airframe lifespan will be an issue is irrelevant - PAF will rebuild what it ever needs to, to keep them flying..
The implication that the JF17B's will be upgraded with AESA radars is interesting as the JF17B is a Block II variant, which means there is an upgrade path for all of the JF17 Block II's with AESA radars at a mininum.
No friend it is not. To the contrary - I/II vs B/III is the triple axis fbw

Wing Cdr. Yasir Muddaser
Was the variant officially announced or are there any rumors about such a variant. I never heard of anything except for some posts by fanboys.
Alot of experts here were swearing on their lives that it's in development and they have seen it with their own life.
was never officially announced. Just assumptions & guesses based on the number of diverse pods the Thunder is able to integrate.
IMO any EW 'variant' will not be a different plane but one (possibly B version) with external pod(s) attached ; it is a multirole aircraft to be used in different modes depending on need. The additional hardpoint on Block III will allow for multiple pods in different frequency ranges. Just speculating.
IMO any EW 'variant' will not be a different plane but one (possibly B version) with external pod(s) attached ; it is a multirole aircraft to be used in different modes depending on need. The additional hardpoint on Block III will allow for multiple pods in different frequency ranges. Just speculating.
Or they can remove gun like J16 use the space
100% - Since the 90s- we had opened our entire IP to Pak from every aspect; it was total folly on Pak side.

IFVs - Until US started to have casulaties in hundreds on a weekly basis in pathetic flatbeds - they then woke up and came begging; sure we had engineers seconded over to Oshkosh to get them going. Same thing was doable here. But that was a huge opportunity gone to total waste. Now you get hand me downs from US. Look across the border, JVs with Bharatis and they are going with full arsenel of mineproof vehicles.

I am sorry but i just feel taking some of your decision makers and giving them a mindful - sorry friends - bunch of idiots who squandered every golden opportunity. Radar, comms etc etc. So much squandered. Unfortunately, it has become very clear there is no seriousness to do any inhouse development. Until the mindset to outsource IP work to 3rd parties is shunned nothing will change.

You forget most of UAE's works is also based on our IPs.

This is the tragedy of Pakistan unless and until the hard working officials of ours benefits are not taken care of all their is an empty talk and no action. Even foreign companies have to take care of their ego's and financial benefits. Selflessness, planning, work ethics and foresight takes a back seat in the daily and official life of our most officials until they see some signs of dollars.
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