The problem with us is the thought process that everything all the time is about us. It's not. Of course there is no love or iron brotherhood in international relations. But when one country is lending a helping hand in every field even at times when so-called brotherly countries were not acting very brotherly, then that country expects you to take a clear position on certain matters. If you don't do that, you risk antagonization and frustration and rightly so. So it's not always our choice or time suitable to us that matters.
Secondly, millions of post can be found on this very forum describing, venting about the nature of relations US had kept with Pakistan since last 5 decades and the betrayal showered on us along the way. So the question is will it take another 5 decades or 10 for us to learn the lesson? Who was the biggest beneficiary of USSR demise as a result of Afghan war? And who took the worst hit due to that war? Since WWII till 1991, there were always two powers in the world balancing out each other and keeping the equilibrium to some extent. Pakistan did what US couldn't. Eliminate their adversary and present the whole world as a playing field to them in a plate. This thing alone should have been enough to guarantee US's unconditional support to Pakistan for at least next 50 years. What we got in return, sanctions and getting our hard earned money confiscated and later on demonized in the whole world for 10-12 years.
So, no, the rope is not as tight as you might think. And it would not be a knee jerk reaction. Rather a very informed decision taken after deliberation done over a period of 5 decades.