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JF-17 Block-3 -- Updates, News & Discussion

Why was the PAF unable to stop the IAF Mirages from entering Pakistani airspace?
PAF successfully challenged indian formation in multiple sectors and forced indians to turn back without delivering delivery their payload except loc sector where indian formations hastily dropped their ammo before running back.

Why were IAF Mirages able to employ PGMs unchallenged?
They were not, hence the poor performance and subsequent mental gymnastics like 300 dead Terrorist and cloud cover.

why were journalists not taken inside the compound for more than 1.5 months
Another lie.

Here's hamid mir reporting from ground zero on 27th feb.

About the real quality of JF-17 : a french news spoke about a possible J-10C purchase from pakistan air force.

"Pakistan interested in the J-10C?
Faced with the gradual arrival of the 36 Indian Rafales, the Pakistani staff would be increasingly quick to re-equip their air force. Indeed, as part of a fight against the Rafale, it could only align its new JF-17C and its F-16 Block 50/52 modernized by the Turks of TAI at the dawn of the 2010s, enough make the PAF doubt about a possible victory. The hypothesis of a purchase of Chinese J-10C fighters is therefore resurfacing, more than 15 years after the first statements to the press on the subject."
About the real quality of JF-17 : a french news spoke about a possible J-10C purchase from pakistan air force.

"Pakistan interested in the J-10C?
Faced with the gradual arrival of the 36 Indian Rafales, the Pakistani staff would be increasingly quick to re-equip their air force. Indeed, as part of a fight against the Rafale, it could only align its new JF-17C and its F-16 Block 50/52 modernized by the Turks of TAI at the dawn of the 2010s, enough make the PAF doubt about a possible victory. The hypothesis of a purchase of Chinese J-10C fighters is therefore resurfacing, more than 15 years after the first statements to the press on the subject."
It's no a special critic about JF17. JF17 is simply not in the same weight class than J10 or Rafale.
About the real quality of JF-17 : a french news spoke about a possible J-10C purchase from pakistan air force.

"Pakistan interested in the J-10C?
Faced with the gradual arrival of the 36 Indian Rafales, the Pakistani staff would be increasingly quick to re-equip their air force. Indeed, as part of a fight against the Rafale, it could only align its new JF-17C and its F-16 Block 50/52 modernized by the Turks of TAI at the dawn of the 2010s, enough make the PAF doubt about a possible victory. The hypothesis of a purchase of Chinese J-10C fighters is therefore resurfacing, more than 15 years after the first statements to the press on the subject."

So by your logic IAF buying Rafale speaks of low quality of Tejas no? Or is this another case of logic not applying to India?
So by your logic IAF buying Rafale speaks of low quality of Tejas no? Or is this another case of logic not applying to India?
Tejas was studied as a Mig21 replacement for point defense. It can't compete against a heavier fighter made for deep strike in this field.
Tejas (we will see what beast is mk2...) is and will remain a light fighter, with the limitation of a light plane ie short legs, low load.
JF17 is also a light fighter. Tejas and JF17 have more or less the limitations of a small fighter as Mirage III (and so one) before. It's just a fact, not a critic.
Tejas was studied as a Mig21 replacement for point defense. It can't compete against a heavier fighter made for deep strike in this field.
Tejas (we will see what beast is mk2...) is and will remain a light fighter, with the limitation of a light plane ie short legs, low load.
JF17 is also a light fighter. Tejas and JF17 have more or less the limitations of a small fighter as Mirage III (and so one) before. It's just a fact, not a critic.

So, what is the actual point you are making about JF-17/J-10? Do you even have a point?
Is this a credible publication? The details given indicates it is.

Theoretically there would be a range penalty in the extreme angles of the 300 degree FOV of the 3 lobbed version since the side lobes are smaller. What would be interesting is if that penalty is large enough or not to give its BVR a greater 'effective' range advantage.

I am surprised people are discussing feb 27 and ignoring this news item.

@MastanKhan another piece to support your guess regarding which verison of the radar PAF is going for.
I'm french.... so you miss the right target.

1) The attacker has the edge. Having the Edge is not an insurrance you will win.
2) It was not the Indian side the attacker.
If you are French then the whole world knows you won't turn up for a fight. So there was no target to miss

The Indian Rafales are of considerable concern to Islamabad, which could once again turn to China to deal with this new threat.

Faced with the gradual arrival of 36 Indian Rafales, the Pakistani government would be more and more eager to quickly re-equip its air force.

Indeed, at present, in a battle against the Rafale, it can only field its new JF-17Cs and F-16 Block 50/52s modernized by the Turks of TAI at the start of the 2010s, which would make the PAF doubt a possible victory.

Thus the hypothesis of a purchase of Chinese J-10C fighters is back on the table, more than 15 years after the first statements to the press on this subject

Modernizing an aging fleet

First considered for the partial replacement of its old Mirage III and V, the order for some 50 J-10s was cancelled in favor of the joint design of the JF-17 Thunder fighter. But the continued escalation of tensions between the two countries in recent years, Operation Balakot in 2019 where several Mirage-2000s had demonstrated their ability to strike deep inside Pakistani territory, and the Indian purchase of the S-400 system is now pushing Islamabad to strengthen its air superiority capabilities.

The J-10CE (export version) is a powerful multi-role aircraft that should not be underestimated. On the one hand, it would give back credibility to the PAF in high-intensity air-to-air combat against the Rafale, and on the other hand, this purchase would considerably strengthen combined Sino-Pakistani operations.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
First of all truks have nothing to do with PAF F16 block 52 they only modernized block 15 to MLU programs

Regarding J10C, definitely it will give PAf quick booster in term capabilities and numbers of AESA equipped medium weight jet that can fire PL15
Can we expect the following Block-III new features as being more likely (w.r.t. Block-II) ...
  • KLJ-7A AESA Radar (1000+ TRMs)
  • Large Wide Angled Heads Display (HUD)
  • All Axis Fly By Wire/Optics Control Surfaces
  • New Improved Electronic Warfare Suite (EW-Suite)
  • Helmet Mounted Cuing System
  • High Off Bore Sight (HOBS) PL-10 IR Dogfight Missiles
  • Long Range AAM PL-15 200+ km + AESA Seeker + Data Link Enabled

Responses/suggestions/corrections will be appreciated.
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About the real quality of JF-17 : a french news spoke about a possible J-10C purchase from pakistan air force.

"Pakistan interested in the J-10C?
Faced with the gradual arrival of the 36 Indian Rafales, the Pakistani staff would be increasingly quick to re-equip their air force. Indeed, as part of a fight against the Rafale, it could only align its new JF-17C and its F-16 Block 50/52 modernized by the Turks of TAI at the dawn of the 2010s, enough make the PAF doubt about a possible victory. The hypothesis of a purchase of Chinese J-10C fighters is therefore resurfacing, more than 15 years after the first statements to the press on the subject."

It's no a special critic about JF17. JF17 is simply not in the same weight class than J10 or Rafale.
Something not many people take note of (when talking about light vs medium vs heavy fighters) is the geography of Pakistan. The country is much longer than it is wide. And with the long axis parallel to most of the bordering nations. All this means that the jets don’t have to fly too long to get to their area of operation near the eastern border. This fact essentially takes care of the short legged characteristics of a light fighter.

JF 17 fits defensive aspects of PAF war doctrine like a glove. Much better than I assume Tejas would for a large country like India.

Another thing that should be attractive to any aviation enthusiast should be how the underdog (pakistan in this case) has played its cards to get enough capability to make the bigger guy think twice.

We do still need a tier one platform for better energy management and fulfil the offensive aspects of the air war doctrine.
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Can we expect the following Block-III new features as being more likely (w.r.t. Block-II) ...
  • KLJ-7A AESA Radar (1000+ TRMs)
  • Large Wide Angled Heads Display (HUD)
  • All Axis Fly By Wire/Optics Control Surfaces
  • New Improved Electronic Warfare Suite (EW-Suite)
  • Helmet Mounted Cuing System
  • High Off Bore Sight (HOBS) PL-10 IR Dogfight Missiles
  • Long Range AAM PL-15 200+ km + AESA Seeker + Data Link Enabled
Hope so these will in it

The Indian Rafales are of considerable concern to Islamabad, which could once again turn to China to deal with this new threat.

Faced with the gradual arrival of 36 Indian Rafales, the Pakistani government would be more and more eager to quickly re-equip its air force.

Indeed, at present, in a battle against the Rafale, it can only field its new JF-17Cs and F-16 Block 50/52s modernized by the Turks of TAI at the start of the 2010s, which would make the PAF doubt a possible victory.

Thus the hypothesis of a purchase of Chinese J-10C fighters is back on the table, more than 15 years after the first statements to the press on this subject

Modernizing an aging fleet

First considered for the partial replacement of its old Mirage III and V, the order for some 50 J-10s was cancelled in favor of the joint design of the JF-17 Thunder fighter. But the continued escalation of tensions between the two countries in recent years, Operation Balakot in 2019 where several Mirage-2000s had demonstrated their ability to strike deep inside Pakistani territory, and the Indian purchase of the S-400 system is now pushing Islamabad to strengthen its air superiority capabilities.

The J-10CE (export version) is a powerful multi-role aircraft that should not be underestimated. On the one hand, it would give back credibility to the PAF in high-intensity air-to-air combat against the Rafale, and on the other hand, this purchase would considerably strengthen combined Sino-Pakistani operations.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

Over the past couple of months I have found myself increasingly entangled in endless debates with shamelessly disingenuous infants. It is my Ramadan resolution that I will go back to only responding to those members who are worth responding to. I'm fairly certain that other members will be happy to pick up the slack.

Given the fact that @BON PLAN could not read what he posted himself, he is clearly both disingenuous and an infant.
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J-10 is probably far better than JF-17 because studied from scratch as a new fighter, when JF-17 is the last avatar of Mig21, heavier so more range/load, and made for China air force (JF-17 never enter in china service.... it is a clue).

as the islamists in the north african desert, your brothers, if their a** is not kicked.

@doorstar see what I mean?
J-10 is probably far better than JF-17 because studied from scratch as a new fighter, when JF-17 is the last avatar of Mig21, heavier so more range/load, and made for China air force (JF-17 never enter in china service.... it is a clue).

as the islamists in the north african desert, your brothers, if their a** is not kicked.
@mods check his ip, he might be a false flagger.

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