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Jazan (KSA) springs ancient surprise: 450,000-year-old cemetery

Anyway the Arabian Peninsula is one of the very key regions when it comes to human migrations, genetics and early settlements. That is well-known.


You already know that we Semitic people had much more evolved and much more ancient civilizations than you stateless Kurds and other Iranians of which you copied basically everything as I mentioned. This is a historical fact. Your useless and primitive ways is what has caused you to be stateless.

I have never met such a numerous people that has given the world so little. Can you even mention any well-known Kurd aside from the Arabized Salah ad-Din who was partially Arab too and who was born in traditional Semitic lands in what is now Northern Iraq.

KSA is leading your stateless people on every parameter and always did that.

bedouin arab nomad habashia or Semitics!!!!!!!!!! :omghaha:
civilizations of nomad camel lovers:omghaha:

I found this quote somewhat interesting.

The date of the earliest successful "out of Africa" migration (earliest migrants with living descendants) has generally been placed at 60,000 years ago as suggested by genetics, although migration out of the continent may have taken place as early as 125,000 years ago according to Arabian archaeology finds of tools in the region.[4] A 2013 paper reported that a previously unknown lineage had been found, which pushed the estimated date for the most recent common ancestor (Y-MRCA) back to 338,000 years ago.[5]

Recent African origin of modern humans - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Notice the last line.
Is that why your sandal-wearing leaders are shitting in their pants right now? Why they have pushed the US to attack Iran, as was proved in Wikileak cables. Why Saddam was more scared of Iran than of US. Why Arab leaders privately tell European leaders that they are 'worried' about Iran's role in the region.

You guys are Arabs, which stands for barbarity. The only asset you guys have is oil. Nothing more. And suicide bombers of course.

Is that why your sandal-wearing leaders are shitting in their pants right now?

The pot calling the kettle black :omghaha: First avenge for the death of your people during Hajj, then talk about what makes you shit in your pants :lol:

Forget about the sandals, be ware that some sandals are too valuable from some humans, from some country, who didn't take a shower for 60 years :lol:

Why they have pushed the US to attack Iran, as was proved in Wikileak cables

According to your leaders, these cables are Zionist-American conspiracy :lol:

BBC News - Iran's Ahmadinejad dismisses Wikileaks cables release

Why Saddam was more scared of Iran than of US

You must have gotten an A with its plus in your history class :lol:

Given the fact that the aging Iraqi's Mig-21s whopped your the life out of your F-14s, I can see how scared Saddam was.

And given the fact that your military turned their backs on cleaning up the minefields to crawl into Iraq, and instead they sought the assistance of civilian youths, I can see how scared Saddam was.

And given the fact that your Ayatollahs cried the blood out of their eyes to seek international attention when you were dumbed in gas, I can see how scared Saddam was.

And given the fact that your leaders shook their hands with their two Great, little Satan(s) to get handful cargos of weapons while they called upon their destructions, to defend themselves against Saddam, I can see how scared Saddam was.

Why Arab leaders privately tell European leaders that they are 'worried' about Iran's role in the region.

Have you seen the latest political dialogue in Germany? :lol: If you did, you will see who was yelling, who wasn't on all issues including supporting Iraq during their war with you, the bombings of Yemen, invading Bahrain and so on. :lol:

You guys are Arabs, which stands for barbarity. The only asset you guys have is oil. Nothing more. And suicide bombers of course.

Don't talk about oil, you're starving because of its being sanctioned :lol:

Speaking of barbarism, Iran has drawn a self-spoken example since day one. Suffice to say that it was the first and probably the last country to violate all diplomatic code of conducts, laws, and ethics, not to mention aspiring suicide bombings in modern history. Funnily enough, the very same strategy was applied against you in your own country, in one of the most sacred spots to you :lol:.
Haha, Arabs and eating.


Your fellow Muslims, you should be proud.

They are Iranians. Your invention. Your Shia twelver Mullah sect that was created by the Azeri Turkish dynasty that ruled you for centuries (Safawids). Blame them for your many miseries. They wish to attach themselves to the Arab world but they have no relation whatsoever to that part of the world. No matter if they want to act more Arab than the Arabs themselves.

Arab logic. I'm posting pictures of Saudis flying a plane into buildings, killing thousands of people, while you can only come up with suspects of a terrorist attack which they didn't even commit themselves.
They are Iranians. Your invention. Your Shia twelver Mullah sect that was created by the Azeri Turkish dynasty that ruled you for centuries (Safawids). Blame them for your many miseries.

As far as everyone is concerned they're Muslim. Actually the decision that was made centuries ago was quite good for its time, it just shows effectiveness of religion as a political tool!
Arab logic. I'm posting pictures of Saudis flying a plane into buildings, killing thousands of people, while you can only come up with suspects of a terrorist attack which they didn't even commit themselves.

Says the guy whose country is the main terrorist country on planet earth. Oh, I forgot you are a Kurd so you have no country.:lol:

Iran and state-sponsored terrorism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You probably also have the world record in recent times of executing political prisoners. Probably only second to your ally North Korea.
How many Iraqis did Iranians kill? 300.000? Or the terrorism you have spread across the world. You probably also have the world record in your diplomats being thrown out of country x and y.
As far as everyone is concerned they're Muslim. Actually the decision that was made centuries ago was quite good for its time, it just shows effectiveness of religion as a political tool!

No, 90% of the nearly 2 billion Muslims don't even recognize their sect to be the righteous one and strongly disagree with their beliefs. So that does not work here.

Let alone the self-appointed holy cows that have ruled you for 35 years! You know those Grand Ayatollah's.
Says the guy whose country is the main terrorist country on planet earth. Oh, I forgot you are a Kurd so you have no country.:lol:

Iran and state-sponsored terrorism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You probably also have the world record in recent times of executing political prisoners. Probably only second to your ally North Korea.
How many Iraqis did Iranians kill? 300.000? Or the terrorism you have spread across the world. You probably also have the world record in your diplomats being thrown out of country x and y.

Lol. Shouldn't you post fake pictures of Arab-Hijazi dishes? Go make me a camel.

Iran and state-sponsored terrorism is overrated. 99% of the terrorist attacks in the region are being commit by Saudi suicide bombers or Saudi-influenced ideologies, namely Wahhabism. In Baghdad, Anbar, Pakistan, Syria or anywhere else. Not one Iranian has ever been caught blowing himself up among civilians. Your people on the other hand have.
Fake? Are you talking about the 2 photos of Kebabs that are more or less identical to the Hejazi kebabs in a thread that has close to 100 photos of Hejazi dishes? That were supposedly from Iran? Anyway the thread of them being from Mullahistan made me delete them. You should have warned me earlier. As I said go google Hejazi kebabs on the World Wide Web to notice the similarities between Adana Kebabs and Hejazi Kebabs. In fact some would say that they are identical.

Sure. Is that why you are a failed, isolated and sanctioned entity that is recognized as a terror state?

Strange that nobody is killing each other in KSA.

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