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Japans warns West against lifting China arms embargo


Oct 19, 2010
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Common market with Japan anyone?


Japans warns West against lifting China arms embargo - Telegraph

By Praveen Swami and Malcolm Moore in Shanghai 7:51PM GMT 18 Nov 2010

Japan has objected to a Chinese campaign for a Western arms embargo to be lifted after a report showed China had enough weapons to "knock out" five of the six American airbases in East Asia.

Ending the embargo, put in place after the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests, would be dangerous, Japanese officials said.

The report by The United States-China Economic and Security Review Commission said China's improved military technology posed a significant threat to US forces based in Asia.
"Since 2000, the [Chinese] air force has increased its number of fourth generation combat fighters by over 500 per cent," said Carolyn Bartholomew, the vice-chairman of the commission. "China's conventional missile capabilities alone may be sufficient to temporarily knock out five of the six US airbases in East Asia. Missile strikes could destroy US air defences, runways, parked aircraft and fuel and maintenance facilities."

Japan opposes proposals to lift the joint US and European Union arms embargo.

"Economic pressures make it attractive to lift the embargo," a senior Japanese official told The Daily Telegraph. "But we believe such an action will be short-sighted and dangerous".

A Chinese diplomat said the embargo was "discriminatory and demeaning". Chinese hopes for an easing of the em*bargo were raised after President Barack Obama wrote to Congress for permission to sell it six Lockheed C-130 transport aircraft to combat oil spills.

China has exerted significant pressure on European countries to support the lifting of the embargo, arguing that it has bracketed China together with such pariah states as Zimbabwe and Burma. France and Spain have indicated they may be willing to lift the ban.

Britain privately believes removing the embargo would make little difference, because most defence technology is already barred from export to China under other EU legislation.

However, Britain is unwilling to upset either Japan or the US by supporting the removal of the embargo.
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They denied bad things happened to China in WW II, they hide the truth from Japanese school students and public. Yet deep down they are worried China may revenge.

China can forgive but never forget, if they just tell the truth to their own citizens, they can cease to worry and sleep sound every night, no matter how powerful China becomes.
I think no body can stop China !! embargo will not work i believe ... Japan must face off its background. China must face off its background also !!
eventually japan will start selling defense R/D once their export markets of west start to dry up!
eventually japan will start selling defense R/D once their export markets of west start to dry up!

For that they'll need US permission.
I think I actually support, to a certain degree, Western arms sanction against China. This has taught the Chinese self-reliance so the nation was able to make considerable strides in aerospace tech.

I doubt China would have gone on an Indian style foreign purchase glut even if there were no sanctions. But yes to some degree I see western antagonism towards China as a good thing, better know what they are all about early than to be continually mislead.
Japan's interest lies in aligning with China

It needs special minerals and if its friends with China they will enjoy wonderful economy and also great status in world

I think Japan is wrong to align itself with USA becuase USA just cares for its own interest.

Already US is puting sanctions on Toyota, and other Auto makers becuase American companies are doing badly

So Japan is suffering results of this unblanced relationship

Japan and China really need to unite to form a great alliance in Asia to counter US presence in region

Japan +Turkey + Pakistan + Iran + China + Russia + Saudi Arabia

I mean 70% of world will likely do business with this group then deal with USA who want to strip search you for doing business (arrogance etc)

Really I mean this is a real future

I mean US showed recently how they don't value germany nor japan when they give them nothing and went to India to offer security council seat ???

If Japan simply - joins China the problem would be solved -

Unlimitd minerals , and open markets for Japanese products and higher status

Most Japanese do not want American bases in their lands but US uses fear and deception to fool ppl into letting them keep bases in Japan

I think if China and Japan can come together and shake hands it will free world of US menace in Asia and finally the east will be free of interference
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I think I actually support, to a certain degree, Western arms sanction against China. This has taught the Chinese self-reliance so the nation was able to make considerable strides in aerospace tech.

completed agreed. remember the 80's when several of our major projects such as Y-10 and supercomputer got scrapped because some incompetent political leaders believed the West was the best. 用市场换技术这种谬论就是那时候出来的,结果与我们同时起步的空客却成为了傲视群雄的航空巨头,而我们却沦落为航空技术进口国。要不是西方的武器禁运迫使我们发展自己的技术,谁知道还有多少”市场“被用来换取别人掌控的”技术“?!
Japan fears of a lift of the current arms embargo simply because it does not want China to achieve military parity which could pose a threat to Japan given that there is a strong feeling of resentment in Asia and in China in particular, on the Japanese war atrocities of World War II whereby Japan has never apologized for such atrocities. Thus Japan is afraid that CHina may one day seeks revenge. In contrast Germany always apologize every year in every commemoration for its mass killings of Jews to France, Poland, Israel etc. Thus Germany knows that these countries would never seek revenge and they have became cultural, economic and military allies with Germany. This is not the case for Japan in Asia. The real foe in Asia is not China as US likes to make us to believe but the real foe is Japan which is hated not only by China but also by Korea, North Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, Malaysia etc however due to US coverage these countries are forced to become allies of Japan.:china::pakistan:
Guys, why are you even worrying about Japan. It's an export country with a peaceful constitution. It doesn't have many cards to play. I don't think Japan has much non-technological influence over any state. Jus' don't worry about it.
Guys, why are you even worrying about Japan. It's an export country with a peaceful constitution. It doesn't have many cards to play. I don't think Japan has much non-technological influence over any state. Jus' don't worry about it.

You'd feel differently if your family went through that war.
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