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India fuming over Russia lifting its Pakistan arms embargo, what next?

The "fuming" is Russian imagination.

They are scripting this whole nonsense - just line up their statements and see it in black and white.

We have lifted the embargo - says one Russian.
We did not have an embargo - says another.
We will not sell any equipment - you may spit on my face if we do - says one more.
We will never sell any sensitive equipment - says another.
India hasn't issued any statement, but they might - says one more.
India is / might be fuming - says another.

Everything's just conjecture - I wonder that they do want us to raise a token objection, and looks like that one of our official might - just to make them happy a bit. :omghaha:
But you still see Trolls Discussing it beyond wonder of Imagination not even buyed a single Piece yet:D:D:D
BTW, do the Indian Mirages or MiG-29s participate in all it's exercises. You don't even see Mirage-2000 on the Indian republic day fly past, forget MiG-21s or 27s. !!
As @gslv mk3 stated- Single engined a/c are not allowed to take part in Republic day flypasts anymore. Same reason the LCA had to be carried on a truck during the Republic day parade (for which you guys gave the LCA a lot of stick).
I doubt you can replace russian/soviet equipment with American stuff .

Please explain your logic because I don't follow. India IS doing just that- MiG-21s replaced by Rafales (but could've been the F-18/F16 if they had won), Mi-26 is being replaced by CH-47F, Mi-35 is being replaced by AH-64E, Tu-142/Il-38 being replaced by P-8I and IL-76 being replaced by C-17.

apan can't sell weapons .. The planes you boast are for SAR rather than ASW.
You're right but I'm talking about defence equipment as a whole not purely weapons.

That's your assumptions .. That's exactly what India said when n viola F-16s landed .. And so on .. Super cobra is no problem .. Heck they were to be handed under CSF .. If Pak wants to buy apaches I doubt USA would back off .. Hard cash .. I'm sure apaches aren't shit infront of latest block 52+ !!
I am in agreement with you that the dollar is king- no one will turn down cold hard cash and this is exactly Pakistan's problem, it is the reason Russia won't offer state of the art tech to you and perhaps even why the US and Europe won't. I mean the US offered India the AH-64E the most advanced attack helo they have and won't offer you the Super Cobra, they offered the F-18IN and F-16 Block 70 both with AESA to India but none of the PAF's F-16s above the Blk 52 and none have AESA radars.

I'm sure apaches aren't shit infront of latest block 52+ !!

Compare like with like bro- the US offered India a more advanced variant of the F-16, India simply turned it down. Has the US ever offered Pakistan the AH-64A let alone the E?
But you still see Trolls Discussing it beyond wonder of Imagination not even buyed a single Piece yet:D:D:D

Russians might end up selling a couple of Mi35's but I don't see why that is even remotely alarming to us, all this gas is solely being emitted by the Russians right now.
Wrote this guy a mail demanding facts.

Nowhere has India officially stated that they are 'fuming'. There is concern but every country can be 'concerned' just like you were 'concerned' about the 'collective conscience of South Asia' before our new PM officially took the oath.

It is funny how two-timing news traders can write anything to gain a few brownie points.

I assure you that none of the Indians except a few ignorant hormone driven teenagers are offended by this move.

Russia has the right to sell to anyone they want. They are pragmatic and saving their military industry.

Besides, if the Mi-35s can help you guys kill some TTP lunatics, I think you will be doing the world a big favour.

Russia will remain a close ally of India. Russia is just expanding its influence and helping its defence industry. Russia is looking towards the East more and more after the western sanctions. I believe Pakistan needs to improve its relationship with India more, there is a lot more Pakistan can gain from being friendly with India and Russia.
Russians might end up selling a couple of Mi35's but I don't see why that is even remotely alarming to us, all this gas is solely being emitted by the Russians right now.
It's not what they sell but the principle of the thing. I had been rather ambivalent on the whole matter for the past few days but now I have pretty strong feelings about it- just what is Russia playing at? I guess they have got used to a soft India who lets things go by unchallenged. They, perhaps like the US with the whole visa issue, underestimated India's response to such provocation.

If India really has conveyed a "us or them" message to Russia then let's have no doubt Russia will drop Pakistan like a hot potato in no time. Russia is being squeezed on the world stage by the West/US for their actions in Crimea and right now it simply cannot afford to lose India and certainly not for Pakistan.

This might seem petty and I'm sure India's actions will be belittled by Pakistani members but let's be real- Pakistan is India's primary external threat and India will/should not miss any opportunity to weaken Pakistan in such matters. If the shoe was on the other foot and Pakistan had the money, power and clout India enjoys Pakistan would be doing the same to India. The fact is Paksitan doesn't have the influence so you won't hear as many responses like this from Pakistan because it knows no mater what it does will fall on deaf ears, but in this instance Russia will definitely sit up and take notice of India's concerns.
It's not what they sell but the principle of the thing. I had been rather ambivalent on the whole matter for the past few days but now I have pretty strong feelings about it- just what is Russia playing at? I guess they have got used to a soft India who lets things go by unchallenged. They, perhaps like the US with the whole visa issue, underestimated India's response to such provocation.

If India really has conveyed a "us or them" message to Russia then let's have no doubt Russia will drop Pakistan like a hot potato in no time. Russia is being squeezed on the world stage by the West/US for their actions in Crimea and right now it simply cannot afford to lose India and certainly not for Pakistan.

This might seem petty and I'm sure India's actions will be belittled by Pakistani members but let's be real- Pakistan is India's primary external threat and India will/should not miss any opportunity to weaken Pakistan in such matters. If the shoe was on the other foot and Pakistan had the money, power and clout India enjoys Pakistan would be doing the same to India. The fact is Paksitan doesn't have the influence so you won't hear as many responses like this from Pakistan because it knows no mater what it does will fall on deaf ears, but in this instance Russia will definitely sit up and take notice of India's concerns.
Russians aren't interested in selling sensitive tech..
Pak Army is just desperate of their transport helos coz of already built maintaining facilities and just want nothing more than spares & RD-93...
This all hype created can just be used to blackmail west (US & Turkey) for attack helo plans!
Case closed!!
Please explain your logic because I don't follow. India IS doing just that- MiG-21s replaced by Rafales (but could've been the F-18/F16 if they had won), Mi-26 is being replaced by CH-47F, Mi-35 is being replaced by AH-64E, Tu-142/Il-38 being replaced by P-8I and IL-76 being replaced by C-17.

No Rafael deal signed ... US didn't offer core tech for its fighters.. A few chinooks .. And a sqd of apaches .. To replace obsolete soviet equipment n no deal signed .. P-8 n c-17 because Russia offered nothing like them .. Unless you wanted the same stuff you already had..

Even so .. If you can buy stuff from USA .. What stops Russia from selling its stuff to us ?

Also u are dependent on Russia .. On a massive scale .. Your entire tank fleet is Russian ... Your APCs are Russian ... The obsolete kilos .. The upgraded AC.. Your helicopter fleet .. Your warships .. Your missiles,guns etc ?

Russia is going to be selling n upgrading indian equipment for a long time to come ..you like it or not.. Thts the truth.

You're right but I'm talking about defence equipment as a whole not purely weapons.


I am in agreement with you that the dollar is king- no one will turn down cold hard cash and this is exactly Pakistan's problem, it is the reason Russia won't offer state of the art tech to you and perhaps even why the US and Europe won't. I mean the US offered India the AH-64E the most advanced attack helo they have and won't offer you the Super Cobra, they offered the F-18IN and F-16 Block 70 both with AESA to India but none of the PAF's F-16s above the Blk 52 and none have AESA radars.

Than again .. What makes you think we don't have dollar to procure equipment ? Who do you honk paid 5.5'6 billion dollars for 18 f-16s.. 500 amraams,Jdams n MLU kits? And aesa on IN isn't a big fukin deal .. Apart from the fact tht it was a concept .. And you would only have to pay much more for a jet PAF knows in and outs off.. USA would gladly sell it to Pakistan if we want it .. UAE was the first and only AESA -F-16 operator n they paid for th program..

Again super cobra is on offer .. Do update yourself .. But seems PA is interested in t-129 .. N now this Russian statement abt Pak army testing mi-35..

Compare like with like bro- the US offered India a more advanced variant of the F-16, India simply turned it down. Has the US ever offered Pakistan the AH-64A let alone the E?

N a lot of other stuff which it didn't n other reasons .. Lmao .. Google the operators of apache kiddo .. N tell if PK cod t get it .. N stop lovin in fools paradise ... And another thing apaches or gunships are almost useless against modern armies .. Good for coin etc .. Nothing else .. In this age a single MANPAD or even a tank launched missile could bring it down .. N tht too if they aren't protected by its own aviation assets..
It's not what they sell but the principle of the thing. I had been rather ambivalent on the whole matter for the past few days but now I have pretty strong feelings about it- just what is Russia playing at? I guess they have got used to a soft India who lets things go by unchallenged. They, perhaps like the US with the whole visa issue, underestimated India's response to such provocation.

If India really has conveyed a "us or them" message to Russia then let's have no doubt Russia will drop Pakistan like a hot potato in no time. Russia is being squeezed on the world stage by the West/US for their actions in Crimea and right now it simply cannot afford to lose India and certainly not for Pakistan.

This might seem petty and I'm sure India's actions will be belittled by Pakistani members but let's be real- Pakistan is India's primary external threat and India will/should not miss any opportunity to weaken Pakistan in such matters. If the shoe was on the other foot and Pakistan had the money, power and clout India enjoys Pakistan would be doing the same to India. The fact is Paksitan doesn't have the influence so you won't hear as many responses like this from Pakistan because it knows no mater what it does will fall on deaf ears, but in this instance Russia will definitely sit up and take notice of India's concerns.

Deal will not happen. Other case could be the stealing of Russian engine designs and weapons by China and reverse engineering them which cause a big loss to Russian defense industry. Russia had already objected China but this or that way, China is adamant in selling copied Russian design. To counter that Russia has to take some decision. But just to make few millions they will not lose a good friend like India.

There is no need to convey 'us or them' message to any one. It is based on mutual understanding.
It's not what they sell but the principle of the thing. I had been rather ambivalent on the whole matter for the past few days but now I have pretty strong feelings about it- just what is Russia playing at? I guess they have got used to a soft India who lets things go by unchallenged. They, perhaps like the US with the whole visa issue, underestimated India's response to such provocation.

If India really has conveyed a "us or them" message to Russia then let's have no doubt Russia will drop Pakistan like a hot potato in no time. Russia is being squeezed on the world stage by the West/US for their actions in Crimea and right now it simply cannot afford to lose India and certainly not for Pakistan.

This might seem petty and I'm sure India's actions will be belittled by Pakistani members but let's be real- Pakistan is India's primary external threat and India will/should not miss any opportunity to weaken Pakistan in such matters. If the shoe was on the other foot and Pakistan had the money, power and clout India enjoys Pakistan would be doing the same to India. The fact is Paksitan doesn't have the influence so you won't hear as many responses like this from Pakistan because it knows no mater what it does will fall on deaf ears, but in this instance Russia will definitely sit up and take notice of India's concerns.

Damn, you fell for the "us or them"? I don't think any Indian diplomat would say or give that option because the Russians would come back with the same "us or them" when we buy stuff from others.
Damn, you fell for the "us or them"? I don't think any Indian diplomat would say or give that option because the Russians would come back with the same "us or them" when we buy stuff from others.

Correct! Actually Russia has to counter Chinese duplicate export too, plus post 2014 situation will be interesting for Russian.

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