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Japans warns West against lifting China arms embargo

What are present CCP official lines on the like such as the cultural revolution? Lots of people also unnecessarily suffered. This is not excusing japanese actions but it does weaken the case if chinese government do not want to face up to something that happen in history (Not saying they are)

I'm not from the mainland (I'm from HK) but I do remember Deng Xiaoping saying something significant about those events, he said that "Chairman Mao was 30% wrong", in a reference to the Cultural revolution etc.

That's the official line as far as I know, but you'll have to ask someone else if you want a more in-depth answer.
What are present CCP official lines on the like such as the cultural revolution? Lots of people also unnecessarily suffered. This is not excusing japanese actions but it does weaken the case if chinese government do not want to face up to something that happen in history that was their doing (Not saying they are)

There really isn't much of an official line, they prefer not mentioning it. They used to censor materials criticizing it, but not anymore.

IMO, it was a terrible tragedy due to the millions of lives lost, but the silver lining is that incidentally, it actually DID break down class barriers, setting China up for the "anything is possible" mood of today.
I'm mentioning this because some Japanese still have this idea that they went into china not as invaders but to 'liberate' fellow asians from west colonial influence. What's there to stop them from saying that well millions had to die but the end result is that we managed to break china free from western influence that so plagued the end of qing dynasty. (only well, you see, we didn't succeed in the end).
I'm mentioning this because some Japanese still have this idea that they went into china not as invaders but to 'liberate' fellow asians from west colonial influence.

Yeah... those Japanese guys who still believe that, are just damn stupid.

Also, if they don't like Western influence, maybe they should get their country to stop taking orders from the USA. Then at least they wouldn't be complete hypocrites.
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But thats always something that is subtly hinted in their history books - starting from primary school. The japanese teacher in my NZ high school have a different view on the nuclear bombing of hiroshima and nagasaki, for example. The war is also often made glorious and romantised. For example, the kamikaze missions are told as representing the samurai spirit when it's actually a pretty sad desparate struggle. (some of the planes used in such missions have hatches that once closed, cannot be reopened from inside).
I hope that China play this kind of thing really cool, especially in the press, the politicians are using the bogey of a rising China as a threat, I hope China will appeal to the business and normal Japanese people and try to develop a wedge in the perceptions the Japanese government offers and the experiences of ordinary Japanese with Chinese society - I hope China do not just give away this "territory" if you will, to Japanese politicians who use the sentiment of people to divide people.

The world thinks that China has no soft power, these pinpricks against China offer the opportunity for China to refine it's soft power and how it can express this power persuasively, without seeming overbearing -- play this with soft subtle skill, make it a learning exercise.
Thanks for keeping an open mind about it. :tup:

The Western media keep going on about Nazi war crimes, yet they rarely mention the Japanese war crimes... even though more than 20 million innocent Chinese civilians died to the Imperial Japanese Army.

Indeed. I never doubted the atrocities committed by the Japanese troops. They are very documented.

Why does not China seek the judicial deportation?/trial on an international court of any surviving War criminals from ww2? It could easily do that couldn't it? There is enough precedence to it. Iirc even last year a 90 year old guy as sent to Germany from US to face trial.
... Earlier some officers in PLAAF were advocating importing more SU-30s from Russia. Later they're founded to be on the pay roll of the Russians and were executed. Can you imagine what will happen if France, the master of arms trade bribery, is allowed to do business with China?


If this happens in democratic country, the officer would be promoted, or given more bonuses instead of being prosecuted.

Well done China! :victory:
There is an arms embargo :blink: did China notice.

Space program, Advanced fighter programs, air transport programs,etc etc etc...

The question is if it was lifted would China want to buy any thing or would it be thank you for the offer but we already build our own.
ohh they'll buy alright, still plenty of stuff china can sample and use to improve their own stuff, look at trains, not embargoed but now china has the best in the world after working with its foreign partners
What surprises me is that Japan is regarded as the most advanced country [technology wise] but then how come you don't see them developing their own weapons? For example, Fighter jets like u.s.-russia or rifles like israel??
can anybody tell me why is China lobbying for lifting of embargo,i thought they were more interested in indegenisation than purchasing foreign weapons
What surprises me is that Japan is regarded as the most advanced country [technology wise] but then how come you don't see them developing their own weapons? For example, Fighter jets like u.s.-russia or rifles like israel??

The U.S. doesn't allow them to, that way they'll always be dependent on the Americans for defense.

can anybody tell me why is China lobbying for lifting of embargo,i thought they were more interested in indegenisation than purchasing foreign weapons

They're more interested in joint development of weapons systems and TOT than purchasing them wholesale. That way they can absorb the technologies which will help indiginization efforts. Look at the bullet trains as an example.
can anybody tell me why is China lobbying for lifting of embargo,i thought they were more interested in indegenisation than purchasing foreign weapons

Typically Chinese purchase require very large indigenisation clauses. Compare the purchase of the SU-30 by both China and India. India bought them as kits and weren't even allowed to repair the engines (had to send to Russia) while China pretty quickly indigenised the whole thing under the J-11.
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