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Isreali a terrorist

So you have been a student...zionists double the crossed prophet Muhammed at the battle of the ditch? No it was the jews. I said it before. You differentiate they the jews and zionists are one.
20 years and you are still on the 1st subject. Come one dude.

There are still Jews out there who believe that they were punished by Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah for the wickedness perpetrated by the Rabbis at the time of the Romans. The murders of Prophets Zachariah and John, as well as the attempted crucifixion of Jesus the Messiah. These Jews (who believe this) consider the creation of the state of Israel, as both illegal and illegitimate.

Zionists are those who have neither allegiance to Judaism, nor Christianity, yet proclaim to be both and through the use of which, rule the Western World. Through their rule of the Western World, they dominate the rest of the world. And indeed it is the Zionist-Swines (Khazari Jews & Evangelical Christians) that believe the creation of the state of Israel will hasten the coming of their Messiah (since the Rabbis of Roman times rejected Jesus). It is Zionists who await their "Shiloh" and not the Jews who believe that they were misled by the Rabbis of the Roman times, when they rejected the real Messiah.

So my friend, I would suggest you go back and hit the books, read the history and interact with actual people around the world to get a better understanding of how the deception of the devil works to sow discord and spread anarchy. Mocking me isn't gonna get you anywhere.
They are doing ethnic cleansing of innocent peopleView attachment 582409

Israel is a country? No its a franchise.
Who owns this franchise: The guys who want to keep the middle east under tight control.
Who are these guys: Mainly west European countries.
Are Jews really fanatic? Anyone can be turned into fanatic. Even a ground licking Hindu can be turned into a fanatic through industrial level propaganda and education.
Does today's Jews has anything to do with Judaism? No, hell no.

So to understand Israel, you must know how things were working in world around 1850 to 1900s.
So you can safely consider Israel as a Franchise of White west(These ISRAELI whites will be slaughtered here, and their masters know it).

The real jews were Blackish somewhat like that:

The real jews were Blackish somewhat like that:

View attachment 595173

Lebanese students:

AUB Outdoors Goes RIO-American University of Beirut-130506012325713.jpg

Israeli students:


They are doing ethnic cleansing of innocent peopleView attachment 582409
Comparison of Gaza when Israel captured it in 1967 and when left it in 2005:

----------------------------------- 1967 -------- 2005
Population ----------------------- 390 K ------ 1400 K
Life expectancy ---------------- 45 years ----- 72 years
Infant mortality ------------------ 179 ---------- 21
No. of universities and colleges --- 0 ----------- 7

Lebanese students:

View attachment 595197

Israeli students:

View attachment 595198

A Britisher 11000 years ago:

And you are comparing todays Labanese with todays Whites(of course they are alike). White race wiped a lot of black skin, and Israel is just another Expansion of West in East. If you are a "white jew" than run away from Israel, cus I think you already know the ultimate fate of these settlers here. Its the old Siberien DNA that is still hot and active in white race.
A Britisher 11000 years ago:
View attachment 595200

And you are comparing todays Labanese with todays Whites(of course they are alike). White race wiped a lot of black skin, and Israel is just another Expansion of West in East. If you are a "white jew" than run away from Israel, cus I think you already know the ultimate fate of these settlers here. Its the old Siberien DNA that is still hot and active in white race.
This is ancient Egyptian drawing of nations.


First 4 guys are Libyans. Then goes black Nubian, then goes Aamu (dweller of modern Israel, Sinai, Syria etc) and finally Egyptian.

Sorry but your theory is totally wrong.

BTW according to Bible king David was blond.
This is ancient Egyptian drawing of nations.


First 4 guys are Libyans. Then goes black Nubian, then goes Aamu (dweller of modern Israel, Sinai, Syria etc) and finally Egyptian.

Sorry but your theory is totally wrong.

BTW according to Bible king David was blond.
Of course, now he is.
I don't think Israel is terrorist state. Tell me how many countries in U.N recognize Israel as terrorist state. ?
They are doing ethnic cleansing of innocent peopleView attachment 582409

Great title ! ! !

I wonder how the modes would react to a title saying :

Pakistan is a terrorist Or Syria is a terrorist.

Maybe give other countries a tittle like :

Egypt is a rapist or Iran stinks.

Great work mods.

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