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Isreali a terrorist

I disagree. We engage with Israelis. We show them Muslims are not monsters. We have the same hopes and dreams as they do. We smile at them, we hold the door for them,we invite them to our homes
You may disagree...now please go and see what the prophet peace be upon him taught you about the jews. How he even protected them and how they double crossed him at the battle of the ditch. How Allah has cursed them in the Quran.
So unless you know more that Allah and his prophet I suggest we all fix ourselves
uncle Rothschild is reptilian. That why the jew is digging under solomon throne for those books of magick.

They're not even real Jews, they (descendants of Khazars) chose Judaism out of political expediency. Pale skinned, imps, who got their @$$e$ handed to them first by the Arabs, then by the Russ and finally by the Vikings. After which they gave up fighting and snuck into Europe through the backdoor and started Usiry/Money-Lending.
They're not even real Jews, they (descendants of Khazars) chose Judaism out of political expediency. Pale skinned, imps, who got their @$$e$ handed to them first by the Arabs, then by the Russ and finally by the Vikings. After which they gave up fighting and snuck into Europe through the backdoor and started Usiry/Money-Lending.

dont underestimate them. i find them mysterious for example one of the rothschild women has decided to dedicate her life to studying parasites.

They seem to stop at nothing to ruin the world thier hand in every war, famine, disasters, fifth , inventing better killing machines, crusaders, knights templars, , propaganda, money lending, divide and conquer, even obsolescence so you buy, hidding real history, corruption of education, healthcare, industry, again and on n on.

the russians know about communist revolution, talmud, protocols, occult practice.
dont underestimate them. i find them mysterious for example one of the rothschild women has decided to dedicate her life to studying parasites.

They seem to stop at nothing to ruin the world thier hand in every war, famine, disasters, fifth , inventing better killing machines, crusaders, knights templars, , propaganda, money lending, divide and conquer, even obsolescence so you buy, hidding real history, corruption of education, healthcare, industry, again and on n on.

the russians know about communist revolution, talmud, protocols, occult practice.

I do not underestimate them, but I only fear Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah. I identify them for what they are, Parasitic Cancer wrought upon humanity as a consequence of what the Jews did 2000 years ago. They aren't invincible, nor are they indestructible. If you have Powerful Imaan in Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah, then these Zionists are nothing but dust. Their mortal enemy and one whom they fear the most, are Mu'mins.

That is why I keep my fellow countrymen, that being Muslim is a challenge enough, but our ultimate goal should be to become Mu'mins. And to attain that calibre is the toughest most ruthlessly impossible status to attain. But we should work hard toward this, regardless of the hurdles. Allah wants to see how much we have Imaan in HIM, only the strongest, the undeterred would be able to reach that status. Every Muslim should aim for this or die trying to become a Mu'min. And verily such a death is a beautiful one.
invite baba Rothschild for dinner.
what is supposed to be the problem in that? in the past century when rothschild visited the temple mount muslims carried him across (since jews are not allowed to set foot on it according to halacha)


With IK meeting George Soros - I think we will have a few friends of our own in high places.
what is supposed to be the problem in that? in the past century when rothschild visited the temple mount muslims carried him across (since jews are not allowed to set foot on it according to halacha)


With IK meeting George Soros - I think we will have a few friends of our own in high places.

what is the problem in that? ever heard of usury, ever heard of war of waterloo, 1917 communist revolution etc.
what is the problem in that? ever heard of usury, ever heard of war of waterloo, 1917 communist revolution etc.

Stop parroting the usual white far right nonsense. This is the kind of trash talking is infectious and not meant to be consumed by us..

go read about history for what it is instead of sticking to the honkey-cracker nonsense:

Stop parroting the usual white far right nonsense. This is the kind of trash talking is infectious and not meant to be consumed by us..

go read about history for what it is instead of sticking to the honkey-cracker nonsense:

stop chating sh it youself read a real book i can prove it too major jordan diary and western technology and soviet economic development books. Rothschild have history in every country for their dirty usury games and war funding.

ok why is it every country points fingers at the Rothschild why every nations.

go on big talker give references?
You may disagree...now please go and see what the prophet peace be upon him taught you about the jews. How he even protected them and how they double crossed him at the battle of the ditch. How Allah has cursed them in the Quran.
So unless you know more that Allah and his prophet I suggest we all fix ourselves
I'm gonna let out a few little known facts the Wahhabis don't like teaching in madrassas cos it don't fit the narrative:

A number of great sahabi were Jewish.

The prophet pbuh married a Jewish lady

Throughout great Muslim empire history, the Jews have been an asset to the ummah in spain, turkey, Egypt.

There are left wing Jewish groups in Israel today that put themselves in harm's way to protect Muslims.

What I'm saying is there is good and bad everywhere. There are awful Muslims that have killed, enslaved, stolen from more Muslims than the Jews ever had. Who has killed thousands and starved many more in Yemen? It's not netanyahu
I'm gonna let out a few little known facts the Wahhabis don't like teaching in madrassas cos it don't fit the narrative:

A number of great sahabi were Jewish.

The prophet pbuh married a Jewish lady

Throughout great Muslim empire history, the Jews have been an asset to the ummah in spain, turkey, Egypt.

There are left wing Jewish groups in Israel today that put themselves in harm's way to protect Muslims.

What I'm saying is there is good and bad everywhere. There are awful Muslims that have killed, enslaved, stolen from more Muslims than the Jews ever had. Who has killed thousands and starved many more in Yemen? It's not netanyahu
Well well. Spot jew
I disagree. We engage with Israelis. We show them Muslims are not monsters. We have the same hopes and dreams as they do. We smile at them, we hold the door for them,we invite them to our homes
Ehhem Ehhem
I disagree. We engage with Israelis. We show them Muslims are not monsters. We have the same hopes and dreams as they do. We smile at them, we hold the door for them,we invite them to our homes

Or possibly learn from the Quran about dealing with Yahood and Hanood. You can trade with them, deal with them, treat them humanely - but do not include them among your friends or allies. You do not do injustice with them by not trusting them. Our trust is not their right. And no you do not invite them to your home. Being nice doesn't mean you open your house to them.

If Israel stopped doing every terrorist activity they do and quit all the hate crimes they are involved in - they will be eligible for the trade and normal relationship. For Pakistan, they will never be our Turkey.

I'm gonna let out a few little known facts the Wahhabis don't like teaching in madrassas cos it don't fit the narrative:

A number of great sahabi were Jewish.

The prophet pbuh married a Jewish lady

Throughout great Muslim empire history, the Jews have been an asset to the ummah in spain, turkey, Egypt.

There are left wing Jewish groups in Israel today that put themselves in harm's way to protect Muslims.

What I'm saying is there is good and bad everywhere. There are awful Muslims that have killed, enslaved, stolen from more Muslims than the Jews ever had. Who has killed thousands and starved many more in Yemen? It's not netanyahu
  • Back your claims with references and,
  • You may want to use the right wording to describe Sabi-e-Rasool SAWW. You probably want to say they were jews before they embraced Islam.
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