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Isreali a terrorist

Yeah I would but can't be arsed. My post isn't for the ignorant. The ones whose mindsets are exactly like their fathers. The ones who got us into this mess. It's for the quiet lurkers who can reflect and use intellect and reason. Allah given intellect and reason. They will save us.
@Jab Jones

Have your read this?

And then they shoot you in the head or bomb your home.

You think Muslims haven't tried "talking" to them yet???

They want no peace, they want land. And guess who's living on that land??

If they want that land, they have to either kill or displace its population, i.e the Palestinians. They're already building settlements in the West Bank so they're definitely working on it.

On the other hand, they're also trying to have Pakistan on their good side because they only Pakistan (and maybe Turkey) can do anything about them....the Arabs have been long defeated or converted into slaves...

Also, take a look at these images:




Now tell me...you still want to "talk"?? :rolleyes:

Sneak peak into the future:

View attachment 582492


You seem to be very ignorant on the topic. It's your type of mindset, the appeasement mindset. That has landed the Muslim world in such a mess.

Grow a backbone or two. Would you also advice others to "talk" to Hindutvas while they kill, rape and steal from Kashmiris??

Did you forget the sacrifices of hundreds of thousands of Muslims before, during and after the partition??

The Israelis would very much like to dismember Pakistan as much as Hindutva Indians. And here you're trying to lick Israeli shoes while they murder Palestinians left and right??
@Jab Jones

You seem to be very ignorant on the topic. It's your type of mindset, the appeasement mindset. That has landed the Muslim world in such a mess.

Grow a backbone or two. Would you also advice others to "talk" to Hindutvas while they kill, rape and steal from Kashmiris??

Did you forget the sacrifices of hundreds of thousands of Muslims before, during and after the partition??

The Israelis would very much like to dismember Pakistan as much as Hindutva Indians. And here you're trying to lick Israeli shoes while they murder Palestinians left and right??

Ok tough guy. Take the Palestinians. 70 years of resistance. What they achieved? Sweet nothing. No support from anyone. If they start using their intellect they would say we want to be part of Israel. Make us Israeli citizens. Boom, the whole world realises they want peace and just want to get on with their lives.

No Hama's guys in balaclavas holding AKs. Guys holding voting ballots. But guess what tough guy? There are almost as many Muslims as there are Jews now in Israel. No more blockade of Gaza, no more bulldozing homes.

Instead, 70 years of peaceful resistance the Palestinians would be free now. No one could ignore them. Instead you, the guy who wants us all to fight yet is sitting comfortably in his home not holding an AK, wants us all to keep fighting.

Fight smart. Choose your battles. Don't just cry takbeer and run into battle. Be patient.
Ok tough guy. Take the Palestinians. 70 years of resistance. What they achieved? Sweet nothing. No support from anyone. If they start using their intellect they would say we want to be part of Israel. Make us Israeli citizens. Boom, the whole world realises they want peace and just want to get on with their lives.

No Hama's guys in balaclavas holding AKs. Guys holding voting ballots. But guess what tough guy? There are almost as many Muslims as there are Jews now in Israel. No more blockade of Gaza, no more bulldozing homes.

Instead, 70 years of peaceful resistance the Palestinians would be free now. No one could ignore them. Instead you, the guy who wants us all to fight yet is sitting comfortably in his home not holding an AK, wants us all to keep fighting.

Fight smart. Choose your battles. Don't just cry takbeer and run into battle. Be patient.

Thank God no one's taking your "advice". :lol:

You think the status quo is gonna be the same in the future?? Israel will be wiped off the face of the Earth. It is written in your holy book or you are not even a Muslim??

If Muslims followed your "advice"....Babur wouldn't have attacked India, the Mamluks wouldn't have stood against the Mongols. Muslims wouldn't have fought in the battle of Badr and so on....they would have just "talked to the enemy"....grow a spine. I'll carry a AK when the rest of the Muslims world wakes up.

For now, countering idiotic la la land dreams of people like you is enough for me. :rolleyes:
Israelis have rich billionaires and MOSSAD double nationality agents and Zionist tech geeks embedded within American society and corporations that actively take down anti Israel posts. And destroy lives of people who speak out against Israel.

There was an AlJazeera documentary about that but it has mysteriously vanished.
Israelis have rich billionaires and MOSSAD double nationality agents and Zionist tech geeks embedded within American society and corporations that actively take down anti Israel posts. And destroy lives of people who speak out against Israel.

There was an AlJazeera documentary about that but it has mysteriously vanished.

Heck they're even active here on PDF....or those might be the sellouts...:lol:
the palestinian arabs common people is the scapegoat to their leaderships who profited great wealth from the wars. Their leaders want war to sustain their luxury life styles They are not interested for peace deals with israel.
First ... become a real Muslim, raise awareness and boycott everything Israeli and go further, boycott every damn corporation that supports Israel.
Why are we hell bent on boycotting. What will you do to ascertain those products when there is no alternative.
Why not educate yourself and do business and be better than the israeli.
A positive mindset. These fascists jews even without a land controlled western politics.
Why are we hell bent on boycotting. What will you do to ascertain those products when there is no alternative.
Why not educate yourself and do business and be better than the israeli.
A positive mindset. These fascists jews even without a land controlled western politics.

I would suggest that you study about how world economics works. Zionists, not Jews, have total control of World Bank, International Monetary Fund, Federal Reserve, International Payment System, the Petro-Dollar, most corporations in the West. Control of power hubs in Washington DC, London, Paris, Berlin and stooges in the Middle East.
I would suggest that you study about how world economics works. Zionists, not Jews, have total control of World Bank, International Monetary Fund, Federal Reserve, International Payment System, the Petro-Dollar, most corporations in the West. Control of power hubs in Washington DC, London, Paris, Berlin and stooges in the Middle East.
Oh dear..
Even a child knows this.
Now stop blaming and feeling sorry and start doing and being better.
Oh dear..
Even a child knows this.
Now stop blaming and feeling sorry and start doing and being better.

Funny how you claim that, yet most of the world is oblivious to it. Worst yet, people just accept it and say we can't do anything about it.

Recognizing the reality is being a realist, which is interpreted by others as being sorry or blaming.

As for doing better, Pakistan ought to start converting it's "dollar reserves" into Gold. Conduct trade in any currency other than the U.S Dollar. Establish concrete, implemented laws to conduct international trade with countries that are NOT aligned with Zionist-America, Zionist-Britain, Zionist-France and Zionist-Israel.
Funny how you claim that, yet most of the world is oblivious to it. Worst yet, people just accept it and say we can't do anything about it.

Recognizing the reality is being a realist, which is interpreted by others as being sorry or blaming.

As for doing better, Pakistan ought to start converting it's "dollar reserves" into Gold. Conduct trade in any currency other than the U.S Dollar. Establish concrete, implemented laws to conduct international trade with countries that are NOT aligned with Zionist-America, Zionist-Britain, Zionist-France and Zionist-Israel.
So we should go to gold without analysis or benefits analysis.
That's what makes us losers. We are sheep that follow. No do ur analysis and do what's best for you and be the best u can be. In Manchester the pakistani community due to business skill drove out the jews. And you make a difference between zionists and jew. They the jews dont.
So we should go to gold without analysis or benefits analysis.

Pakistan must convert it's reserves to actual Gold, as it is a definitive shield not only against the Zionist-American sanctions, but also a hedge against the impending collapse of the U.S Dollar.

China, Russia, Iran and other countries are doing this to blunt-out and shut-up Zionist-American sanctions.




That's what makes us losers. We are sheep that follow. No do ur analysis and do what's best for you and be the best u can be.

I have studied, researched and been a student of the subject for the past 20 years. I know what I am talking about when I speak on this subject.

In Manchester the Pakistani community do business to business skill drove out the jews. And you make a difference between zionists and jew. They the jews dont.

You may have driven out "Jews" from Manchester, but it is the Zionists who are our enemy, not Jews. And guess what, Zionists have total control of British Parliament, Bank of England and have had it in their possession since 1815, after the Battle of Waterloo.
Pakistan must convert it's reserves to actual Gold, as it is a definitive shield not only against the Zionist-American sanctions, but also a hedge against the impending collapse of the U.S Dollar.

China, Russia, Iran and other countries are doing this to blunt-out and shut-up Zionist-American sanctions.
You are arguing for no reason




I have studied, researched and been a student of the subject for the past 20 years. I know what I am talking about when I speak on this subject.

You may have driven out "Jews" from Manchester, but it is the Zionists who are our enemy, not Jews. And guess what, Zionists have total control of British Parliament, Bank of England and have had it in their possession since 1815, after the Battle of Waterloo.
So you have been a student...zionists double the crossed prophet Muhammed at the battle of the ditch? No it was the jews. I said it before. You differentiate they the jews and zionists are one.
20 years and you are still on the 1st subject. Come one dude.
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