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Israel wants to beat Iran in space race

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WTF !?

give up technology !? :disagree:

man fekr mikardam ke shoma fekr baz tari dari ... har chizi bayad dar jaye khodesh barash pol kharj she ...

nazar shoma chie ma jangande hamon ro befroshim berenj bekharim !?

age amniat nabashe , hame chi mire hava ...

duste aziz , chera be del migirid va bikhodi sholughesh mikonid ? keshvare ma bishtar az faza peyma niaz be khodro va jadeye standard dare ke salianeh 27000 nafar koshte nadim , be jaye inke biaim yek khodroye standarde meli dorost konim hanuz ke hanuze darim pride misazim va ba gheimate 20 mil be ardome khodemuno moft be keshvaraye hamsaye mifrushim . keshvare ma bishtar az faza peyma ke faghat baraye jalbe tavajoh dar doniast niaz be eshteghal zaiy dare ke yek adame tahsilkarde ba madrake karshenasi arshad nare az sa'ate 2 ta 8 sobh tu istgahe BRT kar kone ya baraye kar be keshvarhaye dige nare . keshvare ma 100% be yek niruye nezami baraye tamine amniat niaz dare vali kari ke ma emruz darim mikonim mesle karie ke shoravi ghabl az soghutesh kard va tamame sarmaye va energish ro baraye niruye nezami kharj kard va khodesh baese nabudi khodesh shod . ma bishtar az inke be mahvare niaz dashte bashim niaz be 1 systeme amuzeshie karbordi va ba standard haye ruze jahan darim ke daneshgahhamun enghadr tahsilkardeye bisavad tahvile jame'e nadan .

shoma yeka taasobetun ro kenar bezarid va ba dide baztari be vaze jame'e , khanevadeha , javanan va ... negah endazid motevajeh mishid .
Buddy, Space Programs save a lot of money and lives. From disaster management, to national security, resource management. The technologies developed in these programs trickle down to various other fields and industries.

Iran is not investing heavily. Just for important purposes which can be used for strategic weapons. Without security and technological breakthrough, it will be hard for Iran to catch up.

You don't have to worry about this generation only, but for the future generation too. I would live with one piece of bread less if it ensures my children to have full meal, better future and security.

India is reaping benefits of tough decisions it took when entire world was bashing us for our Space program too. They still do. But we know how much it helped us.

My friend , I'm not saying we should completely forget such programs but we first need to improve our basic needs which can lead us to better situation .

Just look , our educational system is 100% wrong , how can we reach an achievement while we don't have good universities to deliver good scientists and experts to society ?

Its the same for other major problems , In 1980 our government gave all the governmental lands around major cities to homeless people ( specially villagers ) which destroyed our villages , farming and livestock and nowadays we're importing them ( resources ) from Latin American countries . Our government's wrong policy has destroyed our industry and many other examples . All I say is that , we first need to improve them and then think about space program .
Tough talk coming from a country that just unveiled a "fighter jet" made out of plastic and photoshop...


So let me get this straight! You accused me of being a traitor first, and now your implying that I have participated in death of Mr. Roshan?! You move fast!

You know it, I know it, and they (Intelligence agencies) know it that Iranian nuclear scientists are dying at the hand of MKO mercenaries, of course this attack could not have been carried out without the incompetence of the Iranian security forces who failed (and still do) to protect Iran's assets! I think people who failed to protect Mr. Roshan must be haunted by him in their dreams, not me, I don't want anyone to die (regardless of their nationality), especially not a scientist who happens to be an Iranian!

A truly despicable and pathetic mentality you have at display here, Mr programmer! So because the Iranian government can't protect all of its scientists at all times, it means those who plot and scheme to kill them are not to blame for their actions? So by that line of thought, if I manage to beat you silly and rape your wife, I'm not a scumbag because you "failed to protect" her?!

And I hope you enjoy your pat on the back from your bosses in Haifa. Cause I don't think you will be going back to Iran.... at least not for a long long time...
duste aziz , chera be del migirid va bikhodi sholughesh mikonid ? keshvare ma bishtar az faza peyma niaz be khodro va jadeye standard dare ke salianeh 27000 nafar koshte nadim , be jaye inke biaim yek khodroye standarde meli dorost konim hanuz ke hanuze darim pride misazim va ba gheimate 20 mil be ardome khodemuno moft be keshvaraye hamsaye mifrushim . keshvare ma bishtar az faza peyma ke faghat baraye jalbe tavajoh dar doniast niaz be eshteghal zaiy dare ke yek adame tahsilkarde ba madrake karshenasi arshad nare az sa'ate 2 ta 8 sobh tu istgahe BRT kar kone ya baraye kar be keshvarhaye dige nare . keshvare ma 100% be yek niruye nezami baraye tamine amniat niaz dare vali kari ke ma emruz darim mikonim mesle karie ke shoravi ghabl az soghutesh kard va tamame sarmaye va energish ro baraye niruye nezami kharj kard va khodesh baese nabudi khodesh shod . ma bishtar az inke be mahvare niaz dashte bashim niaz be 1 systeme amuzeshie karbordi va ba standard haye ruze jahan darim ke daneshgahhamun enghadr tahsilkardeye bisavad tahvile jame'e nadan .

shoma yeka taasobetun ro kenar bezarid va ba dide baztari be vaze jame'e , khanevadeha , javanan va ... negah endazid motevajeh mishid .

khob eshtebah mikoni dige ... man daram migam budge fazayi va nezami ma kame to migi kollan bikhial shim ...

shoma midoni chand nafar to bahs hava faza kar mikonan !?

bekhater inke modiran khodro sazi , rah sazi , va ... balad nistan kareshon ro dorost anjam bedan bayad bakhsh hava faza ghorbani she ???

aziz man khodro sazi ma billion dolari dare kharj mikone , vali bekhater adam modiriat riiiiide !

mesl football va ...

hala shoma mikhay hamon yezarre budge bakhsh fazayii ghat she va ye edde javon ke bar khalaf khodro sazha daran kareshon ro dorost anjam midan bikar shan ...

in yani zaher bini !

ma hala biaym budge sazman fazayi ro bedim be khodro sazi ta in ham dod beshe bere hava !? are ???
khob eshtebah mikoni dige ... man daram migam budge fazayi va nezami ma kame to migi kollan bikhial shim ...

shoma midoni chand nafar to bahs hava faza kar mikonan !?

bekhater inke modiran khodro sazi , rah sazi , va ... balad nistan kareshon ro dorost anjam bedan bayad bakhsh hava faza ghorbani she ???

aziz man khodro sazi ma billion dolari dare kharj mikone , vali bekhater adam modiriat riiiiide !

mesl football va ...

hala shoma mikhay hamon yezarre budge bakhsh fazayii ghat she va ye edde javon ke bar khalaf khodro sazha daran kareshon ro dorost anjam midan bikar shan ...

in yani zaher bini !

ma hala biaym budge sazman fazayi ro bedim be khodro sazi ta in ham dod beshe bere hava !? are ???

duste aziz , ma tuye niazhaye boniadin mundim shoma donbale raftan be faza hastid ?

vala be khoda agar faza vajebtar az systeme amuzeshi va eghtesad bashe . moshkele nezame ma ine ke adamaye kar balad va delsuzo andakhtim birun va az ye mosht adame be zaher hezbollahie moftkhor estefadeh mikonim .

agar negah kardan be darde jame'e zaher binie behtare in bahso tamum konim . bye
like your language :cheers:

Koochik-e hameh bachehhayeh eerooni

Unfortunately, many Iranians on the outside internalize all the negative press and media warfare waged against us and think somehow we must not be worthy enough or there must be something inherently wrong with us or that we are to blame for all the hatred and unpleasantness directed at Iranians. And while I'm very much for taking a critical look at ourselves and don't believe us to be perfect, I don't believe others to be saints, filled with pure intentions, either. In fact, I find Iranians to be way more optimistic and open-minded towards outsiders, than vice versa. For example, a native American or Canadian individual will most likely inherently distrust and dislike Iranians. But the same won't be true for an Iranian, despite having suffered way more at their hands, than the other way around.

We have been the target of aggression and demonizations from the West many times in our contemporary history, long before the Islamic revolution, and will continiue to be so long after it, as long as we go against certain interests. We need to clearly and unambiguously understand this simple fact. I only wish our educational system would explain that principle to our pupils in terms of our national interests, instead of couching it in religious terms.
A truly despicable and pathetic mentality you have at display here, Mr programmer! So because the Iranian government can't protect all of its scientists at all times, it means those who plot and scheme to kill them are not to blame for their actions? So by that line of thought, if I manage to beat you silly and rape your wife, I'm not a scumbag because you "failed to protect" her?!

And I hope you enjoy your pat on the back from your bosses in Haifa. Cause I don't think you will be going back to Iran.... at least not for a long long time...
nevermind him... we have 10 ten times more patriots who can replace his gap in our country. I consider it as a self cleaning process from traitors. Let them die in enemy land in utter shame no matter how brainwashed they are by the enemy
The company I'm working with promoted me, as a result I'm required to work in their Haifa branch! :rolleyes: Its a 6 months assignment! :coffee:

Congratulations on your promotion and job in Haifa, don't worry about what these other people think of you, they don't matter, just worry about yourself and your career and those that actually matter.
duste aziz , ma tuye niazhaye boniadin mundim shoma donbale raftan be faza hastid ?

vala be khoda agar faza vajebtar az systeme amuzeshi va eghtesad bashe . moshkele nezame ma ine ke adamaye kar balad va delsuzo andakhtim birun va az ye mosht adame be zaher hezbollahie moftkhor estefadeh mikonim .

agar negah kardan be darde jame'e zaher binie behtare in bahso tamum konim . bye

baba man migam har chizi budge dare ... budgeeeeeeeee

akhe in che rabti be system amoozesh dare ???

poli ke kharj hava faza mishe taghriban sefre ... kheili az kasayi ke inja kar mikonan hoghogh nemigiran !

chandata kar daran !!! hoghogh nemigiran ta kharj porojeha beshe ...

intori ma mahvare mifrestim faza ... oonghadr budge kame ke shahid tehrani moghaddam be khater kambod emkanate iimeni tike tike shodan ...

hanoz paye harfet hasti ???

Congratulations on your promotion and job in Haifa, don't worry about what these other people think of you, they don't matter, just worry about yourself and your career and those that actually matter.

the same as @A1Kaid !!! forget about your own country ... :tup: just worry about yourself ... :rolleyes:
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Congratulations on your promotion and job in Haifa, don't worry about what these other people think of you, they don't matter, just worry about yourself and your career and those that actually matter.

who cares about your opinion pa.ki... go blow up some churches... there are full of infidels in it :lol:
of course it wants too.at the moment iran is ahead,but then israel has the backing of usa.so you never know.

baba man migam har chizi budge dare ... budgeeeeeeeee

akhe in che rabti be system amoozesh dare ???

poli ke kharj hava faza mishe taghriban sefre ... kheili az kasayi ke inja kar mikonan hoghogh nemigiran !

chandata kar daran !!! hoghogh nemigiran ta kharj porojeha beshe ...

intori ma mahvare mifrestim faza ... oonghadr budge kame ke shahid tehrani moghaddam be khater kambod emkanate iimeni tike tike shodan ...

hanoz paye harfet hasti ???

the same as @A1Kaid !!! forget about your own country ... :tup: just worry about yourself ... :rolleyes:

hey guys,you also use the word agar?
what does it mean??

in hindi it generally means if.
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Uncivilized Irani have some manners, you come onto a Pakistani defence forum and disrespect Pakistani nationality. You're just jealous Programmer was given a great rewarding job in Haifa while you are suffering in Iran under a sanctioned economy and unemployed. Had you been offer the job I'm sure you would pack your bags for Israel right away.

As for your pro-terrorism remark we will deal with your uncivilized self soon.

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Congratulations on your promotion and job in Haifa, don't worry about what these other people think of you, they don't matter, just worry about yourself and your career and those that actually matter.

Yeah, don't worry about anything or anybody else. You can even sell your mother if it helps with making more money and advancing your career. After all, we don't subscribe to any ethical values or higher principles. Stick with the money and materials. Cause when you die, you carry all of it with you and nobody is gonna remember you anayway.

You see, that mentality is the very reason why a few million Jews can ride roughshod over hundreds of millions of Arabs and muslims. They don't sell their principles. You do...
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