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Israel launches air strikes on Syria

Maybe they feel srry for them,since this is the only free pass they get.
Doubtfull. Actually i'm sure Pantsir's atleast were bought on a loan.
A waste of taxpayers money then.

Isreal should have some peace of mind for awhile. But that would be for a short while.

When sunni's are done with shia's it will be Isreals turn.
How long, do you think, will it take until sunni's are done with shia's? ;)
What was Hezwhatever supposed to have been receiving anyway? Is it known already or what ? I heard guesses but nothing of substance ?
Probably M-600 / Fateh-110 missiles, but no official confirmation from our side.
Where are the mighty Iranian weapons,send some rockets.
All you mullahs can do is just make fantasy statements.

I am not pro regime
and by the way mullah doesn't mean working for regime. mullah is a religious person normally. some are working for bad some not.

anyway how is your Islamist Erdogan?

And as usual Defence.pk demonstrates yet again its true colors. al-Hasani gets banned but the Iranians get a free pass.
I hope the stupid Iranian who insulted Arabs and prophet get banned too...
A waste of taxpayers money then.

How long, do you think, will it take until sunni's are done with shia's? ;)

Well,if your suggesting the strategy i think you're suggesting,they won't fight forever you know...one thing i've learned about this guys is that eventually one group manages to slaughter the other in the end,they're ruthless that way.
Probably M-600 / Fateh-110 missiles, but no official confirmation from our side.

This is what your damned air-force did according to official sources from FSA:)

Obliterating the following:

104 & 105 brigades

ammo and missiles storage bases

A missile shipment was heading to Lebanon

Al Jumaira research center

None of your goddamn business that's what.

Screw you ..1.. :whistle:
You Jews are so typically full of it. You fail to mention, That all those different SAMs (SA-2 SA-3 SA-5 SA-6)are extremly old, unupgraded and in god knows what state this days if active at all. SAM's that the IDF is all well familiar with to boot.
First of all many were upgraded and new radars were also bought.
Also F-16 and F-15 are also not exactly new planes they are from 70-es early 80-es.
That site is covered by some dozen SA-6 systems. Which are quite potent.

Yes, because the numbers they have of SA-17 and SA-22 is enough to cover all of Syria. Especially with SA-22 which is a SHORAD. {/sarcasm}
They have plenty Osa's. And if SA-17 and SA-22 are not enough even to cover even Damascus with suburbs, then I dont know why Syrians wasted money at them at all.
I am sorry for that Mosa then. I am sorry for these stupid Iranians insulting Arabs here.
They need some better education.

Actually he got mad over insulting respected Turkish members and people not Arabs. Is the girl in his avatar Turkish? I don't think so. :astagh:
In this forum you always see the typical frothing at the mouth at what everyone is gonna do to Israel. Of course when Israel actually attacks....the forum dissolves into a high-school name-calling contest.
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