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"Israel is our only friend in the Middle East"

That is not enough of an explanation. If Muslims truly believe that they form some kind of military alliance, i.e. an attack on one Muslim is an attack on all Muslims (the ummah), then the rest of the world would be at war with the "ummah" all the time! No, I believe only a very few Muslims believe that any and all fellow Muslims must be given armed support. It seems to be the same minority of Muslims that support jihadism against the "West".
the craziest of the lot have this grand pan-Islamist idea of the world, which is why some from as far away as India, China, Indonesia etc go to Syria/Iraq.
Are you out of ur mind? 57% OIL resources under Muslim lands. 65% gas under Muslim lands. And so on. capitalism made them poor. and make u rich in US.
look all muslim country gdp not gcc nominal gdp can compare to israel

Since when has Turkey had oil?????
turkey is only muslim country that is more advance then other muslim country
In 1918 when secrete treaty signed by Uk and french and establish the treaty in 1948, That was totally up to wrong stander. The definition of a state is not similar with Israeli occupied territory. 1.8 billion of muslims never consider israil as a state.
Look up what Israel looked like on the map when it was created and look at it now. Who told the arabs to go to war and get their butts kicked by the Israelis? And after each war, Israel has not only gotten stronger, but expanded.

1.8bil muslims have better things to worry about than Israel and the average Israeli doesn't give a damn what muslims think. And here's the best bit...Turkey is buddies with Israel...Egypt is buddies with Israel...Jordan is buddies with Israel - the Saudis are secretly mates with them....so, I'm thinking that figure of 1.8bil is shrinking all the time
look all muslim country gdp not gcc nominal gdp can compare to israel

turkey is only muslim country that is more advance then other muslim country
Maybe , maybe not. But you do admit,. Turkey is more advanced than Israel..Yes?
look all muslim country gdp not gcc nominal gdp can compare to israel

I gave the answer before. Which way Israel now consider a rich country. Ow really ? U live under the capitalistic economical system. Where rich become richer and poor become poorer. GDP depends on the income of a person , Now it is also included with the export and import subject. Israel has nothing to do in this business. They just frudlly made a business empire and other isralis are still now poor.
Look up what Israel looked like on the map when it was created and look at it now. Who told the arabs to go to war and get their butts kicked by the Israelis? And after each war, Israel has not only gotten stronger, but expanded.

1.8bil muslims have better things to worry about than Israel and the average Israeli doesn't give a damn what muslims think. And here's the best bit...Turkey is buddies with Israel...Egypt is buddies with Israel...Jordan is buddies with Israel - the Saudis are secretly mates with them....so, I'm thinking that figure of 1.8bil is shrinking all the time

Do u think it happened automatically ? Who is with whom, i know that . Who is helping to build them buildings in a occupied lands?
Pakistan is not your enemy. Isreal knows it. Pakistan knows it. However many misinformed "Arabists" inside Pakistan think differant but Israel has nothing to fear. The "Arabists" do not hold any levers of power in Pakistan which is why Israel is okay with Pakistani nuclear arsenal.

However as a sop to the misinformed "Arabists" Pakistan keeps considered distance from Israel, which of course Israel is aware. In few decades with increasing influence of China which will help to spread badly needed secularism Pakistan will recognize Israel.

I look forward to that.
why all the muslins country are poor?(the country that dont have oil)

Have you seen how many non-Islamic countries are poor? Latin America, Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe are filled with poor countries. Poverty exists everywhere. Even in the most developed countries. You are ignorant.

Go to India to find out what poverty means.
Do u think it happened automatically ? Who is with whom, i know that . Who is helping to build them buildings in a occupied lands?
Jesus H Christ man...what are you on about?

Who cares who is helping them? Yes, they have allies...loyal allies. I'm not sure what your point is? Your some random dude from Bangladesh and here you are giving a damn about Palestine and Palestinians...so in theory you are an 'ally of Palestine'

You can't blame Israel for having powerful allies, allies who defend unflinchingly...while you got brain washed by the Arabs to care about Palestine and your muslim brothers...all the while, these same arab muslim brothers call people like you and me...'miskeen'.

So forget about destroying Israel - in case you haven't noticed, over the past decade, with the strategic expansion of settlements - the two state solution is DEAD. There will never be a viable Palestinian state. You might get two patches of land (west bank and gaza) with Israel in between. Just as East and West Pakistan were doomed from the start...this Palestinian 'state' too will be doomed.

Anyone with a grip on reality has already realized this sad but true fact...you need to wise up.

rothschild usury.

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