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"Israel is our only friend in the Middle East"

Hey @Solomon2 I have set up "Kaptaan's Khalifah" in my garden. Your invited.
English gardens can be very charming. Perhaps next time I'm in Britain I'll visit!

Part of the fun on this thread is watching the antisemites reveal themselves and their inanities. I wonder, though, if there's any hope for Pakistan's education system, which has suppressed free inquiry and skewed logical thinking for generations now due to its ideological - not fact-based - imperative to embrace anti-Zionism. Denial isn't just a river in Egypt!
My brothers and sisters are being killed. Israel is a terrorist state, but we will not be silenced. Change must come.There is a hyper-militarised culture of incitement and belligerence in Israel. We are still viewed by the state and much of the Israeli public as enemy combatants rather than citizens.
read thier talmud and protocols of zion...
Talmud is 80+ volumes of text so its unlikely you've read them and the "Protocols" have long been revealed as a forgery.

You've got nothing but unjustifiable pride - hubris - keeps you from admitting it, I suppose.
My brothers and sisters are being killed. Israel is a terrorist state, but we will not be silenced. Change must come.There is a hyper-militarised culture of incitement and belligerence in Israel. We are still viewed by the state and much of the Israeli public as enemy combatants rather than citizens.
Why are you 'quoting' this guy...without 'quoting' him

Mohammed Zeidan, Director of Human Rights Association in Nazareth


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In addition to mass arrests at demonstrations, Israeli police made a series of unlawful "preventive arrests" of political activists [Reuters]


Concerns about aggressive policing have been underscored by a government decision to relax live-fire regulations in Israel and Jerusalem against demonstrators [AP]


Why are you 'quoting' this guy...without 'quoting him

Mohammed Zeidan, Director of Human Rights Association in Nazareth



See the pictures of reality.
Its the end of the two state solution that in itself is part of the threat israel faces

Muslims/arabs are at the point of outnumbering jews across israel, West bank and gaza

Israel covets the land but its already inhabited

As it expands the settlements the two state soloution goes out the window but the population of arabs under israeli control keeps growing and fast

So israel has two soloutions first is one israeli state with all becoming citizens in which case jews become a minority in their own state (& it will only get worse)

Stick with the status quo, steal more land but force an ever growing arab population into self controlled ghettos, but become a true apartheid state & as more pressure is heaped upon arabs, see more reaction from arabs within israel and arab and muslim states around

Another option would be one state but with limited rights for muslims arabs to change jew state but ibce again if arabs become majority that goes out the window

Only real soloution for israel is for arabs and muslims to go but thst is easier said then done

The population issue is the biggest threat israel faces and could change and break it

Its an apartheid colonial state
I dont agree!...what have they to do...after what happened in world war 2....they need to be extra careful....and will never allow any one/nation to try to try to destroy them...and yes as an Indian American..I totally support Israel.
Talmud is 80+ volumes of text so its unlikely you've read them and the "Protocols" have long been revealed as a forgery.

You've got nothing but unjustifiable pride - hubris - keeps you from admitting it, I suppose.

Brothers for brothers.

Yes - u ppl are killing innocent people and killed millions, so how can u justify israel as shameless nation.
When you say you people..please be more specific..Do I need to say "you people" for all the innocent Muslims/people of other religions being killed all over the world....No I wont stoop to your level...I am not justifying anything here....as a Nation "Israel is a great country"....its a fact...along with Israel..Turkey is another great country...I respect these two the most....I dont really care what a few Turkish guys on PDF say here...In reality...I have a lot of Turkish friends...They were my classmates while in Washington, DC....Great guys with fantastic character..(Must be because of their compulsory Military training)...and yes they actually very very religious, and would always respect every ones religion, as should be.
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I don't do videos.

i am not saying it you but it the truth that matters, the rothschild own israel. i know jews died but i believe they were non zionist jews against transfer to palestine.
no one wants Kurdistan in the Middle East.
A bit like no one wants israel too.
Hardly surprising the two are friends :lol:
bccz we muslims all are noble. we have no need fake nobel prizes types of shits.
Again this says nothing...I'm sure you were pleading for Dr. Yunus to return his Nobel Peace prize which he and Grameen won for microcredit.
i am not saying it you but it the truth that matters, the rothschild own israel. i know jews died but i believe they were non zionist jews against transfer to palestine.
You are entitled to your own opinions but not your own facts. Just because you "believe" something to be true does not make it true. Even if an entire hall full of people are saying it in unison.
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