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"Israel is our only friend in the Middle East"

Subduing ISIS is possible if you cut off their supply lines. The Russian Defense Ministry presented evidence of how ISIS makes a living by selling oil to Turkey. How hundreds of oil tankers travel to Turkey every day. The other thing is to fight this ideology. You have to fight it by using an alternative ideology.
Your NUKEs will be destroyed by Hezbollah's Fateh-110 missile before launch. Read about Fateh-110 on the net. That's a big big surprise for Israel. Also We have a giant storage of missiles in Golan heights. We will not even enter war directly hahahahah. And if we do it Israel will be completely wiped out of the scene.
However Jews themselves will destroy the Zionist controlled of occupied lands. We don't even need to attack you morons. Israel is on the edge :


A confession of a Zionist LOLz.
Doesn't seem like your Fateh 110 will be able to penetrate inside Israel, doesn't seem like it can even penetrate a missile silo and neither you know where they are.

Those missiles will rain down on you


Not even talking about the Popeye Turbo SLCM and Jericho missiles :)
I represent all muslims. Bcz we are united. One blood. One land . I dn't follow British divide and rules policy.
Yeah we know... Syria Iraq afghan.. You are really united in killing fellow Muslims.. I condemned you only because you said Muslim don't honour scientific research and nobel.. And you are wrong, they do I've worked with them.. Other than that i have no business talking with you, don't spread bullshit!
Good day!!
Yeah we know... Syria Iraq afghan.. You are really united in killing fellow Muslims.. I condemned you only because you said Muslim don't honour scientific research and nobel.. And you are wrong, they do I've worked with them.. Other than that i have no business talking with you, don't spread bullshit!
Good day!!
I don't blame you. \Most of Indians do not know that what's going on in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan.
USA-NATO is the main roots of all the mess in Middle East :
USA is attacking SAA and Russian positions in Syria to protect extermist groups in Syria. Watch these links :




Obama himself is leading ISIS and Al-Qaeda , with it's branches like Ahrar-Al-Sham ... , in Syria :





John McCain , the republican senator of USA, Admits to Meeting with ISIS, Still in Contact with them :

The guy behind John Mc Cain is Abu-Bakir Al-Baghdadi the commander of ISIS.

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If it is truly Muslim doctrine to annihilate Israel, then Israel will have every justification to annihilate Mecca and Medina if Muslims ever actually try to carry out this threat. I have never been able to understand why Muslims see Israel as a mortal enemy. I can understand why a few million Jordanian Palestinians (of all faiths) do, but why is the existence of Israel a Muslim issue? Where in the Quran or the accepted hadiths does this hatred find justification as a religious matter?

It is not Muslim doctrine to annihilate Israel, Muslim doctrine is to defend yourself when your attacked

We see Israel as a Mortal enemy because they suppress and murder our fellow muslims and because they took the holy land from us. The same holy land that 1000s upon 1000s of Muslims died defending the SAME holy land that Saladin the Kurd fought so bravely for. Our ability to maintain and take care of the holy land far outpaced the other religions by far. It is a stain on all Muslims honor to let the british force the Jewish on these lands which we rightfully owned. Add the wars and you start to get the understanding of why Muslims hate Israel, entire states inside states that are dedicated to the destruction of Israel.
Jerusalem will become Muslim again.
That's what you were saying for... 70 years?

It is not Muslim doctrine to annihilate Israel, Muslim doctrine is to defend yourself when your attacked

We see Israel as a Mortal enemy because they suppress and murder our fellow muslims and because they took the holy land from us. The same holy land that 1000s upon 1000s of Muslims died defending the SAME holy land that Saladin the Kurd fought so bravely for. Our ability to maintain and take care of the holy land far outpaced the other religions by far. It is a stain on all Muslims honor to let the british force the Jewish on these lands which we rightfully owned. Add the wars and you start to get the understanding of why Muslims hate Israel, entire states inside states that are dedicated to the destruction of Israel.
Egyptian, you want to destroy us? Want us to conquer more than the Sinai and not listen to anyone that will tell us to stop?
took the holy land from us. ....these lands which we rightfully owned.

You say they took the land from "us". Who is "us"? Muslims or Jordanian citizens? You say "rightfully owned". Who says "your" ownership was "rightful". And again you say "we ... owned". Who is "we"? Muslims or Jordanians? The land was legally controlled by the British under a League of Nations mandate. Was that "rightful" ownership at the time? If not why not? How is "rightful" ownership determined? By winning a violent war? By a plebiscite? By a freely made sale or agreement among those with an interest? How?

So, you see, my quandary still remains, why is the legitimacy of Israel a "Muslim" issue? I realize that Israel has been carved out of territory that was last Jordanian, itself a construct vouched for by European powers. But before that this land was claimed by a host of peoples and kings, stretching back to a time before Moses arrived with his tribe or Mohammad made some fantastic journey there. But, today, why should a Muslim person in Bangladesh or Indonesia or America, for that matter, feel that they have a right or an interest to dispute the legitimacy of Israeli sovereignty over this territory? Because they are Muslim? Where in the Quran or accepted hadiths of Islam is it proclaimed that Muslims have a Allah-given right to the territories that are now the State of Israel?
You say "rightfully owned". Who says "your" ownership was "rightful".

Who says that America is owned by Americans? Who says that Russians own Russia? Who says that Italians own Italy? Who says that Iran is owned by iranians? Who says that Turkey belongs to the Turkish?

Who do you think? Humans

The land was legally controlled by the British under a League of Nations mandate. Was that "rightful" ownership at the time? If not why not? How is "rightful" ownership determined? By winning a violent war? By a plebiscite? By a freely made sale or agreement among those with an interest? How?

Do you consider colonizers as the rightful owners to land?? Is America the property of Britian? Is Algeria the Property of France? Is Morocco the property of Spain?

The British gave away lands that did not belong to them. How would you feel if somone sold your house to your neighbor without your permission or your families? A person that you barely knew? What if everyone recognized that this person that you barey knew owned your land that your family owned for over a 1,000 years? What would be your reaction?

So, you see, my quandary still remains, why is the legitimacy of Israel a "Muslim" issue? I realize that Israel has been carved out of territory that was last Jordanian, itself a construct vouched for by European powers.

Your applying western culture to Islamic culture. There is a reason why Muslims refers to another as Brothers and sisters despite having no blood relations. I'm sure you heard of the term "ummah"

Ummah (Arabic: أمة‎‎) is an Arabic word meaning "community". It is distinguished from Sha'b (Arabic: شعب‎‎) which means a nation with common ancestry or geography. Thus, it can be said to be a supra-national community with a common history.

The word Ummah refers to "the people" in Arabic, more specifically to Muslim people with a common ideology and culture. "Ummah" is also said in the Quran by Allah referring to Muslims. It is more commonly used in Islamic countries. Muslim Ummah refers to the unity of Muslims all over the world. The Muslim Ummah is responsible for upholding the religion and therefore benefiting the community regardless whether the community is Muslim or non-Muslim[citation needed].

Apart from its strict religious connotation, the word "ummah" (أمة) is used in Arabic in the general sense of "community", as in الأمم والشعوب ("community of peoples"). The Arabic term for the United Nations in Arabic is الأمم المتحدة ("The United Ummahs"). In its Islamic sense of the community of Muslims, the word is usually preceded in Arabic by the definite article, i.e. الأمة ("The Ummah").

Are you understanding why a Muslim from Indonesia and America can sympathize with a Palestinian Muslim?

It is not about all Muslims having a claim, So I guess my mistake was saying "we".

Rather it has more to do with a Muslim wanting Palestinian Muslims to have their own state.
thank you for educating me. I information about the subject is third hand and since the subject is volatile and emotional so it has the tendency of having a biased opinion. you have to help me find a more suitable term.. if we can agree on fascism or xenophobia then do let me know.
Term for what, exactly?

below I am just continuing what I said earlier.
The said racist mind set predates Muslims & Islam. take the example of Noah’s son getting cursed with dark skin for seeing his father naked to the believe that god somehow played a trick on Ismael by taking away his right of prophet hood for a bowl of water and thus earning the scorn & dislike of the “faithful”..such hatred (racist & theological) is a human trait and is still present among those who have setup the contemporary rules of morality and look down at the third word (read Muslims) for its apathy towards those who don’t share its ideology or political point of view.
Is this stuff in the Koran? If not, I think you are confused - Ishmael was not one of Noah's sons. I also think you are a victim of displacement theology: the episode you speak of, the curse of one or two of Noah's sons, is a minor (because apparently G-d didn't endorse it, so there is no application) and disputed (because the details are obscure) episode in Jewish theology but was trumpeted and twisted by Christians into an endorsement for enslaving "darker" races.

I openly criticise the violent words & actions of 2 main warring factions of Muslims and I don’t mince words but I do give credit to Muslims or Jews or whoever where it is due but this doesn’t mean I can be bullied and stopped from pointing out the blatant disregard of human rights and all laws by the Israel in its expansion of settlements and mistreatment of Palestinians ..
The problem you have is that you are in no position to judge Israel, and hence meaningfully voice such criticism since the counterarguments and correct facts are openly suppressed in Pakistan. So if you want your words to have moral weight, you're going to have to press for more open discussion in Pakistan of these matters.

I don’t have to be a Muslim to do that .. I do it as a Human as do some other Jews as well -
You seem very reluctant to challenge authority and you seem the think Jews should operate by choosing one authority or another to obey, rather than evaluate the facts that exist and judge from a moral basis. Is that not so?

if the Zionists (as per definition) want to establish a Jewish homeland where they can live in peace and prosperity then bless their heart and power to them. no Evangelic Christian, Ayatullah or Mullah or a white ( black / pale/ green) supremacist can decide that for them.
Put yourself in my shoes for a few minutes. Do you see why this answer is an expression - to put it mildly - of your weakness?
Term for what, exactly?
term to describe an organisation bent on domination through violence & with a belief that its superior & perfect to rest of mankind

Is this stuff in the Koran? If not, I think you are confused - Ishmael was not one of Noah's sons. I also think you are a victim of displacement theology: the episode you speak of, the curse of one or two of Noah's sons, is a minor (because apparently G-d didn't endorse it, so there is no application) and disputed (because the details are obscure) episode in Jewish theology but was trumpeted and twisted by Christians into an endorsement for enslaving "darker" races.
I am sorry, I should've been clear . re Ismael I am referring to Christian belief ,and I don't know where Jews stand .. I know Christians are not that fond of Ismael. mentioning the Curse of Noah to his son was also to point out at the hate, racism & prejudice in the text ( among the people of the book before Muslims). there is nothing more to it.

The problem you have is that you are in no position to judge Israel, and hence meaningfully voice such criticism since the counterarguments and correct facts are openly suppressed in Pakistan. So if you want your words to have moral weight, you're going to have to press for more open discussion in Pakistan of these matters.
1. I am not judging, I am expressing freely..
2. I find your Lack of faith (in Pakistan) disturbing . we are questioning more openly than is allowed in American south. we are not suppressed. morality is a subjective term so my efforts will be meaningless for you since you dismiss criticism towards Israeli treatment of Palestinians and illegal expansion.
You seem very reluctant to challenge authority and you seem the think Jews should operate by choosing one authority or another to obey, rather than evaluate the facts that exist and judge from a moral basis. Is that not so?
no sir. I might not be a rebel but I question the authority.
I don't think FOR Jews. I have no say or authority to decide for them. they are independent minded and open to discussion and they already do what you stated for them.

Put yourself in my shoes for a few minutes. Do you see why this answer is an expression - to put it mildly - of your weakness?

to put it mildly myself. I must clarify I am not seeking your approval. I know dismissal is normally first reaction people get on their long road to acceptance in your fold.

please dont read too much into it.
Jews are fine and so are we and we are not not there to get you
The amount of butthurt and delusion in this thread is byhound me
The religious zealot in this thread belive that they can unite the muslim umaa and distroy israel and crate an islamic calipha , actually feel sorry for them :partay:.

Israel is among the leading country when it's comes to science technology R&B and more. Some of the members in this thread are so jealous about israel that makes thier head :flame:.

take a look what we achieve in 70 years , and the future of israel never look so bright:

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