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"Israel is our only friend in the Middle East"

In Gaza there has been no occupation for over a decade; the U.N. simply renamed the area "Occupied" to carry on with the charade. When you can protest that you will stand for some honesty. But if you could do that then could you still decry Israel's actions as unjust? I so challenge you.

You think people here are toddlers? You can keep these lies to yourself. The whole world knows how Israel is stealing land from the Palestinians and building new settlements. There is a reason why Mandela labeled Israel an apartheid state. That is some achievement by Israel to be called an apartheid state by Nelson Mandela.
..I think there is a different view about what you and I define as a Zionist. its not restricted to a race and religion its a superiority complex with a genocidal and oppressive mindset at the expense of everyone that is not fortunate to be a part of that selective elite -
Having different definitions for the same word does not help the cause of peace, especially when new definitions are circulated to change the meaning and intent of the original speaker or writer.

Zionism is the movement for re-establishing Jewish people in their ancient homeland. Zionists are those that support Zionism.

That is how Zionism has always been defined by Jews. The bit about "superiority complex with a genocidal and oppressive mindset" is an accurate description of Zionists' murderous opponents, not Zionists; it is the truth turned upside-down.
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And just to clarify Pakistan is run by a minority that thinks similar if not same as me. Proof? Have you ever heard Pakistan Army ever suggest, talk or impugn Israel. After all Strategic Plans Division has over 130 nuclear missiles. Have you ever heard Pakistan government or Pakistan Army suggest that they might use force to help the "Muslim Ummah"? Never and never will they.

Funny thing is they are not afraid of threatening India every other day with nuclear armegeddon !!!
Importance of Al Aqsa has no bearing on the issue. I can go tomorrow to visit it on holiday - so can you thanks to British passport.

Majority has had their brains mushed in schools that feed mush. This will change of course over time. When Islam first came it was minority and in danger of being snuffed. So being minority is to be taken in your stead. What matters is how well constructed your thoughts are and if they can stand up to scrutiny.

Al Aqsa is everything re this topic especially in the hands of jews whose dream revolves around destroying it and rebuilding their temple
Muslims should support resistance to its occupation

The people of Pakistan appreciate your concern for their feelings but reiterate you are a tiny minority unrepresentative of Pakistani emotions on the subject

Now and in the foreseeable future aslong as Palestine is occupied and Al Aqsa under threat their will be unbridled hatred for israel
You think people here are toddlers? You can keep these lies to yourself.
I think "people here" aren't aware of the full extent the Pakistani state has wedded itself to anti-Israel lies. That's why I included the link to the H.E.C. demand that the universities enforce antiZionism as ideology, rather than attempt to ground it in fact - obviously they know there is no basis for that.

...Mandela labeled Israel an apartheid state.
Debunked: link

Gaza is occupied in all but name
Surrounded, hemmed in and punished
As I pointed out, Gaza is "occupied" only in name.
no one speaks for me

I do.. I think there is a different view about what you and I define as a Zionist. its not restricted to a race and religion
its a superiority complex with a genocidal and oppressive mindset at the expense of everyone that is not fortunate to be a part of that selective elite. that person can be a Muslim, jew, hindu, christian, atheist, white, black or whatever
Yes!..I agree, with you on this...for once we agree! @Irfan Baloch
I am sorry. I am going to call a spade a spade. I don't care if your family was the anomaly. Fact is Pakistan Army suffered the single biggest humliation trying to get grip of you guy's in the swamps and trying to keep the Indian's out of the swamps. It remains a source of abject humilation in history of PA. My uncle faced the ignominy of becoming a prisoner to those puffed up Indian's.

That is about as big a treacherous act you can get. I love my brother but if he ever joined my enemy even indirectly I would never talk to him. He would brother no more. I respect the Indian's more. They were enemy. They did what a enemy does. You people stabbed our boys in the back and then joined the Indian's?

Where was the Muslim brotherhood then?

And the Indian Army despite being far larger would never be able to inflict such defeat was it not for the fact that the population of Bangla joined in the insurgency. With Bangla Mukhto insurgents behind and Indian's in front our boys did not stand a chance.
I am just a school kid I wasn't even born in '71. But if you want to hate me simply because of my ethnicity then so be it
try and get some 200 nuclear on iran
Your NUKEs will be destroyed by Hezbollah's Fateh-110 missile before launch. Read about Fateh-110 on the net. That's a big big surprise for Israel. Also We have a giant storage of missiles in Golan heights. We will not even enter war directly hahahahah. And if we do it Israel will be completely wiped out of the scene.
However Jews themselves will destroy the Zionist controlled of occupied lands. We don't even need to attack you morons. Israel is on the edge :


A confession of a Zionist LOLz.
and do you think we dont have nukes on submarine waiting for order to attack?

Your NUKEs will be destroyed by Hezbollah's Fateh-110 missile before launch. Read about Fateh-110 on the net. That's a big big surprise for Israel. Also We have a giant storage of missiles in Golan heights. We will not even enter war directly hahahahah. And if we do it Israel will be completely wiped out of the scene.
However Jews themselves will destroy the Zionist controlled of occupied lands. We don't even need to attack you morons. Israel is on the edge :


A confession of a Zionist LOLz.
civil war very good we will kill all the arab in israel israel without arabs is paradise
We are currently countering USA's threats. We leave you to Hezbollah and Hamas.
USA is our main enemy although we are arming up to stop them.
Little Hamas is enough to counter Israel.
I think "people here" aren't aware of the full extent the Pakistani state has wedded itself to anti-Israel lies. That's why I included the link to the H.E.C. demand that the universities enforce antiZionism as ideology, rather than attempt to ground it in fact - obviously they know there is no basis for that.

Debunked: link

As I pointed out, Gaza is "occupied" only in name.

Sure. Everything is a conspiracy against Israel. The whole world including your biggest ally the US is conspiring against you when they are telling you not to steal more Palestinian land to build settlements. The same story for EU which is highly critical of Israeli land grabbing.

LOL debunked?

You keep believing in those Zionist lies of yours whilst the world keeps scolding you. You believe you have the God given right to steal your fairytale promised land from others. You are wrong.
We are currently countering USA's threats. We leave you to Hezbollah and Hamas.
USA is our main enemy although we are arming up to stop them.
Little Hamas is enough to counter Israel.
:usflag: if usa will atack you what can you do realy?

Sure. Everything is a conspiracy against Israel. The whole world including your biggest ally the US is conspiring against you when they are telling you not to steal more Palestinian land to build settlements.

LOL debunked?

You keep believing in those Zionist lies of yours whilst the world keeps scolding you.
ok lets say we aparthaid so what is your point/?
:usflag: if usa will atack you what can you do realy?

ok lets say we aparthaid so what is your point/?
Should i explain?

:usflag: if usa will atack you what can you do realy?

ok lets say we aparthaid so what is your point/?
His point is this :
Time to destroy Israel by the aid of Jews and Arabs against Zionists inside Israel.
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