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"Israel is our only friend in the Middle East"

The red khazar so call jew always complains of antisemitism when he does not have semetic bloodline, originally from eastern europe. today in usa, if anyone points them out for thier crime suddenly that person is called antisemetic and shown in jewish owned media as criminal. Today jew runs usa, and recently fema camps in america have proped up, who is it for and why? is history repeating like bolshaveik russia, were, once a nation is disarmed, the killing starts this also happened in china. You may not know but china revolution involved israel epstein and sidney shapiro jewish of course.




one only needs to look prevous world wars, to get an idea why jews are unwanted, in germany they betrayed the germans that they lost the war, then they boycott thier goods, bankrupting the german. all decadence in theatre clubs and prostition was in the hands jewish gangsters. They then used russia as vassal state like usa today to attack germany.

tomrow it be the american turn, wait tll they disarm you and send you off to fema camp.
The Arabs surrounding you are enough, buddy. Pakistan would smoke you. Not a laughing matter if you ask me.
think again.
and wake up
in the eyes of the public they are enemies and behind the curtain they are on each others laps French kissing
think again.
and wake up
in the eyes of the public they are enemies and behind the curtain they are on each others laps French kissing
jordan need us for water supplier without us no water for them suria not exit gcc need us to counter iran egapt good realtionship so where is the enemy?
jordan need us for water supplier without us no water for them suria not exit gcc need us to counter iran egapt good realtionship so where is the enemy?
Inside Israel. The oppressed Jews and also Arabic population of Israel.
When you say you people..please be more specific..Do I need to say "you people" for all the innocent Muslims/people of other religions being killed all over the world....No I wont stoop to your level...I am not justifying anything here....as a Nation "Israel is a great country"....its a fact...along with Israel..Turkey is another great country...I respect these two the most....I dont really care what a few Turkish guys on PDF say here...In reality...I have a lot of Turkish friends...They were my classmates while in Washington, DC....Great guys with fantastic character..(Must be because of their compulsory Military training)...and yes they actually very very religious, and would always respect every ones religion, as should be.

I have no prob with Jews. But the fact is the act of israeli is really complex. Personally- May u have relation with some one that doesn't mean others are good. This is not two nation theory. How israli occupying palestanian land it is water clear. I respect other religions but not criminals.

Again this says nothing...I'm sure you were pleading for Dr. Yunus to return his Nobel Peace prize which he and Grameen won for microcredit.

By justifying nobel prize what u wanna proof?
jordan need us for water supplier without us no water for them suria not exit gcc need us to counter iran egapt good realtionship so where is the enemy?
i thought your naturally good with jordan. israel gave them cobra gun ships.
I know, that's why unlike you, I as a true believer I have set up a my khalifah in my garden.

Hey Major, did I tell you that before my family caught the banana boat to UK, every man would join the Pakistan Army. In fact even now those left behind invariably join the army.

And guess where my uncle was in 1971? His a old codger now. But mighty proud him.

There is some Pakistan winners though. Could do with more though.

I am sorry but Banglas are one bit traitors and the word "noble" needs to be redifined if you insist in framing it that way.

My khalifah is very open. All are invited. Even treacherous Banglas.

U may unlike me. That's ur own perception. U may set up ur own khilafaha in ur bedroom. Who cares.

what pakistan did in 1971 that is water clear. That time what happened we have discussed it many time before. did u forget that mission on 25th march ? that time i can't feel proud. before telling traitor what have u done, look at that. U know nothing about khilafah. that is why no muslim would join in ur own khilafah. i guess so.
GDP per capita turkey
$22,021 (PPP, 2017)[1]
$9,646 (Nominal, 2017)[1]
GDP per capita
$35,833 (PPP; 2014 est.)
$38,004 (nominal; 2014 est.)[1]
you can check in wekipedia
Turkey has many challenges, we are doing good, we are ahead of Israel. This might upset you, but, I don't care.
Turkey will always be better than israel.
And other Muslims countries will do too. where do you get this arrogance from? You would be a poor irrelevant state without handouts.

Do you seriosly claim that Israel has bigger economy than Turkey by GDP per capita? :D You are da pro!! :D
He is on the juice. :lol: Just laugh at his stupidity
LOL debunked?
No. NM didn't accuse Israel of apartheid, etc. He was under the delusion the PLO was fighting for Arab self-determination. Time has shown that the PLO's leaders fight for themselves and their fortunes, while oppressing "their" people severely.

You keep believing in those Zionist lies of yours whilst the world keeps scolding you.
Who then say, privately, that they don't really mean it and not to take them seriously 'cause it's a trick they're pulling on gullibles like yourself - that is, they're pandering to the antisemitic crowd.
Fcking retard...

That's the why most of my people support AK party-Turkiye-Turks instead of hdp-pkk(armenian scums). We knew it that you Israelis, americunts etc. behind them just because they are doing your dirty job which is killing innocent muslims.
Have you seen how many non-Islamic countries are poor? Latin America, Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe are filled with poor countries. Poverty exists everywhere. Even in the most developed countries. You are ignorant.

Go to India to find out what poverty means.
hey... why are you dragging us:undecided: , fight your own keyboard wars!!

bccz we muslims all are noble. we have no need fake nobel prizes types of shits.
dude, you don't represent entire Muslims ,so stop pretending like you do!
And just to clarify Pakistan is run by a minority that thinks similar if not same as me. Proof? Have you ever heard Pakistan Army ever suggest, talk or impugn Israel. After all Strategic Plans Division has over 130 nuclear missiles. Have you ever heard Pakistan government or Pakistan Army suggest that they might use force to help the "Muslim Ummah"? Never and never will they.

Funny thing is they are not afraid of threatening India every other day with nuclear armegeddon !!!

I always found the Pakistani elites (especially within the Army) quite intriguing.Seems to me that,contrary to popular beliefs, they're not really your so devout muslims but more like Sandhurst educated individuals who,in order to hold power,have to embrace a certain mantra to hold their grip on a 190 million population,who,unfortunately for them and much to their chagrin,is still in its majority ancored in a religious frenzy.
Having different definitions for the same word does not help the cause of peace, especially when new definitions are circulated to change the meaning and intent of the original speaker or writer.

Zionism is the movement for re-establishing Jewish people in their ancient homeland. Zionists are those that support Zionism.

That is how Zionism has always been defined by Jews. The bit about "superiority complex with a genocidal and oppressive mindset" is an accurate description of Zionists' murderous opponents, not Zionists; it is the truth turned upside-down.

thank you for educating me. I information about the subject is third hand and since the subject is volatile and emotional so it has the tendency of having a biased opinion. you have to help me find a more suitable term.. if we can agree on fascism or xenophobia then do let me know.

below I am just continuing what I said earlier.
The said racist mind set predates Muslims & Islam. take the example of Noah’s son getting cursed with dark skin for seeing his father naked to the believe that god somehow played a trick on Ismael by taking away his right of prophet hood for a bowl of water and thus earning the scorn & dislike of the “faithful”… point?

Point is ..such hatred (racist & theological) is a human trait and is still present among those who have setup the contemporary rules of morality and look down at the third word (read Muslims) for its apathy towards those who don’t share its ideology or political point of view.

I openly criticise the violent words & actions of 2 main warring factions of Muslims and I don’t mince words but I do give credit to Muslims or Jews or whoever where it is due but this doesn’t mean I can be bullied and stopped from pointing out the blatant disregard of human rights and all laws by the Israel in its expansion of settlements and mistreatment of Palestinians .. I don’t have to be a Muslim to do that .. I do it as a Human as do some other Jews as well and you guys have coined a word for them Jew hating Jews which is great disservice to facts and truth.

if the Zionists (as per definition) want to establish a Jewish homeland where they can live in peace and prosperity then bless their heart and power to them. no Evangelic Christian, Ayatullah or Mullah or a white ( black / pale/ green) supremacist can decide that for them.
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