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"Israel is our only friend in the Middle East"

why all the muslins country are poor?(the country that dont have oil)

This is such a shitty argument. Let me guess, the next one will be - There are x amount of Israeli/Jewish Nobel winners, why aren't there more muslim Nobel winners?
In 16th century israili came to ottoman khilafah from Spain. May be they forgot the history .

yeah and what happened they turned on the ottoman khalifat by becoming crypto jews by changing name and religion they infilitrated. just like thier cousins in russia the bolshaveik khazars.
Jesus H Christ man...what are you on about?

Who cares who is helping them? Yes, they have allies...loyal allies. I'm not sure what your point is? Your some random dude from Bangladesh and here you are giving a damn about Palestine and Palestinians...so in theory you are an 'ally of Palestine'

You can't blame Israel for having powerful allies, allies who defend unflinchingly...while you got brain washed by the Arabs to care about Palestine and your muslim brothers...all the while, these same arab muslim brothers call people like you and me...'miskeen'.

So forget about destroying Israel - in case you haven't noticed, over the past decade, with the strategic expansion of settlements - the two state solution is DEAD. There will never be a viable Palestinian state. You might get two patches of land (west bank and gaza) with Israel in between. Just as East and West Pakistan were doomed from the start...this Palestinian 'state' too will be doomed.

Anyone with a grip on reality has already realized this sad but true fact...you need to wise up.

may be u forgot the history . How Isral created for and who create the isral and for which purpose. muslims for muslims, no one can deny that . destroying isarel just a matter of a second. its all about global politics. I know the history of israel . so if anyone say, forget to destroy israel , that is just a misconception. it is compulsory for bringing back the peace for mid-east guard. Pakistan will lunch a missile it is not a solution. The solution is unitedly muslim union for destroying israil as a whole. Just if the Army of Egypt run over israil , israil will vanish for ever. Israeil just a cancer for the world. They will kill palistaini everyday and we will clap , that is not a solution. Israel must have to destroyed by the muslim countries. over all.
gaddafi had isrel usa by the balls they took him out. he had tried to switch gold and silver currency for oil this would end american hedgmony. usa would be reduced to third world power.

Even Jews hate Israel. dani pathetically is searching a friend between Kurds LOL
Shame on terrorist occupier Israel
This is such a shitty argument. Let me guess, the next one will be - There are x amount of Israeli/Jewish Nobel winners, why aren't there more muslim Nobel winners?
bccz we muslims all are noble. we have no need fake nobel prizes types of shits.
What is Israel ? What is their proud? A shameless nation.
For once if you remove your hatred towards other religions..you will able to appreciate what they have accomplished.
Israel is absolutely a proud nation, like every other nation should be...what it is not is a shameless one.
Jesus H Christ man...what are you on about?

Who cares who is helping them? Yes, they have allies...loyal allies. I'm not sure what your point is? Your some random dude from Bangladesh and here you are giving a damn about Palestine and Palestinians...so in theory you are an 'ally of Palestine'

You can't blame Israel for having powerful allies, allies who defend unflinchingly...while you got brain washed by the Arabs to care about Palestine and your muslim brothers...all the while, these same arab muslim brothers call people like you and me...'miskeen'.

So forget about destroying Israel - in case you haven't noticed, over the past decade, with the strategic expansion of settlements - the two state solution is DEAD. There will never be a viable Palestinian state. You might get two patches of land (west bank and gaza) with Israel in between. Just as East and West Pakistan were doomed from the start...this Palestinian 'state' too will be doomed.

Anyone with a grip on reality has already realized this sad but true fact...you need to wise up.

Its the end of the two state solution that in itself is part of the threat israel faces

Muslims/arabs are at the point of outnumbering jews across israel, West bank and gaza

Israel covets the land but its already inhabited

As it expands the settlements the two state soloution goes out the window but the population of arabs under israeli control keeps growing and fast

So israel has two soloutions first is one israeli state with all becoming citizens in which case jews become a minority in their own state (& it will only get worse)

Stick with the status quo, steal more land but force an ever growing arab population into self controlled ghettos, but become a true apartheid state & as more pressure is heaped upon arabs, see more reaction from arabs within israel and arab and muslim states around

Another option would be one state but with limited rights for muslims arabs to change jew state but ibce again if arabs become majority that goes out the window

Only real soloution for israel is for arabs and muslims to go but thst is easier said then done

The population issue is the biggest threat israel faces and could change and break it

For once if you remove your hatred towards other religions..you will able to appreciate what they have accomplished.
Israel is absolutely a proud nation, like every other nation should be...what it is not is a shameless one.

Its an apartheid colonial state
may be u forgot the history . How Isral created for and who create the isral and for which purpose. muslims for muslims, no one can deny that . destroying isarel just a matter of a second. its all about global politics. I know the history of israel . so if anyone say, forget to destroy israel , that is just a misconception. it is compulsory for bringing back the peace for mid-east guard. Pakistan will lunch a missile it is not a solution. The solution is unitedly muslim union for destroying israil as a whole. Just if the Army of Egypt run over israil , israil will vanish for ever. Israeil just a cancer for the world. They will kill palistaini everyday and we will clap , that is not a solution. Israel must have to destroyed by the muslim countries. over all.

It's going to take someone with an intellect far greater than mine to decipher your post.

But, let me know which week you plan on launching a missile at the 'cancer' to make it 'vanish'...I might call in sick :crazy:
For once if you remove your hatred towards other religions..you will able to appreciate what they have accomplished.
Israel is absolutely a proud nation, like every other nation should be...what it is not is a shameless one.

Brothers for brothers.

Yes - u ppl are killing innocent people and killed millions, so how can u justify israel as shameless nation.

It's going to take someone with an intellect far greater than mine to decipher your post.

But, let me know which week you plan on launching a missile at the 'cancer' to make it 'vanish'...I might call in sick :crazy:

wait for the perfect time.
read thier talmud and protocols of zion. communism is talmudic.

rothschild (british empire)got very rich off east india company, took all india gold apparently stolen from the temples, on many ships, looted india of her wealth. david sassoon was the opium dealer in india originally from bagdad. he later maried into the rothschilds. then soviet union - bolshaveik revolution, they also looted russia of all her gold and silver etc
this financed by new york bankers like the warburgs family agent of rothschild, then they used usa to transfer all her military factories/technologies/technical assitance to build up soviet super power, i read even the pipe stalin smoked from came from usa. read major jordan diary, apparently soviets have all maps of important locations on usa.

now they built up russia, can you see how usa is going down that is how they going to get rid of usa cos usa has done everything for isreal, = greater isreal expansion, that why they need third world war. rember world war 1,2 isreal is born.

plenty of more false flags yet to come.

arabs are finished, isreal must be working on race specific weopen only kills arabs but not khazar imposter jew. egypt is very poor country very voltile here isreal can spark civil wars.

Only mecca is safe protected by angels.

nobel prize lolz go to uncle rothschilds and beg to sell your soul they make you famous.
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