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"Israel is our only friend in the Middle East"


we advance country and they all poor

Advanced? You receive billions in aid from many Western countries. Western companies provide technology. Why? Because they have guilt feelings about WWII. Spare us your BS.
google "ummah"

That is not enough of an explanation. If Muslims truly believe that they form some kind of military alliance, i.e. an attack on one Muslim is an attack on all Muslims (the ummah), then the rest of the world would be at war with the "ummah" all the time! No, I believe only a very few Muslims believe that any and all fellow Muslims must be given armed support. It seems to be the same minority of Muslims that support jihadism against the "West".
I have never been able to understand why Muslims see Israel as a mortal enemy.
Why do White Supremacists? Neo Nazis? Blind hatred is almost always irrational and illogical.

Have a read on www.stormfront.com

It's full of Americans and Europeans (tens of thousands of members - many who have been seen in numbers at Trump rallies) who spend all day and night hating Israel...Jews...denying the Holocaust and blaming them for everything from mass immigration to bad weather :lol:

Not hard to look up what the papers in the UK and US were saying during WWII, when Jews were looking for safe refuge - they said things that make the current hatred of Syrian refugees look like love taps!

It's been very conveniently forgotten - white christian europeans have killed more Jews than muslims can ever 'dream' of...The State of Israel is in essence a result of white european guilt - 'umm, so yeah...that holocaust thing, we f-ed up bad, we need to make up for it.'

As a muslim I have no issue with the existence of the State of Israel...or Jews. But, I definitely have an issue with Zionism - similarly I have an issue with Islamist countries.
Why do White Supremacists? Neo Nazis? Blind hatred is almost always irrational and illogical.

Have a read on www.stormfront.com

It's full of Americans and Europeans (tens of thousands of members - many who have been seen in numbers at Trump rallies) who spend all day and night hating Israel...Jews...denying the Holocaust and blaming them for everything from mass immigration to bad weather :lol:

Not hard to look up what the papers in the UK and US were saying during WWII, when Jews were looking for asylum - they said that things that make the current hatred of Syrian refugees look like love taps!

It's been very conveniently forgotten - white christian europeans have killed more Jews than muslims can ever 'dream' of...The State of Israel is in essence a result of white european guilt - 'umm, so yeah...that holocaust thing, we f-ed up bad, we need to make up for it.'

As a muslim I have no issue with the existence of the State of Israel...or Jews. But, I definitely have an issue with Zionism - similarly I have an issue with Islamist countries.

Very well written. People only like to find fault in others. When they are shown the mirror it is a bitter pill to swallow. These so-called truthseekers like to point fingers at others, but conveniently forget how screwed up and hateful their own societies are.
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Do u think Israel is a state? I dn't think so .
What are you on about? Of course Israel is a State. In fact it's a strong, successful and growing state...as it keeps building on occupied territory :lol:

Denying reality does no one any good
What are you on about? Of course Israel is a State. In fact it's a growing state...as it keeps building on occupied territory :lol:

In 1918 when secrete treaty signed by Uk and french and establish the treaty in 1948, That was totally up to wrong stander. The definition of a state is not similar with Israeli occupied territory. 1.8 billion of muslims never consider israil as a state.
Do u think Israel is a state? I dn't think so .
I don't care for Israel. I certainly don't recognise them as a state.
Their support for Kurds and their treatment of Palestinians is sickening!
Just saying though. Turkey is better than Israel
why all the muslins country are poor?(the country that dont have oil)

Are you out of ur mind? 57% OIL resources under Muslim lands. 65% gas under Muslim lands. And so on. capitalism made them poor. and make u rich in US.

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